49 research outputs found

    The Identification and Development of Talents in the Environment of Logistics Companies

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    This paper focuses on the identification of talents as a strategic investment of logistics companies to increase their competitiveness in the future. The paper represents partial result of research aimed the identification of talents as the potential key managers in the specific conditions of logistics companies. Research question is how we can optimize the identification of the potential talents of logistics companies so that investment for their development will not be lost. There is a proposed use of SAAT’s pair wise comparison method for optimizing in the paper. The proposal is verified on a model example in the environment of logistics company

    Gender Motivation Differences of Czech and Chinese Employees

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    The aim of the article is to identify significant differences in motivational preferences of employees of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) by comparing their membership to the region and gender. The paper presents the partial outcomes of research on the level of motivation and the preferences of employees in the Czech Republic and the Beijing municipality administration of the People’s Republic of China. The survey was carried out in 2017 using a questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed in small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in various areas of business. The sample included the entire territory of the Czech Republic (CR) and the Beijing municipality administration in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). A total of 2,673 respondents participated in the survey, of which 899 were respondents in the Beijing municipality administration and 1,774 respondents from the Czech Republic. Descriptive statistics was used to characterize the sampling unit. The other methods used to evaluate data in the article were the Student two-sample t-test, F test, and ANOVA. The differences in motivational preferences of employees revealed by the study can be used as a basis for creating appropriate incentive programs for multinational business teams

    The Application of the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) to Logistics Enterprises

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    Today´s world is reflected in words such as globalization, economic crisis, market economy and competitiveness. All these influence business entities. An enterprise that does not keep pace with current trends, innovates, seek improvements in quality or assess the effectiveness of its activities, is at risk of stagnating. Similar trends also prevail in logistics enterprises in Slovakia. The aim of this study was to analyse organizational culture in logistics enterprises because it is one of the key factors affecting the quality of the products and the overall competitiveness of an enterprise. Utilizing the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) we diagnosed the dominant trend within Slovak logistics enterprises. On the whole these enterprises have a hierarchical organizational culture. However, employees are of the opinion that there should be a more familial work environment, typical of a clan organizational culture. Whilst enterprises continue to underestimate this factor, they will miss an important tool to achieve better success rates in a tough competitive environment

    Direction of the Corporate Culture in Slovak and German Transport Companies from a Top Managers' Perspective

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    The objective of the paper is to compare the level of corporate culture in Slovakia and Germany. Top managers of large transport companies were asked to participate in our research. Following the analysis, hierarchy corporate culture, with dominant features such as keeping within rules, regulations, was preferred in Slovak companies. Top Slovak managers asked for following this trend in the future. Clan corporate culture was the most used at present time as well as most preferred in following 5 years in Germany. Top German managers focused on employee's needs and employee's development. Our recommendation for top German managers is to remain in this trend. For top Slovak managers we propose to change their perception and to consider employees as a key factor. Employees are owners of new creative ideas through which enterprises can build their competitive advantage

    Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Service Enterprises and their Attitudes Towards Marketing Investments

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    The service sector has become the dominant sphere of market economies over the last forty years. The maturity of a country’s economy is directly related to the maturity of services as an economic sector. The immense growth across the service sector has also put mounting pressure on the competitiveness of service enterprises and their marketing activities. The turn of the millennium has already seen the competitive struggle affected by two crises – first, an economic one and now, one caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has had a great impact (not only) on the service sector. The article deals with the question of how Czech service enterprises reflect on the impact of the pandemic. The article’s aim is to find out how service enterprises perceive the impact of the Covid-19 crisis depending on their size and classification within the service sector and how they approach marketing investments during a pandemic crisis. The research is focused on service enterprises (n=90) in terms of their application of marketing processes in the conditions of the Czech Republic in the period 2020-2021. The results, based on descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOVA test in conjunction with Hochberg and Games-Howell tests, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and chi-squared test), show that smaller enterprises tend to be more affected by the effects of government measures in the context of the Covid-19 crisis than medium and large enterprises

    Motivation Preferences of Hungarian and Slovak Employees are Significantly Different

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    The aim of the paper is to compare the level of employee motivation in Hungary and Slovakia. Using sociological survey through questionnaires, a research was conducted in all regions of Hungary and Slovakia in 2016. Total of 30 motivation factors were divided into 5 groups of motivation factors. We analyzed motivation factors relating to mutual relationships, to career aspiration, to finance, to work conditions and to social needs. Significantly different preferences were observed in 4 of 5 groups of motivation factors preferred by Hungarian and Slovak respondents (motivation factors relating to mutual relationships, to career aspiration, to work conditions and to social needs). Surprisingly, motivation factors relating to mutual relationship were highly preferred by Hungarian respondents. Financial motivation factors were the most important for Slovak employees. Motivation factors relating to social needs were the least important for both groups of respondents. For Hungarian and Slovak employers, we recommend focusing on motivation factors relating to mutual relationships when creating motivation programmes. It will improve relations in the workplace. Simultaneously for Hungarian employers, our suggestion is to focus on motivation factors relating to career aspiration

    Izbor najtalentiranijih kandidata u tvrtki za proizvodnju namještaja

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    This paper deals with the question of identification and development of talents in the company. The aim of the article is to find one of the possible solutions to increase the objectivity of identifying talents and finding valuable input data for planning effectively their further development. The objective is achieved by estimates of the weights of criteria and by the multicriteria decision making method. The proposed model for solving this problem is specific for companies in furniture industry, as well as for companies in other sectors. For this reason, the selected methods have been applied to a specific example of the Czech company operating in furniture industry for over twenty years.Pitanje identifikacije i razvoja talenata u tvrtki trenutačno je jedna od tema o kojoj se najviše raspravlja. Cilj članka bio je pronaći jedno od mogućih rješenja za povećanje objektivnosti identifikacije talenata i pronalaženja vrijednih ulaznih podataka za učinkovito planiranje njihova daljnjeg razvoja. Taj se cilj postiže procjenom težine kriterija i metodom višekriterijskog odlučivanja. Predloženi model rješenja tog problema specifičan je za poduzeća koja proizvode namještaj, ali se može primijeniti i u drugim sektorima. Izabrane metode primijenjene su na predlošku češke tvrtke koja posluje u industriji proizvodnje namještaja dulje od dvadeset godina

    Motivational Preferences of Employees in Requirements of Czech and Russian Transport and Logistics Enterprises

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    The aim of the paper is to identify the employees\u27 groups based on the differences in their motivation preferences in the environment of transport and logistics enterprises in selected regions. Loyal, satisfied and efficient employees are a key success factor for service enterprises in general. This is due to the fact that service sphere is characterized by the low level of anonymity of the service provider, therefore the level of professional approach of employees in direct interaction becomes the most important in terms of customer satisfaction. The paper represents partial result of research aimed at the identification of motivational preferences of employees in the specific conditions of logistics enterprises. The research was carried out in the Czech Republic and Russian Federation (Sverdlovsk region) in 2017 and the research sample consisted of 571 and 860 respondents employed in transport and logistics enterprises. There is a proposed use of Cluster analysis method in the paper. The research results obtained can help better understand the motivational preferences of the transport and logistics staff and thus create the possibility of more efficient formulation of incentive programs

    Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on service enterprises and their attitudes towards marketing investments

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    The service sector has become the dominant sphere of market economies over the last forty years. The maturity of a country's economy is directly related to the maturity of services as an economic sector. The immense growth across the service sector has also put mounting pressure on the competitiveness of service enterprises and their marketing activities. The turn of the millennium has already seen the competitive struggle affected by two crises - first, an economic one and now, one caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has had a great impact (not only) on the service sector. The article deals with the question of how Czech service enterprises reflect on the impact of the pandemic. The article's aim is to find out how service enterprises perceive the impact of the Covid-19 crisis depending on their size and classification within the service sector and how they approach marketing investments during a pandemic crisis. The research is focused on service enterprises (n=90) in terms of their application of marketing processes in the conditions of the Czech Republic in the period 2020-2021. The results, based on descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOVA test in conjunction with Hochberg and Games-Howell tests, Pearson's correlation coefficient and chi-squared test), show that smaller enterprises tend to be more affected by the effects of government measures in the context of the Covid-19 crisis than medium and large enterprises.[RVO/FMK/2020/001]; [RVO/FMK/2021/001

    Factors forming employee motivation influenced by regional and age-related differences

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    The aim of the paper is to define and quantify the differences in employee motivation depending upon the selected regions and the age of employees. The research was carried out in 2017. Sampling unit consisted of 7,594 respondents – employees from the selected eastern European countries, members of the European Union, mainly the Slovak and Czech Republic, as well as selected regions outside the European Union, Russia and China. Data gathered from the questionnaires were evaluated using descriptive statistics and tested by Tukey's HSD at the level of significance of 5%. The ANOVA Variance Analysis was used to compare each sampling unit in relation to the age and the country. Most of the differences in motivation factors were found in the countries of China and Russia. It can be due to different cultural values, especially because of the power gap and the preferred principle of seniority and collectivism in China. Differences in the level of motivation, i.e. motivation factors especially in relation to the age were observed in the analysed regions. Incentive plans for intercultural teams in order to enable employers to choose motivation factors effectively were designed following the conclusions presented in the paper. Fundamental patterns of cultural differences as well as age-related differences predicting motivational preferences can be taken into consideration when selecting the motivation factors