691 research outputs found

    Entomogenous nematode research in China

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    Running shoes may play an important role in preventing injuries by absorbing external shock due to ground impact (Cook et al., 1990; Verdejo and Mills, 2004). Shoe age maybe an important factor in running injuries. One prospective study showed that running injury was associated with shoe age (Taunton et al., 2003). In recent years, different types of foam materials have been developed for running shoe midsoles. Two common types of foam materials, Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) and Polyurethane (PU), are now widely used in running shoe midsoles. The purpose of the present study was to examine the durability of running shoes with common types of EVA and PU midsole materials

    Impurity state in the vortex core of d-wave superconductors: Anderson impurity model versus unitary impurity model

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    Using an extended Anderson/Kondo impurity model to describe the magnetic moments around an impurity doped in high-TcT_{\text{c}} d-wave cuprates and in the framework of the slave-boson meanfield approach, we study numerically the impurity state in the vortex core by exact diagonalization of the well-established Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The low-energy impurity state is found to be good agreement with scanning tunnelingmicroscopy observation. After pinning a vortex on the impurity site, we compare the unitary impurity model with the extended Anderson impurity model by examining the effect of the magnetic field on the impurity state. We find that the impurity resonance in the unitary impurity model is strongly suppressed by the vortex; while it is insensitive to the field in the extended Anderson impurity model.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Sorption of Eu(III) on Attapulgite Studied by Batch, XPS and EXAFS Techniques.

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    The effects of pH, ionic strength and temperature on sorption of Eu(III) on attapulgite were investigated in the presence and absence of fulvic acid (FA) and humic acid (HA). The results indicated that the sorption of Eu(III) on attapulgite was strongly dependent on pH and ionic strength, and independent of temperature. In the presence of FA/HA, Eu(III) sorption was enhanced at pH 7. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis suggested that the sorption of Eu(III) might be expressed as ≡X3Eu0 ≡SwOHEu3+ and ≡SOEu-OOC-/HA in the ternary Eu/HA/attapulgite system. The extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis of Eu-HA complexes indicated that the distances of d(Eu-O) decreased from 2.451 to 2.360 Å with increasing pH from 1.76 to 9.50, whereas the coordination number (N) decreased from ~9.94 to ~8.56. Different complexation species were also found for the different addition sequences of HA and Eu(III) to attapulgite suspension. The results are important to understand the influence of humic substances on Eu(III) behavior in the natural environment

    Rotor shaping method for torque ripple mitigation in variable flux reluctance machines

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    In this paper, four rotor shaping methods, i.e., eccentric circular, inverse cosine, inverse cosine with third harmonic, and multi-step shaping methods, are developed and compared for torque ripple mitigation in variable flux reluctance machines (VFRMs). By using a 6-stator-pole/7-rotor-pole (6/7) VFRM as an example, the design criterions and capabilities of these four methods are illustrated. It is found that all the rotor shaping methods are capable of torque ripple mitigation and applicable to all the VFRMs except those with 6 k /(6 i ± 2) k ( k , i = 1, 2, 3…) stator/rotor pole combinations. Moreover, the inverse cosine with third harmonic and multi-step shaping methods are found to have the best performance. They are able to reduce the torque ripple by 90% at a cost of only 3% torque density reduction. A 6/7 VFRM with both conventional and shaped rotors is prototyped and tested for verification

    Process Analysis and Trial Tests for Hot-Rolled Stainless Steel/Carbon Steel Clad Plates

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    The trials of 304 stainless steel-clad plate made of plain Q345B carbon steel were performed on hot-rolling line of the Hesteel Group. After the two runs of pilot production, the key process parameters for the stainless steel/carbon steel clad plate were found to meet the GB/T 8165-2008 requirements. The interface shear strength of the clad plate was higher than 360 MPa, the yield strength of the final product was over 257 MPa, the clad plate tensile strength and elongation exceeded 351 MPa and 39.8%, respectively. The interpenetration of stainless steel and plain carbon steel layers was established to be complete, with the adequate composite interface. The tensile and shear properties of stainless steel-clad plates produced by the rolling process were at the same level as those obtained via the explosive method as an alternative, while their production cost were somewhat reduced.Проведено промышленное испытание листа, плакированного нержавеющей сталью 304 с обычной углеродистой сталью Q345B, с использованием линии горячей прокатки группы Hesteel. После двух этапов опытного производства было установлено, что основные техниРефераты ческие показатели производства листа удовлетворяют требованиям GB/T 8165 2008. Прочностьпри сдвиге на поверхности раздела плакированного листа превышала 360 МПа, предел текучести конечного продукта превышал 257 МПа, прочность при растяжении испытуемого материала превышала 351 МПа, а удлинение плакированного листа превышало 39,8%. Показано, что степень амальгамации слоя нержавеющей стали и нелегированной углеродистой стали была высокой, а поверхность раздела композита ровной и совершенной. Свойства при растяжении и сдвиге плакированных нержавеющей сталью листов, изготовленных с помощью процесса взрывной прокатки, соответствовали таковым, изготовленным путем взрывного процесса. Однако эффективность процесса взрывной прокатки существенно выше, чем взрывного процесса, при этом производственные затраты были гораздо меньше.Проведено промислове випробування листа, плакованого нержавіючої сталлю 304 зі звичайною вуглецевою сталлю Q345B, з використанням лінії гарячої прокатки групи Hesteel. Після двох етапів дослідного виробництва було встановлено, що основні технічні показники виробництва листа задовольняють вимогам GB/T 8165-2008. Міцність при зсуві на поверхні розділу плакованого листа перевищувала 360 МПа, межа плинності кінцевого продукту перевищував 257 МПа, міцність при розтягузі випробуваного матеріалу перевищувала 351 МПа, а подовження плакованого листа перевищувало 39,8%. Показано, що ступінь амальгамування шару нержавіючої сталі і нелегованої вуглецевої сталі була високою, а поверхня розділу композиту рівною і досконалою. Властивості при розтязі і зсуві плакованих нержавіючої сталлю листів, виготовлених за допомогою процесу вибуховий прокатки, відповідали таким, виготовленим шляхом вибухового процесу. Однак ефективність процесу вибуховий прокатки істотно вище, ніж вибухового процесу, при цьому виробничі витрати були набагато менше