222 research outputs found

    Ahpatron: A New Budgeted Online Kernel Learning Machine with Tighter Mistake Bound

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    In this paper, we study the mistake bound of online kernel learning on a budget. We propose a new budgeted online kernel learning model, called Ahpatron, which significantly improves the mistake bound of previous work and resolves the open problem posed by Dekel, Shalev-Shwartz, and Singer (2005). We first present an aggressive variant of Perceptron, named AVP, a model without budget, which uses an active updating rule. Then we design a new budget maintenance mechanism, which removes a half of examples,and projects the removed examples onto a hypothesis space spanned by the remaining examples. Ahpatron adopts the above mechanism to approximate AVP. Theoretical analyses prove that Ahpatron has tighter mistake bounds, and experimental results show that Ahpatron outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms on the same or a smaller budget

    MIMO-OFDM channel estimation in the presence of carrier frequency offset

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    A multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication system with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is expected to be a promising scheme. However, the estimation of the carrier frequency offset (CFO) and the channel parameters is a great challenging task. In this paper, a maximum-likelihood- (ML-) based algorithm is proposed to jointly estimate the frequency-selective channels and the CFO in MIMO-OFDM by using a block-type pilot. The proposed algorithm is capable of dealing with the CFO range nearly ±1/2 useful OFDM signal bandwidth. Furthermore, the cases with timing error and unknown channel order are discussed. The Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) for the problem is developed to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. Computer simulations show that the proposed algorithm can exploit the gain from multiantenna to improve effectively the estimation performance and achieve the CRB in high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation

    Simultaneous manipulation of electromagnetic and elastic waves via glide symmetry phoxonic crystal waveguides

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    A phoxonic crystal waveguide with the glide symmetry is designed, in which both electromagnetic and elastic waves can propagate along the glide plane at the same time. Due to the band-sticking effect, super-cell bands of the waveguide degenerate in pairs at the boundary of the Brillouin zone, causing the appearance of gapless guided-modes in the bandgaps. The gapless guided-modes are single-modes over a relatively large frequency range. By adjusting the magnitude of the glide dislocation, the edge bandgaps of the guided-modes can be further adjusted, so as to achieve photonic and phononic single-mode guided-bands with relatively flat dispersion relationship. In addition, there exists acousto-optic interaction in the cavity constructed by the glide plane. The proposed waveguide has potential applications in the design of novel optomechanical devices.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Heat transfer and pressure drop experimental correlations for air-water bubbly flow

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    In this paper, a novel air–water bubbly flow heat transfer experiment is performed to investigate the characteristics of pressure drop of airflow and heat transfer between water and tubes for its potential application in evaporative cooling. The attempts to reduce the pressure drop while maintaining higher heat transfer coefficient have been achieved by decreasing the bubble layer thickness through the water pump circulation. Pressure drops of air passing through the sieve plate and the bubbling layer are measured for different height of bubble layer, hole–plate area ratio of the sieve plate and the superficial air velocity. Experimental data show that the increase of bubble layer height and air velocity both increase the pressure drop while the effect of the hole–plate area ratio of the sieve plate on the heat transfer coefficient is relatively sophisticated. A pressure drop correlation including the effects of all the tested parameters is proposed, which has a mean absolute deviation of 14.5% to that of the experimental data. Heat transfer coefficients of the water and the outside tube wall are measured and the effects of superficial air velocity, heat flux and bubble layer height are also examined. Through a dimensional analysis, a heat transfer correlation with a mean absolute deviation of 9.7% is obtained based on experimental data

    Hyper-Parameter Auto-Tuning for Sparse Bayesian Learning

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    Choosing the values of hyper-parameters in sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) can significantly impact performance. However, the hyper-parameters are normally tuned manually, which is often a difficult task. Most recently, effective automatic hyper-parameter tuning was achieved by using an empirical auto-tuner. In this work, we address the issue of hyper-parameter auto-tuning using neural network (NN)-based learning. Inspired by the empirical auto-tuner, we design and learn a NN-based auto-tuner, and show that considerable improvement in convergence rate and recovery performance can be achieved

    Development Of Structural-functional Integrated Energy Storage Concrete With Innovative Macro-encapsulated PCM By Hollow Steel Ball

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    Phase change materials (PCMs) have great potential for applications in energy efficient buildings. In this study, an innovative method of macro-encapsulation of PCM using hollow steel balls (HSB) was developed and the thermal and mechanical performance of PCM-HSB concrete was examined. The macro-encapsulation system (PCM-HSB) was attached with a metal clamp (c) for better mechanical interlocking with the mortar matrix. The latent heat of PCM-HSB-c that can be acquired is approximately 153.1 J/g, which can be considered to rank highly among PCM composites. According to the self-designed thermal performance evaluation, the PCM–HSB-c concrete panel is capable of reducing and deferring the peak indoor temperature. The indoor temperature of the room model using PCM-HSB-c panels was significantly lower than the ones with normal concrete panels by a range of 3–6%. Furthermore, the test room using a higher PCM-HSB-c content demonstrated a greater ability to maintain a lower indoor room temperature for a longer period of time during heating cycles. In consideration of the mechanical properties, thermal performance and other aspects of cost factors, 50% and 75% PCM-HSB-c replacement levels are recommended in producing concrete

    Heat transfer augmentation in 3D internally finned and micro-finned helical tube

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    Experiments are performed to investigate the single-phase flow and flow-boiling heat transfer augmentation in 3D internally finned and micro-finned helical tubes. The tests for single-phase flow heat transfer augmentation are carried out in helical tubes with a curvature of 0.0663 and a length of 1.15 m, and the examined range of the Reynolds number varies from 1000 to 8500. Within the applied range of Reynolds number, compared with the smooth helical tube, the average heat transfer augmentation ratio for the two finned tubes is 71% and 103%, but associated with a flow resistance increase of 90% and 140%, respectively. A higher fin height gives a higher heat transfer rate and a larger friction flow resistance. The tests for flow-boiling heat transfer are carried out in 3D internally micro-finned helical tube with a curvature of 0.0605 and a length of 0.668 m. Compared with that in the smooth helical tube, the boiling heat transfer coefficient in the 3D internally micro-finned helical tube is increased by 40–120% under varied mass flow rate and wall heat flux conditions, meanwhile, the flow resistance is increased by 18–119%, respectively

    An experiment study of flow pattern and pressure drop for flow boiling inside microfinned helically coiled tube

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    In this paper, flow patterns and their transitions for refrigerant R134a boiling in a microfinned helically coiled tube are experimentally observed and analyzed. All the flow patterns occurred in the test can be divided into three dominant regimes, i.e., stratified-wavy flow, intermittent flow and annular flow. Experimental data are plotted in two kinds of flow maps, i.e., Taitel and Dukler flow map and mass flux versus vapor quality flow map. The transitions between various flow regimes and the differences from that in smooth straight tube have also been discussed. Martinelli parameter can be used to indicate the transition from intermittent flow to annular flow. The transition from stratified-wavy flow to annular or intermittent flow is identified in the vapor quality versus mass flux flow map. The flow regime is always in stratified-wavy flow for a mass flux less than 100 kg/m2 s. The two-phase frictional pressure drop characteristics in the test tube are also experimentally studied. The two-phase frictional multiplier data can be well correlated by Lockhart–Martinelli parameter. Considering the corresponding flow regimes, i.e., stratified and annular flow, two frictional pressure drop correlations are proposed, and show a good agreement with the respective experimental data

    A heat transfer correlation of flow boiling in micro-finned helically coiled tube

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    Two main mechanisms, nucleate boiling and convective boiling, are widely accepted for in-tube flow boiling. Since the active nuclei on the heated wall are dominant for nucleate boiling and flow pattern governs the convective boiling, the heat transfer coefficient is strongly influenced by the wall heat flux, mass flux and vapor quality, respectively. In practical industrial applications, for example, the evaporators in refrigeration, forced convective evaporation is the dominant process and high heat transfer efficiency can be obtained under smaller temperature difference between wall and liquid. Therefore, it is of importance to develop a correlation of convective boiling heat transfer with a good accuracy. In this paper, a new kind of micro-finned helically coiled tube was developed and the flow boiling heat transfer characteristics were experimentally studied with R134a. Based on the analysis of the mechanisms of flow boiling, heat transfer correlations of the specific micro-finned helically coiled tubes are obtained
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