12 research outputs found

    Combined effects of 5-Fluorouracil, Folinic acid and Oxaliplatin on the expression of carcinoembryonic antigen in human colon cancer cells: pharmacological basis to develop an active antitumor immunochemotherapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Five-fluorouracil (FU), mainly associated with leucovorin (L), plays an essential role in chemotherapy of colorectal carcinoma. Moreover, FU ± L has been found to increase the expression of tumor-associated carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), that may be an important target in therapeutic protocols of active specific immunotherapy. FU + L (FUL) are frequently combined with oxaliplatin (OXA) in advanced colon cancer patients. Thus, we investigated whether FUL in combination with OXA according to 2 different schedules may influence CEA expression in human colon cancer cells in vitro.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>CEA protein expression was evaluated by cytofluorimetric and western blot analysis. Relative quantification of CEA mRNA was assessed by real time RT-PCR analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Levels of CEA protein and transcript were found to be higher in FUL-treated cells than in controls. However, when target cells were exposed to OXA before but not after FUL treatment, the up-regulation of CEA was partially inhibited.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that target cells must be exposed to OXA after but not before treatment with the fluoropyrimidine in order to exploit drug-induced up-regulation of CEA. This finding appears to provide useful information to design chemo-immunotherapy protocols based on FUL + OXA, combined with host's immunity against CEA directed cancer vaccines.</p

    Influence of low-dose beta-interferon on natural killer cell activity in breast cancer patients subjected to chemotherapy

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    The present study was designed to test whether immunomodulating doses of human beta-interferon would affect the natural cell-mediated cytotoxic function in untreated breast cancer patients or in those subjected to antitumor therapy. Analyses were performed on 11 breast cancer patients, 3 at stage 1 and 8 at stage 2, the latter being subjected to cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-Fluorouracil (CMF) adjuvant chemotherapy. Five patients treated with CMF and 3 patients not subjected to adjuvant chemotherapy, received human beta-interferon (IF, 2 X 10(6) IU/patient, i.m.), on days 0,7, and 15 for 6 cycles of 31 days each. The natural killer (NK) activity (NKA) of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) was tested 24 and 48 h after low-dose IF administration. The results of NKA determinations carried out for the 6 cycles of treatment show that (1) chemotherapy alone depressed NKA; (2) IF alone increased NKA in stage 1 patients not treated with CMF; (3) IF antagonized the depressive activity of CMF on NK function and significantly augumented NKA in the case of low "basal" cytotocix activity detectable in MNC collected before IF administration. Parallel in vitro studies showed that the inhibitory effect on NKA provoked by CMF is due to cyclophosphamide present in the association and is effectively antagonized by IF. These data provide rational bases for using IF in immunochemotherapy regimens, when tumor cells are supposed to be susceptible to host control by the natural resistance function

    Pharmacological modulation of carcinoembryonic antigen in human cancer cells: studies with staurosporine

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    Preliminary studies, performed in our laboratory, showed that staurosporine (ST), a protein-kinase (PK) inhibitor, increases the expression of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in a human colon cancer cell line. The present study explores the cellular and molecular effects of ST on the CEA expression in breast cancer MCF-7 line and in a number of colon cancer cell lines characterized by the different basal levels of the antigen, including two cloned sublines (i.e. C22.20 and C6.6, expressing low and high CEA levels, respectively). In all cases, increase of the CEA expression was observed at drug concentrations devoid of marked cytostatic effects (e.g. 5 nM) and was accompanied by the enhanced CEA shedding in the supernatant. Moreover, the increase of the CEA levels both occurred in the cell membranes and in the cytosolic compartments and appeared to be the result of the enhanced CEA gene transcription. Similar results have been previously obtained with interferon-gamma. However, ST treatment, different from interferon-gamma, did not up-regulate the level of the HLA class I molecules. A preliminary investigation also showed that other PKC inhibitors did not substantially modulate the CEA expression. Therefore, the biochemical mechanism underlying the effect of ST should not be correlated with that involved in the PKC inhibition. The present study suggests that ST and, presumably, its analogs used in the cancer treatment could enhance the CEA expression on neoplastic cells in patients affected by the CEA-positive malignancies. This appears to be of potential clinical interest for the development of new immunotherapeutic or diagnostic approaches based on the pharmacological modulation of this antigenic marker

    Residual telomerase activity: a marker of cell survival after exposure to gamma radiation in vitro

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    Residual telomerase activity (TA) could be used as a marker of malignant or normal cell survival after exposure to cytotoxic agents. Therefore TA after treatment with ionizing radiation was used in a radiosensitivity assay

    Cells were treated with OXA on day 1 before exposure to FUL or on day 2 after 24 h exposure to FUL

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    Treatment conditions are described in "Material and Methods". On day 3, cells were counted by trypan blue exclusion and CEA expression was measured by FACS analysis by using COL-1 mAb. Columns, total number of cells. Bars, SE of triplicate determinations. No significant difference was observed between the effects of FUL-OXA2 versus OXA1-FUL (p > 0.05). The percentage of the CEA-positive cells was as followed: 14.9 (untreated control); 30.1(FUL); 19.9 (OXA2); 26.2 (FUL-OXA2); 19.1 (OXA1); 21.4 (OXA1-FUL). OXA2, cells were treated with OXA on day 2; FUL-OXA2, FUL followed by OXA2 treatment; OXA1, cells were treated with OXA on day 1; OXA1-FUL, OXA1 followed by FUL treatment.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Combined effects of 5-Fluorouracil, Folinic acid and Oxaliplatin on the expression of carcinoembryonic antigen in human colon cancer cells: pharmacological basis to develop an active antitumor immunochemotherapy"</p><p>http://www.jeccr.com/content/27/1/5</p><p>Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research : CR 2008;27(1):5-5.</p><p>Published online 19 May 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2438331.</p><p></p

    In vitro generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes against HLA-A2.1-restricted peptides derived from human thymidylate synthase

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    5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a pyrimidine antimetabolite active against colorectal carcinoma and other malignancies of the digestive tract. Over-expression or mutation of thymidylate synthase (TS), the target enzyme of the 5-FU metabolite, 5-fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate, is strictly correlated with cancer cell resistance to 5-FU. On this basis we investigated whether TS is a potential target for active specific immunotherapy of human colon carcinoma, which acquires resistance to 5-FU. Three TS-derived epitope peptides which fit defined amino acid consensus motifs for HLA-A2.1 binding were synthesized and investigated for their ability to induce human TS-specific cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses in vitro. CTL lines specific for each peptide were established by stimulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from an HLA-A2.1+ healthy donor with autologous dendritic cells loaded with TS peptide. Specific CTL lines showed HLA-A2.1-restricted cytotoxicity in vitro to HLA-A2.1+ target cells pulsed with the specific TS peptide and to HLA-class I matching colon carcinoma target cells over-expressing TS enzyme after exposure to 5-FU. Recognition by CTL lines suggests that these TS peptides may be potential candidates for use in a peptide-based vaccine against 5-FU resistant colon carcinoma

    Ipilimumab-induced endocrinopathies: when to start corticosteroids (or not)

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    With the expanding use of ipilimumab, oncologists are not only faced with most common side effects, such as diarrhea and rush, but also with unusual adverse events, such as certain endocrinopathies. These include hypophysitis (0\u201317 %), thyroid disease or abnormalities in thyroid function tests (0\u20132 %), and occasionally primary adrenal insuf\ufb01cienc