3,463 research outputs found

    Numerical Study of Quantum Hall Bilayers at Total Filling Ξ½T=1\nu_T=1: A New Phase at Intermediate Layer Distances

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    We study the phase diagram of quantum Hall bilayer systems with total filing Ξ½T=1/2+1/2\nu_T=1/2+1/2 of the lowest Landau level as a function of layer distances dd. Based on numerical exact diagonalization calculations, we obtain three distinct phases, including an exciton superfluid phase with spontaneous interlayer coherence at small dd, a composite Fermi liquid at large dd, and an intermediate phase for 1.1<d/lB<1.81.1<d/l_B<1.8 (lBl_B is the magnetic length). The transition from the exciton superfluid to the intermediate phase is identified by (i) a dramatic change in the Berry curvature of the ground state under twisted boundary conditions on the two layers; (ii) an energy level crossing of the first excited state. The transition from the intermediate phase to the composite Fermi liquid is identified by the vanishing of the exciton superfluid stiffness. Furthermore, from our finite-size study, the energy cost of transferring one electron between the layers shows an even-odd effect and possibly extrapolates to a finite value in the thermodynamic limit, indicating the enhanced intralayer correlation. Our identification of an intermediate phase and its distinctive features shed new light on the theoretical understanding of the quantum Hall bilayer system at total filling Ξ½T=1\nu_T=1.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (main text); 5 pages, 4 figures (supplementary material); to be published in PR

    Topological phases protected by point group symmetry

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    We consider symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases with crystalline point group symmetry, dubbed point group SPT (pgSPT) phases. We show that such phases can be understood in terms of lower-dimensional topological phases with on-site symmetry, and can be constructed as stacks and arrays of these lower-dimensional states. This provides the basis for a general framework to classify and characterize bosonic and fermionic pgSPT phases, that can be applied for arbitrary crystalline point group symmetry and in arbitrary spatial dimension. We develop and illustrate this framework by means of a few examples, focusing on three-dimensional states. We classify bosonic pgSPT phases and fermionic topological crystalline superconductors with Z2PZ_2^P (reflection) symmetry, electronic topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) with U(1)Γ—Z2P{\rm U}(1) \times {Z}_2^P symmetry, and bosonic pgSPT phases with C2vC_{2v} symmetry, which is generated by two perpendicular mirror reflections. We also study surface properties, with a focus on gapped, topologically ordered surface states. For electronic TCIs we find a Z8Γ—Z2Z_8 \times Z_2 classification, where the Z8Z_8 corresponds to known states obtained from non-interacting electrons, and the Z2Z_2 corresponds to a "strongly correlated" TCI that requires strong interactions in the bulk. Our approach may also point the way toward a general theory of symmetry enriched topological (SET) phases with crystalline point group symmetry.Comment: v2: Minor changes/additions to introduction and discussion sections, references added, published version. 21 pages, 11 figure

    Robust non-Abelian spin liquid and possible intermediate phase in antiferromagnetic Kitaev model with magnetic field

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    We investigate the non-Abelian topological chiral spin liquid phase in the two-dimensional (2D) Kitaev honeycomb model subject to a magnetic field. By combining density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and exact diagonalization (ED) we study the energy spectra, entanglement, topological degeneracy, and expectation values of Wilson loop operators, allowing for robust characterization. While the ferromagnetic (FM) Kitaev spin liquid is already destroyed by a weak magnetic field with Zeeman energy Hβˆ—FMβ‰ˆ0.02H_*^\text{FM} \approx 0.02, the antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin liquid remains robust up to a magnetic field that is an order of magnitude larger, Hβˆ—AFMβ‰ˆ0.2H_*^\text{AFM} \approx 0.2. Interestingly, for larger fields Hβˆ—AFM<H<Hβˆ—βˆ—AFMH_*^\text{AFM} < H < H_{**}^\text{AFM}, an intermediate gapless phase is observed, before a second transition to the high-field partially-polarized paramagnet. We attribute this rich phase diagram, and the remarkable stability of the chiral topological phase in the AFM Kitaev model, to the interplay of strong spin-orbit coupling and frustration enhanced by the magnetic field. Our findings suggest relevance to recent experiments on RuCl3_3 under magnetic fields.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Spin-Orbital Density Wave and a Mott Insulator in a Two-Orbital Hubbard Model on a Honeycomb Lattice

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    Inspired by recent discovery of correlated insulating states in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), we study a two-orbital Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with two electrons per unit cell. Based on the real-space density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulation, we identify a metal-insulator transition around Uc/t=2.5∼3U_c/t=2.5\sim3. In the vicinity of UcU_c, we find strong spin/orbital density wave fluctuations at commensurate wavevectors, accompanied by weaker incommensurate charge density wave (CDW) fluctuations. The spin/orbital density wave fluctuations are enhanced with increasing system sizes, suggesting the possible emergence of long-range order in the two dimensional limit. At larger UU, our calculations indicate a possible nonmagnetic Mott insulator phase without spin or orbital polarization. Our findings offer new insights into correlated electron phenomena in twisted bilayer graphene and other multi-orbital honeycomb materials.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Valley Stoner Instability of the Composite Fermi Sea

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    We study two-component electrons in the lowest Landau level at total filling factor Ξ½T=1/2\nu _T=1/2 with anisotropic mass tensors and principal axes rotated by Ο€/2\pi/2 as realized in Aluminum Arsenide (AlAs) quantum wells. Combining exact diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization group we demonstrate that the system undergoes a quantum phase transition from a gapless state in which both flavors are equally populated to another gapless state in which all the electrons spontaneously polarize into a single flavor beyond a critical mass anisotropy of {\bf mx/my∼7m_x/m_y \sim 7}. We propose that this phase transition is a form of itinerant Stoner transition between a two-component and a single-component composite fermi sea states and describe a set of trial wavefunctions which successfully capture the quantum numbers and shell filling effects in finite size systems as well as providing a physical picture for the energetics of these states. Our estimates indicate that the composite Fermi sea of AlAs is the analog of an itinerant Stoner magnet with a finite spontaneous valley polarization. We pinpoint experimental evidence indicating the presence of Stoner magnetism in the Jain states surrounding Ξ½=1/2\nu=1/2.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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