42 research outputs found

    EGMM: an Evidential Version of the Gaussian Mixture Model for Clustering

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    The Gaussian mixture model (GMM) provides a convenient yet principled framework for clustering, with properties suitable for statistical inference. In this paper, we propose a new model-based clustering algorithm, called EGMM (evidential GMM), in the theoretical framework of belief functions to better characterize cluster-membership uncertainty. With a mass function representing the cluster membership of each object, the evidential Gaussian mixture distribution composed of the components over the powerset of the desired clusters is proposed to model the entire dataset. The parameters in EGMM are estimated by a specially designed Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. A validity index allowing automatic determination of the proper number of clusters is also provided. The proposed EGMM is as convenient as the classical GMM, but can generate a more informative evidential partition for the considered dataset. Experiments with synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the good performance of the proposed method as compared with some other prototype-based and model-based clustering techniques

    JMJ704 positively regulates rice defense response against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae infection via reducing H3K4me2/3 associated with negative disease resistance regulators

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    A schematic representation showing the genomic regions of the three genes for ChIP-PCR assay. White box indicates untranslated region, black box indicates coding sequence, line through the box indicates intron region of the genes, lines and numbers above the gene indicate the regions and positions used for ChIP-PCR assay. (TIF 2795 kb

    Nanotechnology in agriculture, livestock, and aquaculture in China. A review

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    Genome-Wide Identification and Functional Analysis of the bZIP Transcription Factor Family in Rice Bakanae Disease Pathogen, <i>Fusarium fujikuroi</i>

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    Fungal basic leucine zipper (bZIP) proteins play a vital role in biological processes such as growth, biotic/abiotic stress responses, nutrient utilization, and invasion. In this study, genome-wide identification of bZIP genes in the fungus Fusarium fujikuroi, the pathogen of bakanae disease, was carried out. Forty-four genes encoding bZIP transcription factors (TFs) from the genome of F. fujikuroi (FfbZIP) were identified and functionally characterized. Structures, domains, and phylogenetic relationships of the sequences were analyzed by bioinformatic approaches. Based on the phylogenetic relationships with the FfbZIP proteins of eight other fungi, the bZIP genes can be divided into six groups (A–F). The additional conserved motifs have been identified and their possible functions were predicted. To analyze functions of the bZIP genes, 11 FfbZIPs were selected according to different motifs they contained and were knocked out by genetic recombination. Results of the characteristic studies revealed that these FfbZIPs were involved in oxygen stress, osmotic stress, cell wall selection pressure, cellulose utilization, cell wall penetration, and pathogenicity. In conclusion, this study enhanced understandings of the evolution and regulatory mechanism of the FfbZIPs in fungal growth, abiotic/biotic stress resistance, and pathogenicity, which could be the reference for other fungal bZIP studies

    Peridynamics Model with Surface Correction Near Insulated Cracks for Transient Heat Conduction in Functionally Graded Materials

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    A peridynamic (PD) model of functionally graded materials (FGMs) is presented to simulate transient heat conduction in the FGM plate with insulated cracks. The surface correction is considered in the model to reduce the surface effect near the domain boundary and insulated cracks. In order to verify the proposed model, a numerical example for the FGM plate is carried out. The results show good agreement with the analytical solution. The convergence of the model with the surface correction for FGMs without cracks is then investigated. The results reveal that our model converges to the classical solutions in the limit of the horizon going to zero. The effects of two material points discretization schemes on the accuracy of numerical results are investigated. For transient heat conduction of FGMs with a static crack, the results obtained from the proposed PD model agree well with that from the finite element method. Finally, transient heat conduction of the FGM plate with a dynamic horizontal crack and intersecting cracks is simulated and discussed

    Rice False Smut Detection and Prescription Map Generation in a Complex Planting Environment, with Mixed Methods, Based on Near Earth Remote Sensing

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    Rice false smut is known as the cancer of rice. The disease is becoming increasingly prominent and is one of the major diseases in rice. However, prevention and treatment of this disease relies on &ldquo;Centralized pesticide spraying&rdquo;. However, indiscriminate spraying leads to more pesticide residue, and impacts ecological and food safety. To obtain more objective results, different experimental planting forms are necessary. This study collected data at a complex planting environment based on &ldquo;near earth remote sensing&rdquo; using a frame-based hyperspectral device. We used mixed detection methods to differentiate between healthy rice and U. virens infected rice. There were 49 arrangements and more than 196 differentiation models between healthy and diseased rice, including 7 sowing data plots, 2 farm management types, and 23 pattern recognition methods. Finally, the real accuracy was mostly above 95%. In particular, with the increase of epoch and iteration, feature sequences based on deep learning could achieve better results; most of the accuracies were 100% with 100 epochs. We also found that differentiation accuracy was not necessarily correlated with the sowing dates and farm management. Finally, the detection method was verified according to the actual investigation results in the field. The prescription map of disease incidence was generated, which provided a theoretical basis for the follow-up precision plant protection work

    Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on the Adjustment for Pre-Stress Deviation of the Cable-Bar Tensile Structures

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    Construction errors are unavoidable in actual cable-bar tensile structures. Construction error analysis, evaluation, and especially adjustment theories were still in their infancy. For the improvement of the situation, based on the equilibrium equation, physical equation, and geometric equation for pin-joint structures, the member length deviation was adopted as the variable, and the relationship between the pre-stress deviation and member length deviation was determined. On this basis, an adjustment method was devised for the pre-stress deviations under three different conditions, and an evaluation of the effectiveness for pre-stress deviation adjustment was proposed. Finally, a 5-m diameter cable-bar tensile structure model was designed and constructed for simulation. The research results demonstrated that the adjusted pre-stress deviations of measuring points can be effectively corrected, and the theoretical results generally coincided with the experimental results. The adjustment effects of pre-stress deviation varied with the number of adjustment cables, and the adjustment effectiveness gradually decreased with the reduction of the number of adjustment cables. Different adjustment schemes produced different structural deformations, and it was necessary to prioritize the adjustment scheme that resulted in lower peak values of internal forces and shape changes during the adjustment process. The research results indicated that the correctness and validity of the proposed error analysis and adjustment method of pre-stress deviation, and its practical application in the guidance of construction errors analysis, pre-stress deviation adjustments, and evaluation of adjustment results of actual pretension structures

    Internal hernia through hepatic falciform ligament iatrogenic defect in a neonate: A case report and review of the literature

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    Internal hernia through an iatrogenic defect in the hepatic falciform ligament and acquired jejunal atresia in a 8-day-old neonate was reported. The PubMed, MEDLINE, CNKI, Wanfang and Weipu databases were searched The literature about the hepatic falciform ligament iatrogenic defect causing internal hernia was analysed. Ten other cases were collected from the world literature. Herniated intestinal necrosis was found in four cases. All cases were recovered uneventfully after operation. Internal herniation through an iatrogenic defect in the hepatic falciform ligament is extremely rare. However, the case reports are increasing, especially in the era of laparoscopic surgery. Adequate closure or open the defect is essential to prevent internal hernia occurrence

    Analysis and Evaluation of the Progressive Collapse Behaviour of a Cable Dome Structure

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    In this study, the progressive collapse behaviour of a cable dome structure was analysed and evaluated according to the importance of element. First, the dynamic response and collapse mode caused by the removal of different types of cables and struts from a cable dome structure were studied using the instantaneous unloading method of full dynamic equivalent load. Second, a method was developed for element importance classification based on collapse modes, and the importance coefficient was introduced after comparing the node displacements before and after the removal of different elements. On this basis, the correlations of the importance coefficient of an element with its importance classification and the collapse mode caused by its removal were examined. Third, the influences of some design parameters on the resistance of cable dome structures to progressive collapses and on the importance coefficients of components were analysed and evaluated. Finally, a method was proposed to determine the critical value of the element importance category. The results of this study indicated that Cable-Strut elements differed in their antiprogressive collapse effects and importance coefficients, and thus produced different dynamic responses and collapse modes when they were removed. Cable domes differed in their critical importance coefficients for Cable-Strut elements, and design parameters differed in their influence on the antiprogressive collapse resistance of cable domes