191 research outputs found

    Optical limiting using Laguerre-Gaussian beams

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    We demonstrate optical limiting using the self-lensing effect of a higher-order Laguerre-Gaussian beam in a thin dye-doped polymer sample, which we find is consistent with our model using Gaussian decomposition. The peak phase shift in the sample required for limiting is smaller than for a fundamental Gaussian beam with the added flexibility that the nonlinear medium can be placed either in front of or behind the beam focus.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    The feasibility and challenges of energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment plants

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    Energy efficiency optimization is crucial for wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) because of increasing energy costs and concerns about global climate change. Energy efficiency optimization can be achieved through a combination of energy recovery from the wastewater treatment process and energy saving-related technologies. Through these two approaches energy self-sufficiency of WWTPs is achievable, and research is underway to reduce operation costs and energy consumption and to achieve carbon neutrality. In this paper, we analyze energy consumption and recovery in WWTPs and characterize the factors that influence energy use in WWTPs, including treatment techniques, treatment capacities, and regional differences. Recent advances in the optimization of energy recovery technologies and theoretical analysis models for the analysis of different technological solutions are presented. Despite some challenges in implementation, such as technological barriers and high investment costs, particularly in developing countries, this paper highlights the potential for more energy self-sufficient WWTPs to be established in the future

    Structural‐Deformation‐Energy‐Modulation Strategy in a Soft Porous Coordination Polymer with an Interpenetrated Framework

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    German version: https://doi.org/10.1002/ange.202003186To achieve unique molecular‐recognition patterns, a rational control of the flexibility of porous coordination polymers (PCPs) is highly sought, but it remains elusive. From a thermodynamic perspective, the competitive relationship between the structural deformation energy (Edef) of soft PCPs and the guest interaction is key for selective a guest‐triggered structural‐transformation behavior. Therefore, it is vital to investigate and control Edef to regulate this competition for flexibility control. Driven by these theoretical insights, we demonstrate an Edef‐modulation strategy via encoding inter‐framework hydrogen bonds into a soft PCP with an interpenetrated structure. As a proof of this concept, the enhanced Edef of PCP enables a selective gate‐opening behavior toward CHCl₃ over CH₂Cl₂ by changing the adsorption‐energy landscape of the compounds. This study provides a new direction for the design of functional soft porous materials

    Effects of temperature and dissolved CO2 on the scaling of water in the presence of copper and zinc

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    In this study, through the method of rapid controlled precipitation (RCP), the influence of temperature and dissolved CO2 on the scaling capacity of mineral water in the presence of copper and zinc ions was studied in laboratory experiments. The results indicated that with a rise in temperature or concentration of dissolved CO2, the scaling time of Salvetat water greatly decreased and the rate of precipitation considerably increased; therefore, the minimum dosage of copper or zinc ion for achieving total inhibition of scaling needed to be increased, which would provide better guidance for practical use of metal ions in inhibiting the scaling of drinking water

    From powder to cloth: Facile fabrication of dense MOF-76(Tb) coating onto natural silk fiber for feasible detection of copper ions

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    The deposition of powdered MOFs material onto other substrates is essential to avoid inconvenience during its practical applications. In this work, domestic silk fiber was utilized as the skeleton, for successful coating of dense luminescent MOF-76(Tb). Its surface functionality which consist of abundance of intrinsic carboxylic groups, smooth surface structure, and 80% of tensile strength were maintained after being immersed in different thermal solvents (water, ethanol, DMF @ 80 °C) for 24 h, revealing good solvent and thermal resistance. By using hydrothermal, microwave assisted, and layer-by-layer methods, different crystal morphologies (pillar-like, sedimentary-rock-like, and needle-like morphology) and varying degrees of surface coverage rate were obtained, as a result of different levels of anchoring promotion and crystal controlling effect. The MOFs coating can be confirmed by its XRD pattern and fluorescent property. More importantly, the quenching effect of the composite in a condition of Cu2+ was first reported with high selectivity, sensitivity (i.e. a linear detection concentration range of 10−3–10−5 M with a low detection limit up to 0.5 mg/L, KSV of 1192 M−1 at 293 K), and rapid response time (5 min), making the composite a good candidate for colorimetric and fluorescent detection of aquatic Cu2+. The quenching mechanism is proposed to associate with the interaction between Cu2+ and benzene-tricarboxylate (BTC) ligand, which resulted in the decrease of energy transfer efficiency. The selectivity over other common cations depends on the unsaturated electron configuration and the smaller ionic radius of Cu2+

    Soft corrugated channel with synergistic exclusive discrimination gating for CO₂ recognition in gas mixture

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    二酸化炭素に対してのみゲートを開いて吸着する フレキシブル多孔性材料を開発. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-08-02.Interactive networks for capturing gas with high selectivity. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-08-02.Developing artificial porous systems with high molecular recognition performance is critical but very challenging to achieve selective uptake of a particular component from a mixture of many similar species, regardless of the size and affinity of these competing species. A porous platform that integrates multiple recognition mechanisms working cooperatively for highly efficient guest identification is desired. Here, we designed a flexible porous coordination polymer (PCP) and realised a corrugated channel system that cooperatively responds to only target gas molecules by taking advantage of its stereochemical shape, location of binding sites, and structural softness. The binding sites and structural deformation act synergistically, exhibiting exclusive discrimination gating (EDG) effect for selective gate-opening adsorption of CO₂ over nine similar gas molecules, including N₂, CH₄, CO, O₂, H₂, Ar, C₂H₆, and even higher-affinity gases such as C₂H₂ and C₂H4. Combining in-situ crystallographic experiments with theoretical studies, it is clear that this unparalleled ability to decipher the CO₂ molecule is achieved through the coordination of framework dynamics, guest diffusion, and interaction energetics. Furthermore, the gas co-adsorption and breakthrough separation performance render the obtained PCP an efficient adsorbent for CO₂ capture from various gas mixtures

    Photocatalytic degradation of congo red dye using UIO-66 mofmetal oxides composites

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    Ovo istraživanje ima za cilj ispitivanje efikasnosti degradacije kongo crvene boje (KC) korišćenjem metalno-organskih mrežnih struktura (MOF), metalnih oksida (MeO) i njihovih kompozita. KC se često koristi u tekstilnoj industriji, a njeno ispuštanje u životnu sredinu može imati štetne efekte na život u vodenoj sredini i ljudsko zdravlje. MOF koji je korišćen u ovom istraživanju bio je UiO-66, koji ima visoku površinu i mogućnost podešavanja veličine pora, što ga čini obećavajućim kandidatom za primene u remedijaciji životne sredine. Efikasnost uklanjanja KC ocenjena je korišćenjem UV-Vis spektroskopije. Oksidi kobalta i bakra su odabrani zbog povoljnih vrednosti njihovih energetskih procepa (1.4-2.4 eV), koje se nalaze unutar energetskog opsega zračenja vidljive svetlosti, za razliku od UiO-66 čija je vrednost energetskog procepa daleko veća (3.7-4.1 eV). Rezultati su pokazali da je Cu2O samostalno imao najmanji efekat na degradaciju KC, dok je kompozit MOF+CuO+Cu2O imao najviši procenat degradacije KC. Kompozit je degradirao 91% KC u roku od 2 sata reakcije, dok je sam MOF degradirao samo 47%. Ovo istraživanje ukazuje na mogućnost primene MOF+CuO+Cu2O i MOF+CuO kompozita, kao efikasnih katalizatora za degradaciju KC. Rezultati takođe sugerišu da bi MeO+MOF kompoziti uopšte, mogli biti efikasna alternativa za samostalnu upotrebu UiO-66 metalno-organskih mrežnih struktura u procesu uklanjanja boja u tretmanu otpadnih voda. Upotreba MOF-ova i njihovih kompozita sa metalnim oksidima može predstavljati obećavajući pristup za remedijaciju životne sredine tj. uklanjanje štetnih zagađujućih materija iz voda, doprinoseći očuvanju i zaštiti ljudskog zdravlja.This study aimed to investigate the degradation efficiency of Congo red dye using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), metal oxides (MeOs), and their composite powders. Congo red is a commonly used dye in the textile industry and its release into the environment can have harmful effects on aquatic life and human health. MOF used in this study was UiO-66, which has a high surface area and tunable pore size, making it a promising candidate for environmental remediation applications. Removal efficiency of Congo red dye was evaluated using UV-vis spectroscopy. Cobalt and copper oxides were chosen because of their suitable band gaps (1.4-2.4 eV) which falls within the favorable band gap range for visible light absorption, contrary to the UiO-66, whose band gap is ≈3.7-4.1 eV. Results showed that Cu2O when used alone had the weakest effect on the degradation of the dye, while the composite of MOF+CuO+Cu2O had the highest percentage of dye degradation. The composite degraded 91% of the dye within 2 hours of the reaction, whereas MOF alone degraded only 47% of the dye. This study showed that MOF+CuO and MOF+CuO+Cu2O composites can be used as efficient catalysts for wastewater treatment, specifically for the degradation of Congo red dye. These findings also suggest that the MeO+MOF composites in general, could be an effective alternative to MOFs alone for the environmental remediation applications. The use of MOFs and their composites with metal oxides could provide a promising approach for the removal of harmful pollutants from wastewaters, contributing to the preservation of our environment and the protection of human health.11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources : November 2-3, Belgrade, 2023

    Cardiolipin externalization mediates prion protein (PrP) peptide 106–126-associated mitophagy and mitochondrial dysfunction

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    Proper mitochondrial performance is imperative for the maintenance of normal neuronal function to prevent the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Persistent accumulation of damaged mitochondria plays a role in prion disease pathogenesis, which involves a chain of events that culminate in the generation of reactive oxygen species and neuronal death. Our previous studies have demonstrated that PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy induced by PrP106−126 is defective and leads to an accumulation of damaged mitochondria after PrP106−126 treatment. Externalized cardiolipin (CL), a mitochondria-specific phospholipid, has been reported to play a role in mitophagy by directly interacting with LC3II at the outer mitochondrial membrane. The involvement of CL externalization in PrP106−126-induced mitophagy and its significance in other physiological processes of N2a cells treated with PrP106−126 remain unknown. We demonstrate that the PrP106−126 peptide caused a temporal course of mitophagy in N2a cells, which gradually increased and subsequently decreased. A similar trend in CL externalization to the mitochondrial surface was seen, resulting in a gradual decrease in CL content at the cellular level. Inhibition of CL externalization by knockdown of CL synthase, responsible for de novo synthesis of CL, or phospholipid scramblase-3 and NDPK-D, responsible for CL translocation to the mitochondrial surface, significantly decreased PrP106−126-induced mitophagy in N2a cells. Meanwhile, the inhibition of CL redistribution significantly decreased PINK1 and DRP1 recruitment in PrP106−126 treatment but had no significant decrease in Parkin recruitment. Furthermore, the inhibition of CL externalization resulted in impaired oxidative phosphorylation and severe oxidative stress, which led to mitochondrial dysfunction. Our results indicate that CL externalization induced by PrP106−126 on N2a cells plays a positive role in the initiation of mitophagy, leading to the stabilization of mitochondrial function