28 research outputs found

    Impact of Local employee Guanxi on Job Satisfaction and TurnoverIntention: the Mediating Role of Job Security

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    In the recent past, Saudi Arabia has experienced an influx of foreign workers. Most of the jobs that were traditionally occupied by the locals are now taken up by foreign workers. We explore the Guanxi and country policies that have dictated the job situation in this particular region. (Cooper, 2006) In this article we look into the both literature review and research methodologies used in the study. The exchange favors and the relationships created with business mindset are as well suggested. Additionally this article elaborates on the research type of research used in establishing the predetermined objectives. Data sampling methods and their significance are considered. It gives a reflection on the real Guanxi policies on the job market currently (Eisenberger, 2001). The article investigates the policies implemented to curb conflict development between locals and foreigners. The implications of the Guanxi policies are implemented. Given that the locals are now skilled to occupy the jobs but are still missing the opportunities


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    Saudi Arabia has one the most diversified and rapidly changing job markets among the Arab countries. One the most felt changes include the increase in the use of guanxi in the private sector, either between businesses or individuals. The use of guanxi enables individuals to acquire favors from other persons, which places the beneficiary in a better position, especially on competitiveness. Guanxi can have various effects on the recipient as well as the other members of the organization; some of the most affected values include the turnover intention and job satisfaction. However, the impact of the guanxi effect on job satisfaction and the turnover intention may be dependent on over variables like the job security and situational factors such as individual performance and organizational justice. The proposed study aims at explaining the effect of the guanxi concept in the turnover intention and job satisfaction in the Saudi Arabian private sector. The study will consider the contribution of job security, individual performance, and organizational justice in the development of the relationshi


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    The Saudi Arabian private sector has increasingly shown openness towards foreigners by providing them with a larger fraction of opportunities than the nationals. The increase in the number of foreigners working in the private sector has led to significant change in the local market with much effect on the cost of labor and hiring trends. The tendency has resulted in unrest among the Saudis as they face higher unemployment rates as well as lack of security in the current positions. The entry of more academically qualified foreigners into the market worsens the level of job insecurity as more individuals lack satisfaction in their positions or intend to go for government positions. The current study will examine the effect of local policy openness to foreigners on the turnover intention and job satisfaction with reference to the Saudi Arabia private sector context. The lack of job security will mediate the effect of the local market policy openness to foreigners on the turnover intention and job satisfaction. On the other hand, the level of education will moderate the relationship between the local market openness to foreigners and the job security while the organizational justice will moderate the effect of job security on satisfaction and the turnover intention

    Understanding High Performance Work System (HPWS) as Related to creativity and Job Engagement in Kurdistan and Canada

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    To understand the high performance Work system, the study determined the impact of high performance system in the organizational setup in Kurdistan and Canada. The research was quantitative in nature where participants were selected randomly from the different companies in Kurdistan and Canada. A total of 318 (Kurdistan) and 293 (Canada) data was collected where analysis was conducted with the SPSS 21. The study found out that there is a significant strong positive relationship between Human resource practices and creativity with the Pearson correlation coefficients r = 0.903 with the p-value <0.01. On the other hand the study found out that there is negative relationship between human resource practices and job engagement. The interaction effects of the high performance work systems human practices and the job engagement, organizational identification, and creativity was significant with the p-value <0.01. Keywords: High performance, organizational performance, workplace syste

    The Positive Impact of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) on Employee Commitment and Self-Sufficiency in Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) in Kurdistan

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    This study provides adequate information on the impact of high performance work system on employee commitment and self-reliance by means of positive attitude, Proactive behaviour, voice, and creativity, in organizations. The emphasis is on expanding individuals' perspectives on the importance of implementing an adequate high performance work systems in human resources of the organizations. The importance of high performance work systems are for the organizations’ determination for supremacy in gaining competitive markets place. Therefore, High performance work system is a tool to develop organizational performance and employee productivity, job satisfaction and to lessen occupational pressure. The research methodology applied quantitative research questions relevant for the objectives of the present study; the data was gathered from web-based surveys emailed to 560 employees which 319 surveys questionnaires were returned. The study demonstrated that the respective systems have a positive impact on employees Commitment, positive attitude and Proactive behaviour, voice, and creativity. Therefore, the mentioned three aspects are indicated as major variables to test in the study in order to produce relevant findings with implications for organizational practice. The study provides an appropriate discussion of the precise implementation of these systems to improve organizational effectiveness in the long term and self-sufficiency in strategic human resource management. Keywords: high performance work systems, positive attitude, employee commitment, self-sufficient, Proactive behaviour, voice, and creativity

    The Impact of High Performance Work System (HPWS) on Employee Productivity as Related to Organizational Identity and Job Engagement

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    High-performance work systems (HPWS) are designed to improve the effectiveness and productivity of employees. In addition, the utilization of this system can reduce costs for the organization, while still creating value for employees. Organizations benefit from creating human resource (HR) systems that increase value to all stakeholders. Factors of HPWS investigated are organizational identity, job engagement, employee creativity, employee voice, and employee proactive behavior. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between HPWS, organizational identity, job engagement, creativity, and employee voice and its impact on employees and organizational performance.The researcher applied quantitative research questions; the data was gathered from web-based surveys emailed to 450 employees which 319 surveys questionnaires were returned. Subsequently, random selection of fully completed surveys was selected to be analyzed. The study establishes the existence of correlations between high performance work systems, organizational identity, employee creativity, and employee proactive behavior. This shows that application of HPWS would enhance employee productivity and organizational performance. Keywords: high-performance work system, HPWS, job engagement, organizational identity, employee voice, employee proactive behavior, employee creativity, human resource theorie

    A Study of the Mechanism of the Congruence of Leader–Follower Power Distance Orientation on Employees’ Task Performance

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    Based on implicit leadership theory, we examine the congruence effect of leader–follower power distance orientation (PDO) on follower trust in supervisor and work engagement, which in turn influences employees’ task performance. Results of polynomial regressions on 526 dyads supported the congruence effect hypothesis. The results show that (1) the congruence of leader–follower PDO leads to better performance; (2) under the condition of congruence, subordinate task performance is higher when leader–follower PDO matching in low–low ratings congruence than it is in high–high ratings congruence; (3) under the condition of asymmetrical incongruence, the follower had higher task performance when a leader’s PDO is lower than a follower’s PDO; (4) trust in supervisor and the work engagement mediate the effect of congruence of leader–follower PDO on employees’ task performance; (5) trust in supervisor also mediates the effect of congruence of leader–follower PDO on employees’ work engagement

    MVHumanNet: A Large-scale Dataset of Multi-view Daily Dressing Human Captures

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    In this era, the success of large language models and text-to-image models can be attributed to the driving force of large-scale datasets. However, in the realm of 3D vision, while remarkable progress has been made with models trained on large-scale synthetic and real-captured object data like Objaverse and MVImgNet, a similar level of progress has not been observed in the domain of human-centric tasks partially due to the lack of a large-scale human dataset. Existing datasets of high-fidelity 3D human capture continue to be mid-sized due to the significant challenges in acquiring large-scale high-quality 3D human data. To bridge this gap, we present MVHumanNet, a dataset that comprises multi-view human action sequences of 4,500 human identities. The primary focus of our work is on collecting human data that features a large number of diverse identities and everyday clothing using a multi-view human capture system, which facilitates easily scalable data collection. Our dataset contains 9,000 daily outfits, 60,000 motion sequences and 645 million frames with extensive annotations, including human masks, camera parameters, 2D and 3D keypoints, SMPL/SMPLX parameters, and corresponding textual descriptions. To explore the potential of MVHumanNet in various 2D and 3D visual tasks, we conducted pilot studies on view-consistent action recognition, human NeRF reconstruction, text-driven view-unconstrained human image generation, as well as 2D view-unconstrained human image and 3D avatar generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the performance improvements and effective applications enabled by the scale provided by MVHumanNet. As the current largest-scale 3D human dataset, we hope that the release of MVHumanNet data with annotations will foster further innovations in the domain of 3D human-centric tasks at scale.Comment: Project page: https://x-zhangyang.github.io/MVHumanNet

    The effect of team-based performance appraisal on knowledge sharing: constructing and verifying an influencing model

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    Recently, it has been proposed that team-based performance appraisal may promote knowledge sharing in the field of knowledge management. The proposal, however, is theoretically and practically doubtful. As a response, this paper explores how team-based performance appraisal impacts knowledge sharing within teams by developing an influencing model. The factors of team-based performance appraisal that influence knowledge sharing are identified from three aspects: situations, beliefs and motives. The two interactive mechanisms by which team-based performance appraisal can promote knowledge sharing are further established. Moreover, the influencing model is tested by Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM) based on data collected from 1128 employees working in 251 teams in 73 organisations in China, and the result demonstrates its validity for organisational management.knowledge sharing; knowledge management; team-based performance appraisal; teams; influencing models; China; organisational management; organisational management; data analysis.

    Perceived Insider Status and Feedback Reactions: A Dual Path of Feedback Motivation Attribution

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    Many studies have evaluated how the characteristics of feedback receiver, feedback deliverer and feedback information influence psychological feedback reactions of the feedback receiver while largely neglecting that feedback intervention is a kind of social interaction process. To address this issue, this study proposes that employees’ perceived insider status (PIS), as a kind of employee-organization relationship, could also influence employees’ reactions to supervisory feedback. In particular, this study investigates the influence of PIS focusing on affective and cognitive feedback reactions, namely feedback satisfaction and feedback utility. Surveys were conducted in a machinery manufacturing company in the Guangdong province of China. Samples were collected from 192 employees. Data analysis demonstrated that PIS and feedback utility possessed a U-shaped relationship, whereas PIS and feedback satisfaction exhibited positively linear relationships. The analysis identified two kinds of mediating mechanisms related to feedback satisfaction and feedback utility. Internal feedback motivation attribution partially mediated the relationship between PIS and feedback satisfaction but failed to do the same with respect to the relationship between PIS and feedback utility. In contrast, external feedback motivation attribution partially mediated the relationship between PIS and feedback utility while failing to mediate the relationship between PIS and feedback satisfaction. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of the findings are discussed at the end of the paper