9 research outputs found

    Impact of whey protein isolate and protein to carbohydrate ratio on adipose cellular activity.

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    <p>Epididymal adipose tissue gene expression was investigated in mice after 21 weeks on a 10% kJ low fat diet (LFD), 45% kJ high fat diet (HFD), or HFD with 20, 30 or 40% kJ whey protein isolate (WPI). Relative mRNA expression is shown for (A) fatty acid synthase (FASN), fatty acid transporter 1 (FATP1), cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36), beta-3 adrenergenic receptor (β3-AR), uncoupling protein 2 (UCP-2), lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and carnitine palmitolytransferase 1b (CPT1b), and (B) for peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), insulin receptor (IR), insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1), glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and cluster of differentiation 68 (CD68). Data represent mean values ± SEM (n = 9–10 per group). Gene expression is shown relative to the LFD control group set at 1.00. Groups that do not share a common letter are significantly different at <i>P<</i>0.05.</p

    Impact of whey protein isolate and protein to carbohydrate ratio on metabolic activity.

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    <p>Metabolic activity was measured using TSE Phenomaster cages at 17–20 weeks for mice on either a 10% kJ low fat diet (LFD), 45% kJ high fat diet (HFD) or a HFD with 20, 30 or 40% kJ whey protein isolate (WPI). Experimental data for (A) oxygen consumption (VO<sub>2</sub>), (B) heat production, (C) locomotor activity and (D) respiratory exchange ratio (RER), collected from individual mice at 9 minute intervals over a 24 hour period, are shown as mean values ± SEM (n = 8–10 per group) for light and dark phases. In light and dark phase, groups that do not share a common letter are significantly different at <i>P<</i>0.05.</p

    Impact of whey protein isolate and protein to carbohydrate ratio on energy intake.

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    <p>Energy intake (A) and feeding behaviour (meal size & meal number) (B–C) was measured using TSE Phenomaster cages at 17–20 weeks for mice on either a 10% kJ low fat diet (LFD), 45% kJ high fat diet (HFD) or a HFD with 20, 30 or 40% kJ whey protein isolate (WPI). Experimental data collected from individual mice at 9 minute intervals over a 24 hour period are shown as mean values ± SEM (n = 8–10 per group) for light and dark phases. In light and dark phase, groups that do not share a common letter are significantly different at <i>P<</i>0.05.</p

    Gut microbiota composition as % of reads in mice fed a 45%kJ high fat diet (HFD) or HFD with 20%, 30% or 40% kJ whey protein isolate (WPI) for 21 weeks<sup>1</sup>.

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    1<p>Data are means ± SEM (n = 10). Statistically significant differences generated using the Kruskal-Wallis algorithm. In each row values without a common letter significantly differ, <i>P</i>≤0.05.</p

    Tissue lipid parameters and plasma levels of hormones and metabolites in mice fed a 10%kJ low fat diet (LFD), 45%kJ high fat diet (HFD) or HFD with 20%, 30% or 40% kJ whey protein isolate (WPI) for 21 weeks<sup>1</sup>.

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    1<p>Data are means ± SEM (n = 5–10). In each row results without a common letter significantly differ, <i>P</i>≤0.05 NS, non-significant. TAG, triacylglycerol. NEFA, non-esterified fatty acids. GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1. HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance.</p

    Impact of whey protein isolate and protein to carbohydrate ratio on the gut microbiota composition.

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    <p>Principal Coordinate analysis (PCoA) of unweighted Unifrac distances of the 16srRNA sequences, demonstrating where sequences cluster according to diet group. Data were generated from analysis of faecal samples collected from mice on 10% kJ low fat diet (LFD, Δ) or 45% kJ high fat diet (HFD, ♦) or a HFD with 20% kJ whey protein isolate (HFD-20% WPI, ○), 30% kJ WPI (HFD-30% WPI, ◊) or 40% kJ WPI (HFD-40% WPI, •)(n = 10).</p

    Impact of whey protein isolate and protein to carbohydrate ratio on body weight and composition.

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    <p>(A) shows the body weight trajectories of mice during 21 weeks of dietary treatment with a 10% kJ low fat diet (LFD), 45% kJ high fat diet (HFD) or a HFD with 20, 30 or 40% kJ whey protein isolate (WPI). Body weight gain (B) and body composition (C) of mice after 21 weeks on experimental diets are also shown. Data represent mean values ± S.E.M. (n = 10 per group). Groups that do not share a common letter are significantly different at <i>P<</i>0.05.</p