21 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi Penerapan Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Peduli Lingkungan Melawan Pandemi di Era New Normal pada Anak di Yayasan Griya Yatim dan Dhuafa

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    Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) merupakan salah satu Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi yang wajib di laksanakan. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang kali ini di laksankan berjudul sosialisasi penerapan pola hidup bersih dan sehat, serta peduli lingkungan melawan pandemi di era new normal pada anak di Yayasan Griya Yatim dan Dhuafa. Dengan di latar belakangi kurangnya kesadaran terhadap pentingnya pola hidup bersih dan sehat di tengah new normal masa pandemi Covid-19 maka kegiatan ini kami lakukan dengan tujuan mengajak anak- anak di Yayasan Griya Yatim dan Dhuafa untuk bisa menerapkan bagaimana pentingnya pola hidup bersih dan sehat serta peduli terhadap lingkungan. Kegiatan ini kami lakukan dengan metode survey lokasi dan perencanaan untuk tahap pelaksanan, dimana kegitannya berisi penyampaian materi dan praktik bagaimana cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar sebagai salah satu bentuk penerapan pola hidup bersih dan sehat, adapun kegiatan lain yaitu praktik menanam bibit tanaman hias sebagai bentuk peduli terhadap lingkungan. Setelah di laksanakan kegiatan ini anak anak di Yayasan Griya Yatim dan Dhuafa bisa mengetahui pentingnya mencuci tangan dengan baik dan benar untuk kesehatan serta mengerti bahwa tanaman yang di tanam dengan baik nantinya akan tumbuh dan membuat lingkungan yang di tinggali lebih indah.Kata Kunci: Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat, Lingkungan, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Community service (PMKM) is one of the Tri Dharma of college that must be carried out. The Community Service Activity which this time was carried out was entitled “Socializing the Application of a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle, as well as Caring for the Environment Against the Pandemic in the New Normal Era for Children at the Orphanage and Poor Foundation.†With the background of a lack of awareness about the importance of a clean and healthy lifestyle in the new normal because of the Covid-19 pandemic, so we carried out this activity with the aim to invite children at the orphanage and poor foundation to know how important about clean and healthy lifestyle and care about the environment. This activity using a site survey method and planning, the implementation stage where the activity contained the delivery of materials and practices about how to wash hands properly and correctly as a form of implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle, the other activity was the practice of planting ornamental plant seeds as form of caring for the environment. After this activity, the children at the orphanage and poor foundation could know the importance of washing their hands properly and correctly for health and understand that the plants they planted properly will grow and make the environment they live more beautiful.Keywords: Clean And Healthy Lifestyle, Environment, Community Servic

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh, Lingkar Pinggang, Dan Lemak Tubuh dengan Stress Oksidatif Remaja Obesitas

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    Teenagers are one of the age groups that are prone to obesity. Obesity experienced by adolescents is a nutritional problem that is increasing rapidly and has become a major public health problem. Obesity occurs due to an imbalance in energy intake over a long period of time, resulting in excessive fat accumulation, which results in weight gain. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and percent body fat with markers of oxidative stress in obese adolescents. The research method is an experimental research. The subjects of the study were 24 adolescents aged 13-15 years. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analysis of malonaldialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels in the subject's blood serum. In addition, data in the form of BMI, percent body fat, waist circumference, pattern and level of food consumption. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and inferentially at the significance level  to find out the differences in treatment using the t-test if the data were normally distributed and the Mann-Whitney test if the data were not normally distributed. Next, to find out the closeness of the relationship using the Pearson correlation test The results showed that there was a moderately significant negative correlation between percent body fat and serum MDA, but body mass index, waist circumference, was not significant. The higher the percentage of body fat, the lower the serum MDl. There is no significant relationship between BMI, LP, and % LT with serum SOD. &nbsp


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    Batasan usia remaja berdasarkan WHO adalah 10-19 tahun. Seks pranikah merupakan masalah yang sangat rentan terjadi pada remaja. Faktor penyebab munculnya perilaku seksual adalah kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi. Pemberian pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja sangat penting, akan tetapi mayoritas orangtua memiliki persepsi yang negatif. Penerapan Video Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi bagi siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) adalah suatu kegiatan pemberian pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi kepada siswa SD usia remaja awal. Diharapkan dengan kegiatan ini, siswa SD memiliki pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi yang baik sehingga dapat membekali diri nya dengan pengetahuan akan kesehatan reproduksi sehingga dapat mencegah perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pengetahuan siswa sebelum pemberian pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi remaja menggunakan media video adalah 18,9 dengan nilai terendah adalah 12 dan tertinggi 23. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata pengetahuan setelah edukasi mengalami peningkatan 4 poin dengan nilai rata-rata 22,9 nilai terendah menjadi 19 dan nilai tertinggi 25. Selain memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi kami juga akan memilih dan menetapkan 3 duta remaja sebagai pendidik teman sebaya yang nantinya akan menyampaikan kembali pengetahuan yang sudah diperoleh kepada siswa siswa lainnya menggunakan media video

    Pengaruh Sapa Orangtua Remaja Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Oangtua tentang Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi

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    ABSTRAK Latar belakang : Seks pranikah merupakan masalah yang rentan terjadi pada remaja. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi. Pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi sangat penting, tetapi mayoritas orangtua memiliki pengetahuan kurang serta persepsi negatif terhadap kesehatan reproduksi remaja.Tujuan : Menganalisis perbedaan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku orangtua sebelum dan setelah diberikan intervensi Sapa Orangtua Remaja.Metode : Rancangan penelitian quasi experimental non randomized pre test  and post test one group design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 35 orangtua siswa Sekolah Dasar Pamitran Kota Cirebon dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi.  Instrumen penelitian meliputi kuesioner dan modul Sapa Orang Tua Remaja . Analisis data menggunakan uji wilcoxon dan paired t-test.Hasil dan pembahasan : Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pengetahuan sikap dan perilaku orang tua sebelum dan setelah intervensi (p value 0,003 ; 0,000 dan 0,013).Kesimpulan : Sapa orangtua remaja dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku orangtua tentang kesehatan reproduksi remaja. 


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    Masalah yang sering terjadi pada remaja adalah perilaku seksual yang berisiko. Batasan usia remaja berdasarkan WHO adalah 10-19 tahun. Berdasarkan batasan ini, maka siswa SD yang berusia 10-12 tahun sudah memasuki masa remaja dan perlu diberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberdayakan guru dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi pada siswa SD yang telah memasuki usia remaja, agar dapat mencegah perilaku seksual yang berisiko. Metode penerapan “Reproductive Health Go to School” melalui rangkaian kegiatan sosialisasi materi pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi, Focus Group Discussion kepada guru kelas, guru agama, serta guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan (PJOK) serta penyampaian materi pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi oleh guru kepada siswa kelas V yang berjumlah 30 orang. Hasil yang dicapai nilai rata-rata pre-test pengetahuan guru sebesar 88,3 dan rata-rata post-test sebesar 95. Nilai rata-rata pre-test pengetahuan siswa sebesar 82,1 dan rata-rata post-test sebesar 87,1. Materi pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi sebagian besar sudah termuat dalam mata pelajaran PJOK, serta Pendidikan Agama Islam. Terdapat beberapa pesan utama untuk remaja pada masa pubertas yang belum tersampaikan pada materi tersebut, selanjutnya telah disepakati akan ditambahkan untuk melengkapi materi yang sudah ada

    Efek Pemanfaatan Program Pemantauan dan Promosi Pertumbuhan terhadap Status Gizi Balita di Kota Cirebon

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    Background: Undernourishment is a key problem of mortality in underfive, inwhich one of the causes is lack of growth monitoring and promotion program utilization. Cases of undernourishment at Cirebon Municipality exceed the provincial and national figures. In 2008, community participation in growth monitoring and promotion program increased 19% from the previous year, however cases of undernourishment also increased 0.23%Objective: To assess the effect of growth monitoring and promotion program utilization toward nutritional status of underfives.Method: The study was observational with retrospective cohort design. Subject consisted of 246 underfives of 17-59 months and mothers that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sampling used three stage combined with purposive and random sampling technique. Data consisted of primary and secondary data obtained from questionnaire, growth chard, nutrition registry, monthly report of underfive weighing at Cirebon Municipality 2008, digital scale, length board/ microtoise and WHO anthropometric software. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate with chi square, and multivariate with logistic regression. The study was supported with qualitative data obtained from observation and indepth interview.Result and Discussion: The utilization of growth monitoring and promotion program affected nutritional status of underfives significantly (p<0.05). Incidence of undernourished underfives that did not utilize the program regularly was 2.7 times greater than in those utilizing the program regularly after considering the contribution of knowledge and attitude of mothers and age of underfives. Input indicator especially role of cadres in the process of growth monitoring and promotion program at Cirebon Municipality was not optimum. Constraints in program utilization consisted of individual (health reason), provider (social reason) and community (geographical reason) factors.Conclusion: Monthly growth monitoring was prioritized on underfives for the first 24 month.Target of growth monitoring and promotion program could be achieved when there was comprehensive support from demand side (people that received the service), support side (service providers) and policy side (policy makers).Keywords: nutritional status, underfive, growth monitoring, growth promotion, program utilizatio


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    EFEK PEMANFAATAN PROGRAM PEMANTAUAN DAN PROMOSI PERTUMBUHAN TERHADAP STATUS GIZI BALITA DI KOTA CIREBONLia Nurcahyani 1, Mohammad Hakimi 2, Toto Sudargo 3ABSTRACT Background: Undernourishment is the main cause of mortality in underfives, one of which is the lack of growth monitoring and promotion program utilization. Cases of undernourishment at Cirebon Municipality exceed the provincial and national figures. In 2008, community participation in growth monitoring and promotion program increased 19% from the previous year, however cases of undernourishment also increased 0.23%.Objective: To study the effect of growth monitoring and promotion program utilization toward nutritional status of underfive.Method: The study was observational with retrospective cohort design. Subject consisted of 246 underfives of 17-59 months and mothers that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sampling used three stage combined with purposive and random sampling technique. Data consisted of primary and secondary data obtained from questionnaire, growth chart, nutrition registry, monthly report of underfive weighing at Cirebon Municipality in 2008, digital scale, measurement board/microtoise and 2006 is WHO anthropometric software. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate with chi square, and multivariate with logistic regression. The study was supported with qualitative data obtained from observation and indepth interview with 6 cadres and 2 nutrition staff to identify input and process indicators and constraints in the utilization of growth monitoring and promotion program.Result and Discussion: The utilization of growth monitoring and promotion program affected nutritional status of underfive significantly p<0,05. Incidence of undernourished underfives that did not utilize the program regularly was 2.7 times greater than in those utilizing the program regularly after considering the contribution of knowledge and attitude of mothers and age of underfives. Input indicator especially role of cadres in the process of growth monitoring and promotion program at Cirebon Municipality was not optimum. Constraints in program utilization consisted of individual (health reason), provider (social reason) and community (geographical reason).Conclusion: Monthly growth monitoring should be prioritized on underfives for the first 24 month. Target of growth monitoring and promotion program could be achieved when there is comprehensive support from people that received the service, service providers and policy makers.Keywords:  nutritional status, underfives, growth monitoring, promotion program, program utilization ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kurang gizi adalah penyebab utama mortalitas balita, salah satunya karena kurangnya penggunaan pemantau pertumbuhan dan promosi program. Kasus kurang gizi di Kotamadya Cirebon melebih angka provinsi dan nasional. Di tahun 2008, partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemantauan pertumbuhan dan program promosi meningkat 19% dibanding tahun sebelumnya, namun kasus kurang gizi tetap meningkat 0,23%.Tujuan: Untuk meneliti efek pemanfaatan pemantauan pertumbuhan dan program promosi terhadap status gizi balita.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional dengan rancangan retrospective cohort. Subyek terdiri dari 246 balita usia 17-59 bulan dan ibu yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Sampling memakai tiga tahap dikombinasikan dengan teknik sampling purposif dan acak. Data berasal dari data primer kuesioner dan sekunder, grafik pertumbuhan, register gizi, laporan bulanan berat badan balita di Kotamadya Cirebon tahun 2008, timbangan berat badan, papan pengukur/microtoise dan WHO anthropometric software 2006. Analisis data memakai univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Penelitian ini juga didukung data kualitatif dari hasil observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan 6 kader dan 2 staf gizi untuk mengidentifikasi indikator input dan proses serta hambatan dalam penggunaan pemantau pertumbuhan dan program promosi.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Penggunaan pemantau pertumbuhan dan program promosi mempengaruhi status gizi balita secara signifikan p<0,05. Insidensi kurang gizi balita yang tidak memanfaatkan program secara reguler 2,7 kali lebih tinggi dibanding yang memanfaatkan. Kemungkinan kontribusi pengetahuan dan sikap ibu serta usia balita juga mempengaruhi. Indikator input terutama peran kader dalam proses pemantauan pertumbuhan dan program promosi di Kotamadya Cirebon belum optimal. Hambatan penggunaan meliputi faktor individu (alasan kesehatan), petugas kesehatan (alasan sosial) dan komunitas (alasan geografis).Kesimpulan: Pemantauan pertumbuhan balita bulanan harus diprioritaskan untuk 24 bulan pertama. Target pemantauan pertumbuhan dan promosi dapat dicapai bila ada dukungan dari sisi kebutuhan masyarakat yang menerima layanan, dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan kebijakan pengambil kebijakan.Kata kunci: status gizi, balita, pemantau pertumbuhan, program promosi, pemanfaatan program 1 Politeknik Kesehatan Cirebon, Program Kebidanan, Tasikmalaya2 Magister Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak – Kesehatan Reproduksi, Fakultas   Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada3 Magister Kesehatan dan Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mad

    Effects of Using an Application for Postpartum Contraceptive Use in Family Planning Counseling During Pregnancy

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    A decision-making tool for family planning flipchart is used for contraceptive counseling, but the use of this flipchart is suboptimal. In this study, primary study resulted in innovative decision-making tools for family planning applications. “Si KB Pintar” was also developed, a tool that women can use to discuss contraceptives with their husbands after family planning counseling. This study analyzed the effectiveness of family planning counseling during pregnancy by applying postpartum contraceptive use. Analytical quantitative quasi-experimental methods were used with a control group design. The sampling method was two-stage sampling. In the first stage, from 22 primary health care (PHC) in Cirebon City, Indonesia, 11 intervention and 11 control groups were selected using random allocation. Five participants were taken from each PHC in the second stage using simple random sampling. The findings indicated that participants given family planning counseling using an application had a 2.4 times higher likelihood of using postpartum contraception compared to flipcharts after controlling for age and parity variables. Because these applications are only for Android users, applications should be produced that all users can utilize in further study

    Study of Diabetes Mellitus Management Policies Using a Systems Approach in Surge Capacity

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    Background: The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Indonesia continues to increase, even though DM control policies and programs have been implemented. According to existing policies, the family has not been involved in diabetes control. This study evaluates diabetes mellitus management policies by designing family-based community empowerment model interventions with a systems approach to surge capacity.   Methods: The design of this study used a cross-sectional operational analysis conducted in Cirebon City with 26 participants. Data collection was carried out using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews using interview guidelines from the surge capacity component. Inclusion criteria were Non-Communicable Diseases program holders at the Cirebon City Health Office and Community Health Centers with the highest and lowest prevalence, and DM sufferers and their families representing each age and gender category. Data analysis was performed using open code.   Results: The non-communicable disease program has not been integrated between the health office and the hospital; funds for the DM prevention program have not met the needs; there are limited human resources with multiple tasks and an excessive workload, so it is not optimal for DM health services; and there is a lack of family involvement in diabetes control, so the incidence of DM is still not usually controlled.   Conclusion: Policy studies using a system approach in surge capacity have been able to dig up various information on DM control efforts in terms of policy, organizational structure, DM surveillance, information systems, integrated services, case screening, budgeting, and community empowerment