4,178 research outputs found

    Evaluating Copyright Protection in the Data-Driven Era: Centering on Motion Picture\u27s Past and Future

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    Since the 1910s, Hollywood has measured audience preferences with rough industry-created methods. In the 1940s, scientific audience research led by George Gallup started to conduct film audience surveys with traditional statistical and psychological methods. However, the quantity, quality, and speed were limited. Things dramatically changed in the internet age. The prevalence of digital data increases the instantaneousness, convenience, width, and depth of collecting audience and content data. Advanced data and AI technologies have also allowed machines to provide filmmakers with ideas or even make human-like expressions. This brings new copyright challenges in the data-driven era. Massive amounts of text and data are the premise of text and data mining (TDM), as well as the admission ticket to access machine learning technologies. Given the high and uncertain copyright violation risks in the data-driven creation process, whoever controls the copyrighted film materials can monopolize the data and AI technologies to create motion pictures in the data-driven era. Considering that copyright shall not be the gatekeeper to new technological uses that do not impair the original uses of copyrighted works in the existing markets, this study proposes to create a TDM and model training limitations or exceptions to copyrights and recommends the Singapore legislative model. Motion pictures, as public entertainment media, have inherently limited creative choices. Identifying data-driven works’ human original expression components is also challenging. This study proposes establishing a voluntarily negotiated license institution backed up by a compulsory license to enable other filmmakers to reuse film materials in new motion pictures. The film material’s degree of human original authorship certified by film artists’ guilds shall be a crucial factor in deciding the compulsory license’s royalty rate and terms to encourage retaining human artists. This study argues that international and domestic policymakers should enjoy broad discretion to qualify data-driven work’s copyright protection because data-driven work is a new category of work. It would be too late to wait until ubiquitous data-driven works block human creative freedom and floods of data-driven work copyright litigations overwhelm the judicial systems


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    In recent years, technological advancements, such as next-generation sequencing and single-cell interrogation techniques, have enriched our understanding in tumor heterogeneity. By dissecting tumors and characterizing clonal lineages, we are better understanding the intricacies of tumor evolution. Tumors are represented by the presence of and dynamic interactions amongst clonal lineages. Each lineage and each cell contributes to tumor dynamics through intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms, and the variable responses of clones to perturbations in the environment, especially therapeutics, underlie disease progression and relapse. Thus, there exists a pressing need to understand the molecular mechanisms that determine the functional heterogeneity of tumor sub-clones to improve clinical outcomes. Clonal replica tumors (CRTs) is an in vivo platform created specifically to enable robust tracing and functional study of clones within a tumor. The establishment of CRTs is built upon our current concept of tumor heterogeneity, intrinsic cancer cell hierarchy and clonal self-renewal properties. The model allows researchers to create large cohorts of tumors in different animals that are identical in their clonal lineage composition (clonal correlation amongst tumors \u3e0.99). CRTs allow simultaneously tracking of tens of thousands of clonal lineages in different animals to provide a high level of resolution and biological reproducibility. CRTs are comprised of barcoded cells that can be identified and quantified. A critical feature is that we have developed a systematic method to isolate and expand essentially any of the clonal lineages present within a CRT in their naïve state; that is, we can characterize each sub-clonal lineage at the molecular and functional levels and correlate these findings with the behavior of the same lineage in vivo and in response to drugs. Here, based on the CRT model and its concept, we studied differential chemo-resistance among clones, where we identified pre-existing upregulation in DNA repair as a mechanism for chemo-resistance. Furthermore, through stringent statistical testing, we demonstrated orthotopic CRTs to be a powerful and robust model to quantitatively track clonal evolution. Specifically, we longitudinally tracked clones in models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) from primary tumor expansion through metastasization, where we captured unexpected clonal dynamics and “alternating clonal dominance” naturally occurring in unperturbed tumors. Moreover, by characterizing pro- and none-metastasizing clones, we were able to identified key clonal intrinsic factors that determined the nature of tumor metastases. Finally, I will discuss distinct clonal evolution patterns that emerged under different environmental pressures, leading to the hypothesis of “tumor clonal fingerprint”, where the characteristic of a tumor could be defined by actively maintained ratio of different tumor lineages, which could provide measurable insights to how we approach treatments

    Soils of Knox county in relation to physiography and parent material

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    Parent material is defined as the unconsolidated residue of rock weathering from which soils develop. It may be shallow or deep, coarse or fine, acid or alkaline; it may be exceedingly resistant to change or it may be subject to rapid alteration. Because such variations have a great influence on the course of soil development, and the properties of the resultant soils, an understanding of the parent material is a basic step in soil study. The purpose of this study, then, is to describe the physiography and parent material of Knox County, and correlate these factors of the environment with the properties of the associated soils

    Stabilizing quantum metastable states in a time-periodic potential

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    In this talk we present a model to demonstrate how time-periodic potential can be used to manipulate quantum metastability of a system. We study metastability of a particle trapped in a well with a time-periodically oscillating barrier in the Floquet formalism. It is shown that the oscillating barrier causes the system to decay faster in general. However, avoided crossings of metastable states can occur with the less stable states crossing over to the more stable ones. If in the static well there exists a bound state, then it is possible to stabilize a metastable state by adiabatically increasing the oscillating frequency of the barrier so that the unstable state eventually cross-over to the stable bound state. It is also found that increasing the amplitude of the oscillating field may change a direct crossing of states into an avoided one. Hence, one can manipulate the stability of different states in a quantum potential by a combination of adiabatic changes of the frequency and the amplitude of the oscillating barrier.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts of WTO Tiered Formula for Tariff Reduction on Taiwan

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    In this study we use Taiwan as a case study to provide an economy-wide analysis of impacts on Taiwan of WTO tariff reduction schemes with different combinations of thresholds and reduction rates. The model we utilized in this study is Taiwan General Equilibrium Model with a WTO module (TAIGEM-WTO, hereafter) that is a multi-sectoral computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Taiwan's economy derived from Australian ORANI model (Dixon, Parmenter, Sutton and Vincent, 1982). Simulation results show that results are more sensitive to the scheme of tariff-reduction (i.e., Category 1, 2, and 3) than the tiered levels (i.e., A, B, C, and D) and as a strategy we should pay more attention to the arguments related to the amounts of tariff-reduction. Moreover, changes in nominal average tariff rates are more sensitive and shocks to the economy are more severe when we change the tariff reduction categories rather than the tiered levels. This conclusion also applies to the tiered reduction case when only sensitive products are considered. Finally, simulations with sector's bound rate calculated using arithmetic means have bigger effects than those using import values as weights. Therefore, sector's bound rate using import values as weights would be preferred.International Relations/Trade,
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