212 research outputs found

    The impact of corporate governance practices on R&D efforts: a look at shareholders' rights, cross-listing, and control pyramid

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    The article considers the impact of multiple shareholder-oriented governance practices on R&D decisions. Based on a sample of 5528 firms belonging to 110 large French listed business groups, our results substantiate the idea that shareholder-oriented governance practices and a lower position in a control pyramid are better for R&D investment. The introduction of any additional shareholder oriented practice is found to result in more R&D. We show, however, that this Anglo-Americanization of the French corporate governance system is only partial. We provide evidence of the co-existence of an old French system of corporate governance with a hybrid model of corporate governance. The lack of concrete results on complementarity among shareholder-oriented governance practices casts doubt on the stability of this hybrid model in the French contex

    Absorptive capacity, efficiency effect and competitors' spillovers

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    Standard innovation surveys do not consider incoming spillovers for non-innovative firms. As a consequence, empirical works may overestimate the absorptive capacity effect, particularly among competitors. The Swiss innovation surveys presented here measure the importance of knowledge for both innovating and non-innovating firms. This original feature enables us to show that knowledge from rivals actually deters manufacturing firms from engaging in R&D activities. We therefore provide stronger evidence that the efficiency effect due to intra-industry spillovers is larger than that generally estimated by data from standard surveys. The R&D based absorptive capacity is weaker than expected, and non-innovative firms as well as non-R&D firms heavily rely on their rivals' knowledge to maintain their technological capacitie

    Orléans – Boulevard Alexandre-Martin

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    Date de l'opération : 1986 (SU) Inventeur(s) : Lhuillery M A l'occasion de la construction du soubassement du nouvel emplacement du monument aux morts, une fouille de sauvetage s'est déroulée en 1991 sur le boulevard Alexandre Martin, à l'emplacement de la muraille d'enceinte du XVIe s., pratiquement dans le prolongement de la rue Saint-Martin-du-Mail [ (Fig. n°1 : Localisation des fouilles effectuées en ville de 1984 à1991)site E]. Elle a permis de découvrir à 0,25 m du sol actuel un puits s..

    Structural changes in industrial R&D in Europe and the US: towards a new model?

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    We analyse the structural changes that have characterised the organisation of industrial R&D over the last 25 years. Taking Mowery's work (Industrial and Corporate Change, 2009, 18(1), 1-50) on the US as a starting point, we reconsider the different aspects of structural change he examined, discuss their impact and the overall logic underlying them. We then examine Europe to discover to what extent these structural changes have occurred in recent years. While a certain structural evolution is perceptible, it is not on the same scale as that analysed for the US. Finally, we consider the extent to which the new structures are more or less ‘efficient' than previous ones. We conclude with the implications for R&D and innovation policy implication

    Épieds-en-Beauce – Villiers-le-Gast

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    Date de l'opération : 1988 (SU) ; 1984 (SU) Inventeur(s) : Lhuillery Bernard De 1982 à 1984, un souterrain a été vidé de son remblai et les fouilles de 1988 ont permis de découvrir des cavités entièrement comblées. Il s'agit là d'un ensemble assez complexe de galeries médiévales. En se basant sur la céramique, on peut dater la première phase d'occupation des lieux de la fin du XIe s et la seconde du XIIIe au XIVe s (Lhuillery, Lorenzi, Gascoin et al., 1986). Le souterrain de Villiers-le-Gast ..

    Mix and match:What is the best R&D recipe for eco-innovation?

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    Eco-innovation is a complex activity that requires diverse knowledge and an extensive R&amp;D and technology portfolio. This paper investigates the strategies employed by firms and the extent to which green and non-green R&amp;D can influence eco-innovation. We address two research questions: Is investment in green R&amp;D valuable and sufficient for successful eco-innovation? What types of investment are needed for eco-innovation? Our findings provide a better understanding of the mix of knowledge fields required for eco-innovation. To investigate internal firm R&amp;D strategies we use unique data that allow us to identify the influence of the stocks of green and non-green R&amp;D on eco-innovation and the importance of complementarity among specific R&amp;D strategies and knowledge for eco-innovation. Our findings will be relevant for policymakers and firms, to promote investment in R&amp;D to enable eco-innovation and ensure a quick transition to a green society.</p

    RIO Country Report 2017: France

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    The R&I Observatory country report 2017 provides a brief analysis of the R&I system covering the economic context, main actors, funding trends and human resources, policies to address R&I challenges, and R&I in national and regional smart specialisation strategies. Data is from Eurostat, unless otherwise referenced and is correct as at January 2018. Data used from other international sources is also correct to that date. The report provides a state-of-play and analysis of the national level R&I system and its challenges, to support the European Semester.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    In search of lost disincentive effects from intra-industry spillovers

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    Standard innovation surveys do not consider incoming spillovers for non-innovative firms. The Swiss innovation surveys presented here measure the importance of competitors' knowledge for both innovating and noninnovating firms. This original feature not only enables us to accurately identify the role of incoming knowledge on R&D decisions and innovation output, but also to compare resulting data with those which standard innovation questionnaires provide. Using a panel data over four periods, we show that knowledge from rivals actually deters manufacturing firms from engaging in R&D activities. Moreover, we provide stronger evidence that intra-industry spillovers are more detrimental to innovation than that generally provided by data from standard surveys. The results suggest that the dominance of the absorptive capacity effect is more important to firms investing in R&D and that non-innovative firms rely more heavily than expected on their competitors to maintain their technological capacities

    Organisation and location of academic sourcing at the firm level

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    Thanks to the second French Community Innovation Survey, a measurement of the importance of public research organisations as a useful source of innovation for manufacturing firms is available. We thus provide an exploratory econometric model where the internal R&D organisation and location of business units at the city level are both considered as explaining factors for the absorptive capacity dedicated to academic knowledge. Size, R&D intensity and organisation are found to be significant determinants of academic sourcing. The influence of local public research organisations on innovation is however found rather small and not restricted to urban areas

    Technological contribution of MNEs to the growth of energy-greentech sector in the early post-Kyoto period

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    International audienceWe consider the commitment of large firms with high R&D investments to the development of technologies of climate change mitigation related to the production or storage of energy. We analyse such Climate Change Mitigation Technologies focused on energy production and storage (energy CCMT) across the globe with the aim of assessing whether the Kyoto Protocol fosters the diffusion of inventive activity in energy greentech. Using patents as the key dataset, we give an empirical description of the corporate patenting activity and assess its contribution to the overall energy CCMT inventions across countries and sectors of energy greentech before and after the signing of the Kyoto Protocol (1997). Our observations indicate that climate change issues and greentech development have not been prioritized to the same extent by firms of western countries as opposed to, for example, Japanese firms in the beginning of the 2000s. However, we witness a growing commitment in most of the western countries. US large firms were more prone to gain skills in renewable energy technologies than most of their European counterparts, which continue to heavily invest in traditional energies such as Nuclear energy and Combustion