8,787 research outputs found

    Holographic entanglement of purification for thermofield double states and thermal quench

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    We explore the properties of holographic entanglement of purification (EoP) for two disjoint strips in the Schwarzschild-AdS black brane and the Vaidya-AdS black brane spacetimes. For two given strips on the same boundary of Schwarzschild-AdS spacetime, there is an upper bound of the separation beyond which the holographic EoP will always vanish no matter how wide the strips are. In the case that two strips are in the two boundaries of the spacetime respectively, we find that the holographic EoP exists only when the strips are wide enough. If the width is finite, the EoP can be nonzero in a finite time region. For thermal quench case, we find that the equilibrium time of holographic EoP is only sensitive to the width of strips, while that of the holographic mutual information is sensitive not only to the width of strips but also to their separation.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, major correction of section


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    The title compound, [Cu2(NCS)2(C13H17Cl2N2O)2], was obtained by the reaction of 3,5-dichloro­salicylaldehyde, N,N-diethyl­ethane-1,2-diamine, sodium thio­cyanate, and copper(II) acetate in an ethanol solution. It crystallizes as a centrosymmetric dimer with a very long Cu⋯S axial bond [2.972 (3) Å]. The Cu atom is five-coordinated by the three donor atoms of the Schiff base ligand, 2,4-dichloro-6-[(2-diethyl­amino­ethyl­imino)meth­yl]phenol, one N atom of a thio­cyanate group, and one S atom of a symmetry-related thio­cyanate group, forming a slightly distorted square-pyramidal geometry

    Reengineering an object-oriented framework for extensible query optimization

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    In this thesis, we describe a third-generation extensible query optimization framework that has evolved from the OPT++ framework of Navin Kabra for relational databases. Our framework does not change the infrastructure of the OPT++ architecture, which consists of three components: a Search Strategy component, a Search Space component and an Algebra component. However, we address the problems encountered while building two query optimizers in the framework: a simple bottom-up optimizer and an instance of the PostgreSQL query optimizer and enhance the modularity and the collaboration of the three components of the framework at detailed level, which in turn leads to a more flexible, easier to extend and cleaner implementation. The framework has been validated by implementing the two query optimizers. While both these cases were for the relational data model, we believe the design does cover the optimization process for other data models

    Self-organization and phase transition in financial markets with multiple choices

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    Market confidence is essential for successful investing. By incorporating multi-market into the evolutionary minority game, we investigate the effects of investor beliefs on the evolution of collective behaviors and asset prices. When there exists another investment opportunity, market confidence, including overconfidence and under-confidence, is not always good or bad for investment. The roles of market confidence is closely related to market impact. For low market impact, overconfidence in a particular asset makes an investor become insensitive to losses and a delayed strategy adjustment leads to a decline in wealth, and thereafter, one's runaway from the market. For high market impact, under-confidence in a particular asset makes an investor over-sensitive to losses and one's too frequent strategy adjustment leads to a large fluctuation in asset prices, and thereafter, a decrease in the number of agents. At an intermediate market impact, the phase transition occurs. No matter what the market impact is, an equilibrium between different markets exists, which is reflected in the occurrence of similar price fluctuations in different markets. A theoretical analysis indicates that such an equilibrium results from the coupled effects of strategy updating and shift in investment. The runaway of the agents trading a specific asset will lead to a decline in the asset price volatility and such a decline will be inhibited by the clustering of the strategies. A uniform strategy distribution will lead to a large fluctuation in asset prices and such a fluctuation will be suppressed by the decrease in the number of agents in the market. A functional relationship between the price fluctuations and the numbers of agents is found

    Coupled effects of local movement and global interaction on contagion

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    By incorporating segregated spatial domain and individual-based linkage into the SIS (susceptible-infected-susceptible) model, we investigate the coupled effects of random walk and intragroup interaction on contagion. Compared with the situation where only local movement or individual-based linkage exists, the coexistence of them leads to a wider spread of infectious disease. The roles of narrowing segregated spatial domain and reducing mobility in epidemic control are checked, these two measures are found to be conducive to curbing the spread of infectious disease. Considering heterogeneous time scales between local movement and global interaction, a log-log relation between the change in the number of infected individuals and the timescale Ï„\tau is found. A theoretical analysis indicates that the evolutionary dynamics in the present model is related to the encounter probability and the encounter time. A functional relation between the epidemic threshold and the ratio of shortcuts, and a functional relation between the encounter time and the timescale Ï„\tau are found

    Sox10+ adult stem cells contribute to biomaterial encapsulation and microvascularization.

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    Implanted biomaterials and biomedical devices generally induce foreign body reaction and end up with encapsulation by a dense avascular fibrous layer enriched in extracellular matrix. Fibroblasts/myofibroblasts are thought to be the major cell type involved in encapsulation, but it is unclear whether and how stem cells contribute to this process. Here we show, for the first time, that Sox10+ adult stem cells contribute to both encapsulation and microvessel formation. Sox10+ adult stem cells were found sparsely in the stroma of subcutaneous loose connective tissues. Upon subcutaneous biomaterial implantation, Sox10+ stem cells were activated and recruited to the biomaterial scaffold, and differentiated into fibroblasts and then myofibroblasts. This differentiation process from Sox10+ stem cells to myofibroblasts could be recapitulated in vitro. On the other hand, Sox10+ stem cells could differentiate into perivascular cells to stabilize newly formed microvessels. Sox10+ stem cells and endothelial cells in three-dimensional co-culture self-assembled into microvessels, and platelet-derived growth factor had chemotactic effect on Sox10+ stem cells. Transplanted Sox10+ stem cells differentiated into smooth muscle cells to stabilize functional microvessels. These findings demonstrate the critical role of adult stem cells in tissue remodeling and unravel the complexity of stem cell fate determination
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