577 research outputs found

    Absolute Electron Scattering Cross Sections for the CF2 Radical

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    Using a crossed electron-molecular beam experiment, featuring a skimmed nozzle beam with pyrolytic radical production, absolute elastic cross sections for electron scattering from the CF2 molecule have been measured. A new technique for placing measured cross sections on an absolute scale is used for molecular beams produced as skimmed supersonic jets. Absolute differential cross sections for CF2 are reported for incident electron energies of 30–50 eV and over an angular range of 20–135 deg. Integral cross sections are subsequently derived from those data. The present data are compared to new theoretical predictions for the differential and integral scattering cross sections, as calculated with the Schwinger multichannel variational method using the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization approximations

    Laser induced electron diffraction: a tool for molecular orbital imaging

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    We explore the laser-induced ionization dynamics of N2 and CO2 molecules subjected to a few-cycle, linearly polarized, 800\,nm laser pulse using effective two-dimensional single active electron time-dependent quantum simulations. We show that the electron recollision process taking place after an initial tunnel ionization stage results in quantum interference patterns in the energy resolved photo-electron signals. If the molecule is initially aligned perpendicular to the field polarization, the position and relative heights of the associated fringes can be related to the molecular geometrical and orbital structure, using a simple inversion algorithm which takes into account the symmetry of the initial molecular orbital from which the ionized electron is produced. We show that it is possible to extract inter-atomic distances in the molecule from an averaged photon-electron signal with an accuracy of a few percents

    Time-resolved multi-mass ion imaging: femtosecond UV-VUV pump-probe spectroscopy with the PImMS camera

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    The Pixel-Imaging Mass Spectrometry (PImMS) camera allows for 3D charged particle imaging measurements, in which the particle time-of-flight is recorded along with (x,y)(x,y) position. Coupling the PImMS camera to an ultrafast pump-probe velocity-map imaging spectroscopy apparatus therefore provides a route to time-resolved multi-mass ion imaging, with both high count rates and large dynamic range, thus allowing for rapid measurements of complex photofragmentation dynamics. Furthermore, the use of vacuum ultraviolet wavelengths for the probe pulse allows for an enhanced observation window for the study of excited state molecular dynamics in small polyatomic molecules having relatively high ionization potentials. Herein, preliminary time-resolved multi-mass imaging results from C2_2F3_3I photolysis are presented. The experiments utilized femtosecond UV and VUV (160.8~nm and 267~nm) pump and probe laser pulses in order to demonstrate and explore this new time-resolved experimental ion imaging configuration. The data indicates the depth and power of this measurement modality, with a range of photofragments readily observed, and many indications of complex underlying wavepacket dynamics on the excited state(s) prepared

    First-principles modelling of molecular single-electron transistors

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    We present a first-principles method for calculating the charging energy of a molecular single-electron transistor operating in the Coulomb blockade regime. The properties of the molecule are modeled using density-functional theory, the environment is described by a continuum model, and the interaction between the molecule and the environment are included through the Poisson equation. The model is used to calculate the charge stability diagrams of a benzene and C60_{60} molecular single-electron transistor

    A Halomethane thermochemical network from iPEPICO experiments and quantum chemical calculations

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    Internal energy selected halomethane cations CH3Cl+, CH2Cl2+, CHCl3+, CH3F+, CH2F2+, CHClF2+ and CBrClF2+ were prepared by vacuum ultraviolet photoionization, and their lowest energy dissociation channel studied using imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy (iPEPICO). This channel involves hydrogen atom loss for CH3F+, CH2F2+ and CH3Cl+, chlorine atom loss for CH2Cl2+, CHCl3+ and CHClF2+, and bromine atom loss for CBrClF2+. Accurate 0 K appearance energies, in conjunction with ab initio isodesmic and halogen exchange reaction energies, establish a thermochemical network, which is optimized to update and confirm the enthalpies of formation of the sample molecules and their dissociative photoionization products. The ground electronic states of CHCl3+, CHClF2+ and CBrClF2+ do not confirm to the deep well assumption, and the experimental breakdown curve deviates from the deep well model at low energies. Breakdown curve analysis of such shallow well systems supplies a satisfactorily succinct route to the adiabatic ionization energy of the parent molecule, particularly if the threshold photoelectron spectrum is not resolved and a purely computational route is unfeasible. The ionization energies have been found to be 11.47 ± 0.01 eV, 12.30 ± 0.02 eV and 11.23 ± 0.03 eV for CHCl3, CHClF2 and CBrClF2, respectively. The updated 0 K enthalpies of formation, ∆fHo0K(g) for the ions CH2F+, CHF2+, CHCl2+, CCl3+, CCl2F+ and CClF2+ have been derived to be 844.4 ± 2.1, 601.6 ± 2.7, 890.3 ± 2.2, 849.8 ± 3.2, 701.2 ± 3.3 and 552.2 ± 3.4 kJ mol–1, respectively. The ∆fHo0K(g) values for the neutrals CCl4, CBrClF2, CClF3, CCl2F2 and CCl3F and have been determined to be –94.0 ± 3.2, –446.6 ± 2.7, –702.1 ± 3.5, –487.8 ± 3.4 and –285.2 ± 3.2 kJ mol–1, respectively

    The dual action of human antibodies specific to Plasmodium falciparum PfRH5 and PfCyRPA: Blocking invasion and inactivating extracellular merozoites

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    The Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte-binding protein homolog 5 (PfRH5) is the current leading blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate. PfRH5 functions as part of the pentameric PCRCR complex containing PTRAMP, CSS, PfCyRPA and PfRIPR, all of which are essential for infection of human red blood cells (RBCs). To trigger RBC invasion, PfRH5 engages with RBC protein basigin in a step termed the RH5-basigin binding stage. Although we know increasingly more about how antibodies specific for PfRH5 can block invasion, much less is known about how antibodies recognizing other members of the PCRCR complex can inhibit invasion. To address this, we performed live cell imaging using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which bind PfRH5 and PfCyRPA. We measured the degree and timing of the invasion inhibition, the stage at which it occurred, as well as subsequent events. We show that parasite invasion is blocked by individual mAbs, and the degree of inhibition is enhanced when combining a mAb specific for PfRH5 with one binding PfCyRPA. In addition to directly establishing the invasion-blocking capacity of the mAbs, we identified a secondary action of certain mAbs on extracellular parasites that had not yet invaded where the mAbs appeared to inactivate the parasites by triggering a developmental pathway normally only seen after successful invasion. These findings suggest that epitopes within the PfCyRPA-PfRH5 sub-complex that elicit these dual responses may be more effective immunogens than neighboring epitopes by both blocking parasites from invading and rapidly inactivating extracellular parasites. These two protective mechanisms, prevention of invasion and inactivation of uninvaded parasites, resulting from antibody to a single epitope indicate a possible route to the development of more effective vaccines

    A selected ion flow tube study of the ion-molecule reactions of monochloroethene, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene

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    Data for the rate coefficients and product cations of the reactions of a large number of atomic and small molecular cations with monochloroethene, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene in a selected ion flow tube at 298 K are reported. The recombination energy of the ions range from 6.27 eV (H3_3O+^+) through to 21.56 eV (Ne+^+). Collisional rate coefficients are calculated by modified average dipole orientation theory and compared with experimental values. Thermochemistry and mass balance predict the most feasible neutral products. Together with previously reported results for the three isomers of dichloroethene (J. Phys. Chem. A., 2006, 110, 5760), the fragment ion branching ratios have been compared with those from threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy over the photon energy range 9-22 eV to determine the importance or otherwise of long-range charge transfer. For ions with recombination energy in excess of the ionisation energy of the chloroethene, charge transfer is energetically allowed. The similarity of the branching ratios from the two experiments suggest that long-range charge transfer is dominant. For ions with recombination energy less than the ionisation energy, charge transfer is not allowed; chemical reaction can only occur following formation of an ion-molecule complex, where steric effects are more significant. The products that are now formed and their percentage yield is a complex interplay between the number and position of the chlorine atoms with respect to the C=C bond, where inductive and conjugation effects can be important

    Biocatalytic Silylation: The Condensation of Phenols and Alcohols with Triethylsilanol

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-07-20, pub-electronic 2021-07-22Publication status: PublishedFunder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; Grant(s): EP/S013539/1, EP/M506436/1Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council; Grant(s): BB/L013649/1, BB/J014478/1, BB/M017702/1Funder: Tertiary Education Trust Fund; Grant(s): Graduate ScholarshipSilicatein-α (Silα), a hydrolytic enzyme derived from siliceous marine sponges, is one of the few enzymes in nature capable of catalysing the metathesis of silicon–oxygen bonds. It is therefore of interest as a possible biocatalyst for the synthesis of organosiloxanes. To further investigate the substrate scope of this enzyme, a series of condensation reactions with a variety of phenols and aliphatic alcohols were carried out. In general, it was observed that Silα demonstrated a preference for phenols, though the conversions were relatively modest in most cases. In the two pairs of chiral alcohols that were investigated, it was found that the enzyme displayed a preference for the silylation of the S-enantiomers. Additionally, the enzyme’s tolerance to a range of solvents was tested. Silα had the highest level of substrate conversion in the nonpolar solvents n-octane and toluene, although the inclusion of up to 20% of 1,4-dioxane was tolerated. These results suggest that Silα is a potential candidate for directed evolution toward future application as a robust and selective biocatalyst for organosiloxane chemistry
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