25,323 research outputs found

    Some Issues in a Gauge Model of Unparticles

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    We address in a recent gauge model of unparticles the issues that are important for consistency of a gauge theory, i.e., unitarity and Ward identity of physical amplitudes. We find that non-integrable singularities arise in physical quantities like cross section and decay rate from gauge interactions of unparticles. We also show that Ward identity is violated due to the lack of a dispersion relation for charged unparticles although the Ward-Takahashi identity for general Green functions is incorporated in the model. A previous observation that the unparticle's (with scaling dimension d) contribution to the gauge boson self-energy is a factor (2-d) of the particle's has been extended to the Green function of triple gauge bosons. This (2-d) rule may be generally true for any point Green functions of gauge bosons. This implies that the model would be trivial even as one that mimics certain dynamical effects on gauge bosons in which unparticles serve as an interpolating field.Comment: v1:16 pages, 3 figures. v2: some clarifications made and presentation improved, calculation and conclusion not modified; refs added and updated. Version to appear in EPJ

    A blind deconvolution approach to recover effective connectivity brain networks from resting state fMRI data

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    A great improvement to the insight on brain function that we can get from fMRI data can come from effective connectivity analysis, in which the flow of information between even remote brain regions is inferred by the parameters of a predictive dynamical model. As opposed to biologically inspired models, some techniques as Granger causality (GC) are purely data-driven and rely on statistical prediction and temporal precedence. While powerful and widely applicable, this approach could suffer from two main limitations when applied to BOLD fMRI data: confounding effect of hemodynamic response function (HRF) and conditioning to a large number of variables in presence of short time series. For task-related fMRI, neural population dynamics can be captured by modeling signal dynamics with explicit exogenous inputs; for resting-state fMRI on the other hand, the absence of explicit inputs makes this task more difficult, unless relying on some specific prior physiological hypothesis. In order to overcome these issues and to allow a more general approach, here we present a simple and novel blind-deconvolution technique for BOLD-fMRI signal. Coming to the second limitation, a fully multivariate conditioning with short and noisy data leads to computational problems due to overfitting. Furthermore, conceptual issues arise in presence of redundancy. We thus apply partial conditioning to a limited subset of variables in the framework of information theory, as recently proposed. Mixing these two improvements we compare the differences between BOLD and deconvolved BOLD level effective networks and draw some conclusions

    Deformation of a Trapped Fermi Gas with Unequal Spin Populations

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    The real-space densities of a polarized strongly-interacting two-component Fermi gas of 6^6Li atoms reveal two low temperature regimes, both with a fully-paired core. At the lowest temperatures, the unpolarized core deforms with increasing polarization. Sharp boundaries between the core and the excess unpaired atoms are consistent with a phase separation driven by a first-order phase transition. In contrast, at higher temperatures the core does not deform but remains unpolarized up to a critical polarization. The boundaries are not sharp in this case, indicating a partially-polarized shell between the core and the unpaired atoms. The temperature dependence is consistent with a tricritical point in the phase diagram.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Electronic structures of [001]- and [111]-oriented InSb and GaSb free-standing nanowires

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    We report on a theoretical study of the electronic structures of InSb and GaSb nanowires oriented along the [001] and [111] crystallographic directions. The nanowires are described by atomistic, spin-orbit inteaction included, tight-binding models, and the band structures and the wave functions of the nanowires are calculated by means of a Lanczos iteration algorithm. For the [001]-oriented InSb and GaSb nanowires, the systems with both square and rectangular cross sections are considered. Here, it is found that all the energy bands are double degenerate. Furthermore, although the lowest conduction bands in these nanowires show good parabolic dispersions, the top valence bands show rich and complex structures. In particular, the topmost valence bands of these nanowires with a square cross section show a double maximum structure. In the nanowires with a rectangular cross section, this double maximum structure is suppressed and top valence bands gradually develop into parabolic bands as the aspect ratio of the cross section is increased. For the [111]-oriented InSb and GaSb nanowires, the systems with hexagonal cross sections are considered. It is found that all the bands at the \Gamma-point are again double degenerate. However, some of them will split into non-degenerate bands when the wave vector moves away from the \Gamma-point. Furthermore, although the lowest conduction bands again show good parabolic dispersions, the topmost valence bands do not show the double maximum structure but, instead, a single maximum structure with its maximum at a wave vector slightly away from the \Gamma-point. We also investigate the effects of quantum confinement on the band structures of the [001]- and [111]-oriented InSb and GaSb nanowires and present an empirical formula for the description of quantization energies of the band edge states in the nanowires.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figure

    Resisting skew-accumulation for time-stepped applications in the cloud via exploiting parallelism

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Time-stepped applications are pervasive in scientific computing domain but perform poorly in the cloud because these applications execute in discrete time-step or tick and use logical synchronization barriers at tick boundaries to ensure correctness. As a result, the accumulated computational skew and communication skew that were unsolved in each tick can slow downtime-stepped applications significantly. However, the existing solutions have focused only on the skew in each tick and thus cannot resist the accumulation of skew. To fill in this gap, an efficient approach to resisting the accumulation of skew is proposed in this paper via fully exploiting parallelism among ticks. This new approach allows the user to decompose much computational part (also called asynchronous part) of the processing for an object, into several asynchronous sub-processes which are dependent on one data object. Each sub-process from different ticks can then proceed in advance using the idle time whenever the needed data object is available, redressing the negative effects caused by accumulated unsolved computational and communication skew. To efficiently support such an approach, a data-centric programming model and also a runtime system, namely AsyTick, coupled with an ad hoc scheduler are developed. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can improve the performance of time-stepped applications over a state-of-the-art computational skew-resistant approach up to 2.53 times.This paper is supported by China National Natural Science Foundation under grant No. 61272408, 61322210, National High-tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) under grant No.2012AA010905, CCCPC Youngth Talent Plan, Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China under grant No. 20130142110048

    Gauge Consistent Wilson Renormalization Group I: Abelian Case

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    A version of the Wilson Renormalization Group Equation consistent with gauge symmetry is presented. A perturbative renormalizability proof is established. A wilsonian derivation of the Callan-Symanzik equation is given.Comment: Latex2e, 39 pages, 3 eps figures. Revised version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phy

    Simulating Ability: Representing Skills in Games

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    Throughout the history of games, representing the abilities of the various agents acting on behalf of the players has been a central concern. With increasingly sophisticated games emerging, these simulations have become more realistic, but the underlying mechanisms are still, to a large extent, of an ad hoc nature. This paper proposes using a logistic model from psychometrics as a unified mechanism for task resolution in simulation-oriented games