46 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of semantic segmentation models: a cross meta-frontier DEA approach

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    Performance evaluation of semantic segmentation models is an essential task because it helps to identify the best-performing model. Traditional methods, however, are generally concerned with the improvement of a single quality or quantity. Moreover, what causes low performance usually goes unnoticed. To address these issues, a new cross meta-frontier data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach is proposed in this article. For evaluating model performance comprehensively, not only accuracy metrics, but also hardware burden and model structure factors, are taken as DEA outputs and inputs, separately. In addition, the potential inefficiency is attributed to architectures and backbones via efficiency decomposition, so that it can find the sources of inefficiency and provides a direction for performance improvement. Finally, based on the proposed approach, the performance of 16 classical semantic segmentation models on the PASCAL VOC dataset are re-evaluated and explained. The results verify that the proposed approach can be considered as a comprehensive and interpretable performance evaluation technique, which expands the traditional accuracy-based measurement.</p

    Sheet plastination sections of the cavernous sinus.

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    <p><b>A, B</b> and <b>C</b> are the sagittal, transverse and coronal sections, respectively. <b>D, E</b> and <b>F</b> are the mirror confocal images of the selected areas (dashed-line boxes) of <b>A</b> and <b>C</b>. <b>A:</b> A sagittal section through the cavernous sinus at the level of the lateral edge of the dorsum sellae (DS). Arrows point to the dural roof of the cavernous sinus. Asterisks indicate the areas that are mainly occupied by adipose tissue and small cavernous veins (cv). <b>B:</b> A transverse section at the level of nerves V<sub>1</sub> and VI. Arrows point the lateral meningeal wall of the sinus. Asterisks indicate the dumbbell-shaped adipose zone medial to intracavernous cranial nerves III, IV, V<sub>1</sub> and VI. <b>C:</b> A coronal section at the middle level of the cavernous sinus. A cerebral bridging vein (BV) (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0089182#pone-0089182-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2D</a> for its anterior segment) entered the sinus between the lateral meningeal wall (arrows) and nerve V<sub>2</sub>. <b>D:</b> The mirror confocal image of the dashed-line box in C, showing that the dural trabeculae (single arrowheads) originate from the medial laminae of the lateral dural wall (arrows) and encircle the branches of nerves V<sub>1</sub> and VI, forming a dural trabecular network. Some dural trabeculae (double arrowheads) spirally encircle a nerve and contribute to the sleeve of the nerve. Asterisk indicates a fine trabecular network. <b>E:</b> The mirror confocal image of an area in the dashed-line circle in A, showing that some dural trabeculae (single arrowheads) from Meckel's cave (MC) longitudinally and loosely accompany a branch of nerve V<sub>1</sub>. <b>F:</b> The mirror confocal image of another area in the dashed-line circle in A, showing that the longitudinal dural fibers (single arrowheads) scatter and merge with the fine trabeculae in adipose tissue (asterisks). The dashed-line circles outline the basal membrane of some adipocytes. Double asterisks indicate a small vessel. ACP: anterior clinoid process; BV: cerebral bridging vein; CA: internal carotid artery; cv: cavernous veins; DS: dorsum sellae; MC: Meckel's cave; PG: pituitary gland; Sph: sphenoid bone; TL: temporal lobe; Cranial nerves II, III, IV, V<sub>1</sub>, V<sub>2</sub> and VI; bars = 1 mm.</p

    Localization of the adipose zone (A–C) and fibrous configuration of the sleeves of cranial nerves III and IV (D–G).

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    <p><b>A:</b> A transverse section through the cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery (CA). <b>B:</b> The mirror confocal image of the dashed-line box in A, showing a large anterior end of the dumbbell-shaped adipose zone (asterisks) on the surface of the sphenoid bone (Sph), anterior to the internal carotid artery (CA) and its surrounding cavernous veins (cv), and posteromedial to the anterior clinoid process (ACP). Arrows point to the lateral meningeal dural wall of the sinus. <b>C:</b> The mirror confocal image of the solid line box in A, showing a small and irregular posterior end of the dumbbell-shaped adipose zone (asterisks) medial to the sleeves of the intracavernous cranial nerves VI and V<sub>1</sub> and Meckel's cave (MC). Single arrowheads point to the dural trabeculae and arrows indicate multiple laminae of the lateral meningeal wall of the sinus. <b>D:</b> A coronal section at the level of the anterior clinoid process (ACP), about 6 mm anterior to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0089182#pone-0089182-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1C</a>. A cerebral bridging vein (BV) is located lateral to intracavernous cranial nerves III, IV, V<sub>1</sub>, V<sub>2</sub> and VI. <b>E:</b> The mirror confocal image of the dashed-line box in D, showing that the dural trabeculae (single arrowheads) originate from the meningeal dura of the anterior clinoid process (ACP), encircle nerves III and IV and connect with the fine trabecular network (asterisk) and sleeves of nerves V<sub>1</sub> and VI. Double arrowheads indicate the wall of the bridging vein. Single arrows point to the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus. <b>F</b> and <b>G:</b> The confocal images of two adjacent coronal sections about 6 mm (F) and 12 mm (G) posterior to E, showing that nerve III and its associated arachnoid cuff (asterisk) invaginate in the later wall (G) and then pieces the wall (F). The insert of F is from a different coronal section, showing that nerve IV pieces the lateral wall. Arrows point to the multiple laminae of the lateral dural wall of the cavernous sinus. Arrowheads point to the dural trabeculae originating from the medial lamina of the wall. ACP: anterior clinoid process; BV: cerebral bridging vein; CA: internal carotid artery; cv: cavernous veins; DS: dorsum sellae; MC: Meckel's cave; PG: pituitary gland; SAS: subarachnoid space; Sph: sphenoid bone; TL: temporal lobe; Cranial nerves III, IV, V<sub>1</sub>, V<sub>2</sub> and VI; bars = 1 mm.</p

    Data_Sheet_1_Editorial: Temporal lobe dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorder.PDF

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    The full text of this article can be freely accessed on the publisher's website

    Food effects on lizards

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    The effects of maternal and offspring food availability on offspring trait

    The element content of TPMA analyzed by EDS.

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    <p>(a-b) Elements at the surface of micro-needle and (c-d) elements on the base.</p