21 research outputs found

    Supplemental Dataset 7

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    Supplemental Data. Walker et al. (2017). Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.16.00961. Supplemental Dataset 7. Glutathione S-transferase gene family expression is highly variable. All members of the GST family the time series within which differential expression was found are indicated (or not DE), together with the cluster number for that time series. Genes shown on Figure 6 are highlighted in yellow and the time series that has been shown is indicated

    Supplemental Dataset 8

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    Supplemental Data. Walker et al. (2017). Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.16.00961. Supplemental Dataset 8. Gene family regulation across cell types and treatments. (A) Summary of gene family regulation: number DE/non-DE, in which timeseries they are regulated and if transcripts are DE in one or both cell types. (B) Lists of the genes in each family together with cluster numbers if differentially expressed in a timeseries

    Supplemental Dataset 1

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    Supplemental Data. Walker et al. (2017). Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.16.00961.Supplemental Dataset 1. RMA-normalised Nimblegen microarray data for all transcripts measured. The table lists the TAIR10 Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI) gene IDs represented on the array (for design see GEO record GPL18735 for Nimblegen probe design) and their expression values in all 6 time series, averaged (“Mean”) for each replicate set; see GEO GSE91379 for complete raw and normalised individual replicate values. Gene symbols and gene descriptions are listed according to the TAIR10 annotation. If significantly differentially expressed within a time series (BATS), the cluster number is listed. If significantly differentially expressed between treated and untreated time series (CN GP2S etc), the cluster number is listed. Cluster numbers described in the manuscript text always refer to the within-CU/PU or N/Rhizobia vs. U clusters (orange columns). Empty cells indicate no evidence of DE within/between time series. Transcripts associated with genes that have previously been found to be affected by the protoplast generation treatment or FACS (as [18]) are marked (Proto-flagged) but not removed from the analysis

    Supplemental Dataset 2

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    Supplemental Data. Walker et al. (2017). Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.16.00961.Supplemental Dataset 2. Cluster designations for differentially expressed transcripts. The table lists the TAIR10 AGI IDs and descriptions (as Supplemental Dataset 1), whether these are classed as transcriptional regulators for network analysis (‘TF category’) and the cluster numbers for DE transcripts. In addition, transcripts that are differentially expressed in both CU and PU (‘Core CU/PU’), are ‘N-response’ marker genes, clock genes or are CTSEs in cortex or pericycle are indicated (as referred to in the text)

    Supplemental Dataset 6

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    Supplemental Data. Walker et al. (2017). Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.16.00961. Supplemental Dataset 6. Network statistics and module annotation and characteristics .(A) For each causal regulatory network 8 statistics are shown: number of edges, number of nodes, the node/edge ratio, number of connected TFs, number of targets of those TFs (including TFs that are targets), average targets per TF, the network clustering coefficient and the characteristic path length as given in Cytoscape. (B) Comparison of TF module size and timing response category for CN and PN networks. (C) Network statistics for major modules in each experiment are shown with a cut off of >=10 targets in at least one experiment. The status of each TF in the network in each experiment is shown (DE (0 not DE, 1 DE), indegree, outdegree). The combined outdegree is the sum of the shown out degrees across the six experiments, the number of experiments where outdegree is >7 is also shown. Maximum module size was in part dictated by the number of genes in the network, while the mean number of targets per TF was larger in CU and CN. This indicates that the pericycle and cortex networks have statistically different structures and this was confirmed by analysis of the network connectivity using size independent statistics; specifically there were differing levels of clustering, CN was the least clustered whereas PN had the longest path length while still being highly clustered. This indicates that the cortex is dominated by a few large modules, while the pericycle is more distributed amongst a larger number of modules, in fact extending to very large sizes. (D) Corroborated interactions based on the presence of cis-acting TF family binding sites for networks. Data derived from Franco-Zorrilla et al 2014 [83]. Source contains TFs that interact with a putative regulated gene (Target) and the type of interaction (activation/inhibition) is shown

    Supplemental Dataset 3

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    Supplemental Data. Walker et al. (2017). Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.16.00961. Supplemental Dataset 3. Phenotypic analysis. (A) Average (ave) and standard error (SE) root trait values measured from 9 day old Col0 seedlings and for the same seedlings after 4 days of N, rhizobial or control/mock treatment with T-test values comparing phenotype values (bold=P<0.01). (B-C) Average (ave) and standard error (SE) root trait values measured from 12 day old wrky15 (B) and nlp8 (C) mutant plants on replete and deplete N with T-test values comparing phenotype values in mutant and silbling WT (bold=P<0.01); LR = lateral root, PR = primary root. (D) Average and SE (n=3 biological replicates) of qPCR measurement, qPCR primer sequences and qPCR product lengths