62 research outputs found

    A generic self-supervised learning (SSL) framework for representation learning from spectra-spatial feature of unlabeled remote sensing imagery

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    Remote sensing data has been widely used for various Earth Observation (EO) missions such as land use and cover classification, weather forecasting, agricultural management, and environmental monitoring. Most existing remote sensing data-based models are based on supervised learning that requires large and representative human-labelled data for model training, which is costly and time-consuming. Recently, self-supervised learning (SSL) enables the models to learn a representation from orders of magnitude more unlabelled data. This representation has been proven to boost the performance of downstream tasks and has potential for remote sensing applications. The success of SSL is heavily dependent on a pre-designed pretext task, which introduces an inductive bias into the model from a large amount of unlabelled data. Since remote sensing imagery has rich spectral information beyond the standard RGB colour space, the pretext tasks established in computer vision based on RGB images may not be straightforward to be extended to the multi/hyperspectral domain. To address this challenge, this work has designed a novel SSL framework that is capable of learning representation from both spectra-spatial information of unlabelled data. The framework contains two novel pretext tasks for object-based and pixel-based remote sensing data analysis methods, respectively. Through two typical downstream tasks evaluation (a multi-label land cover classification task on Sentienl-2 multispectral datasets and a ground soil parameter retrieval task on hyperspectral datasets), the results demonstrate that the representation obtained through the proposed SSL achieved a significant improvement in model performance

    Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis of Urban Rail Transit

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    [Abstract] This paper deals with the efficiency and sustainability of urban rail transit (URT) using exploratory data analytics (EDA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The first stage of the proposed methodology is EDA with already available indicators (e.g., the number of stations and passengers), and suggested indicators (e.g., weekly frequencies, link occupancy rates, and CO2 footprint per journey) to directly characterize the efficiency and sustainability of this transport mode. The second stage is to assess the efficiency of URT with two original models, based on a thorough selection of input and output variables, which is one of the key contributions of EDA to this methodology. The first model compares URT against other urban transport modes, applicable to route personalization, and the second scores the efficiency of URT lines. The main outcome of this paper is the proposed methodology, which has been experimentally validated using open data from the Transport for London (TfL) URT network and additional sources.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TIN2016-75845-PAgencia Estatal de Investigación; SNEO-20161147Xunta de Galicia; ED431G2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/04Xunta de Galicia; ED431G2019/0

    Supervised Hyperalignment for multi-subject fMRI data alignment

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    Hyperalignment has been widely employed in Multivariate Pattern (MVP) analysis to discover the cognitive states in the human brains based on multi-subject functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) datasets. Most of the existing HA methods utilized unsupervised approaches, where they only maximized the correlation between the voxels with the same position in the time series. However, these unsupervised solutions may not be optimum for handling the functional alignment in the supervised MVP problems. This paper proposes a Supervised Hyperalignment (SHA) method to ensure better functional alignment for MVP analysis, where the proposed method provides a supervised shared space that can maximize the correlation among the stimuli belonging to the same category and minimize the correlation between distinct categories of stimuli. Further, SHA employs a generalized optimization solution, which generates the shared space and calculates the mapped features in a single iteration, hence with optimum time and space complexities for large datasets. Experiments on multi-subject datasets demonstrate that SHA method achieves up to 19% better performance for multi-class problems over the state-of-the-art HA algorithms

    An Automated Text Mining Approach for Classifying Mental-Ill Health Incidents from Police Incident Logs for Data-Driven Intelligence

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    Data-driven intelligence can play a pivotal role in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of police service provision. Despite of police organizations being a rich source of qualitative data (present in less formally structured formats, such as the text logs), little work has been done in automating steps to allow this data to feed into intelligence-led policing tasks, such as demand analysis/prediction. This paper examines the use of police incident logs to better estimate the demand of officers across all incidents, with particular respect to the cases where mental-ill health played a primary part. Persons suffering from mental-ill health are significantly more likely to come into contact with the police, but statistics relating to how much actual police time is spent dealing with this type of incident are highly variable and often subjective. We present a novel deep learning based text mining approach, which allows accurate extraction of mental-ill health related incidents from police incident logs. The data gained from these automated analyses can enable both strategic and operational planning within police forces, allowing policy makers to develop long term strategies to tackle this issue, and to better plan for day-today demand on services. The proposed model has demonstrated the cross-validated classification accuracy of 89.5% on the real dataset

    A generic Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) framework for representation learning from spectral–spatial features of unlabeled remote sensing imagery

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    Remote sensing data has been widely used for various Earth Observation (EO) missions such as land use and cover classification, weather forecasting, agricultural management, and environmental monitoring. Most existing remote-sensing-data-based models are based on supervised learning that requires large and representative human-labeled data for model training, which is costly and time-consuming. The recent introduction of self-supervised learning (SSL) enables models to learn a representation from orders of magnitude more unlabeled data. The success of SSL is heavily dependent on a pre-designed pretext task, which introduces an inductive bias into the model from a large amount of unlabeled data. Since remote sensing imagery has rich spectral information beyond the standard RGB color space, it may not be straightforward to extend to the multi/hyperspectral domain the pretext tasks established in computer vision based on RGB images. To address this challenge, this work proposed a generic self-supervised learning framework based on remote sensing data at both the object and pixel levels. The method contains two novel pretext tasks, one for object-based and one for pixel-based remote sensing data analysis methods. One pretext task is used to reconstruct the spectral profile from the masked data, which can be used to extract a representation of pixel information and improve the performance of downstream tasks associated with pixel-based analysis. The second pretext task is used to identify objects from multiple views of the same object in multispectral data, which can be used to extract a representation and improve the performance of downstream tasks associated with object-based analysis. The results of two typical downstream task evaluation exercises (a multilabel land cover classification task on Sentinel-2 multispectral datasets and a ground soil parameter retrieval task on hyperspectral datasets) demonstrate that the proposed SSL method learns a target representation that covers both spatial and spectral information from massive unlabeled data. A comparison with currently available SSL methods shows that the proposed method, which emphasizes both spectral and spatial features, outperforms existing SSL methods on multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing datasets. We believe that this approach has the potential to be effective in a wider range of remote sensing applications and we will explore its utility in more remote sensing applications in the future

    A Latent Encoder Coupled Generative Adversarial Network (LE-GAN) for Efficient Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution

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    Realistic hyperspectral image (HSI) super-resolution (SR) techniques aim to generate a high-resolution (HR) HSI with higher spectral and spatial fidelity from its low-resolution (LR) counterpart. The generative adversarial network (GAN) has proven to be an effective deep learning framework for image super-resolution. However, the optimisation process of existing GAN-based models frequently suffers from the problem of mode collapse, leading to the limited capacity of spectral-spatial invariant reconstruction. This may cause the spectral-spatial distortion on the generated HSI, especially with a large upscaling factor. To alleviate the problem of mode collapse, this work has proposed a novel GAN model coupled with a latent encoder (LE-GAN), which can map the generated spectral-spatial features from the image space to the latent space and produce a coupling component to regularise the generated samples. Essentially, we treat an HSI as a high-dimensional manifold embedded in a latent space. Thus, the optimisation of GAN models is converted to the problem of learning the distributions of high-resolution HSI samples in the latent space, making the distributions of the generated super-resolution HSIs closer to those of their original high-resolution counterparts. We have conducted experimental evaluations on the model performance of super-resolution and its capability in alleviating mode collapse. The proposed approach has been tested and validated based on two real HSI datasets with different sensors (i.e. AVIRIS and UHD-185) for various upscaling factors and added noise levels, and compared with the state-of-the-art super-resolution models (i.e. HyCoNet, LTTR, BAGAN, SR- GAN, WGAN).Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    A new approach to journal co-citation matrix construction based on the number of co-cited articles in journals

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    Co-citation analysis is one of the most important methods in information science. Journal co-citation analysis has been widely used to analyze the relevance, relationship and structure of underlying articles between journals. Accurate construction of co-citation matrix is a key to accurate journal co-citation analysis. However, the traditional co-citation matrix construction based on co-citation frequency of journals does not accurately reflect the similarity between journals. This paper proposes a new construction method of co-citation matrix based on the number of co-citation articles in journals. The experimental validation has been conducted with real datasets from Chinese Social Science Citation Index and National Knowledge Infrastructure. The results show that the proposed method can accurately capture the similarity between journals and outperform the existing approaches (i.e. co-citation frequency and co-citation ratio approaches). In addition, the proposed method does not need the full-text index of a paper, which provides added value in the field

    A gans-based deep learning framework for automatic subsurface object recognition from ground penetrating radar data

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    Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a well-known useful tool for subsurface exploration. GPR data can be recorded at a relatively high speed in a continuous way with hyperbolas being artifacts and evidence of disturbances in the soil. Automatic and accurate detection and interpretation of hyperbolas in GPR remains an open challenge. Recently deep learning techniques have achieved remarkable success in image recognition tasks and this has potential for interpretation of GPR data. However, training reliable deep learning models requires massive labeled data, which is challenging. To address the challenges, this work proposes a Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs)-based deep learning framework, which generates new training data to address the scarcity of GPR data, automatically learns features and detects subsurface objects (via hyperbola) through an end-to-end solution. We have evaluated our proposed approach using real GPR B-scan images from rail infrastructure monitoring applications and compared this with the state-of-the-art methods for object detection (i.e. Faster-RCNN, Cascade R-CNN, SSD and YOLO V2). The proposed approach outperforms the existing methods with high accuracy of 97% being the mean Average Precision (mAP). Moreover, the proposed approach also demonstrates the good generalizability through cross-validation on independent datasets

    An automated cloud-based big data analytics platform for customer insights

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    Product reviews have a significant influence on strategic decisions for both businesses and customers on what to produce or buy. However, with the availability of large amounts of online information, manual analysis of reviews is costly and time consuming, as well as being subjective and prone to error. In this work, we present an automated scalable cloud-based system to harness big customer reviews on products for customer insights through data pipeline from data acquisition, analysis to visualisation in an efficient way. The experimental evaluation has shown that the proposed system achieves good performance in terms of accuracy and computing time