77 research outputs found

    Стилістичні особливості хорових творів для дітей Б. Фільц на канонічні тексти

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    Авторка пропонованої читачам статті звертається до творів канонічної тематики відомої української композиторки Б. Фільц, досліджуючи особливості її авторської стилістики в аспекті виявлення співвідношень оригінальних та традиційних чинників, особливостей формотворення та циклічної драматургії.Автор предлагаемой читателям статьи исследует особенности авторской стилистики в аспекте выявления соотношений между оригинальными и традиционными факторами, особенностями формообразования, циклической драматургии.The author of the article, proposed to the readers, turns her attention to the works of the canonical thematics by the famous Ukrainian composer B. Filts, investigating the special features of her stylistics in the aspect of development of the relationships between the original and traditional factors, the special features of the forming and cyclic dramaturgy

    Correlation between Cu ion migration behaviour and deNO x activity in Cu-SSZ-13 for the standard NH 3 -SCR reaction

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    Here we present the results of a synchrotron-based in situ, time-resolved PXRD study during activation of two Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts under O2/He and one during standard NH3-SCR reaction conditions to obtain insight into the behaviour of Cu ions. The results obtained indicate that deNOx activity is inexorably linked with occupancy of the zeolite 6r

    Operando Spectroscopic Studies of Cu–SSZ-13 for NH3–SCR deNOx Investigates the Role of NH3 in Observed Cu(II) Reduction at High NO Conversions

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    The small pore zeolite chabazite (SSZ-13) in the copper exchanged form is a very efficient material for the selective catalytic reduction by ammonia (NH 3 ) of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from the exhaust of lean burn engines, typically diesel powered vehicles. The full mechanism occurring during the NH 3 –SCR process is currently debated with outstanding questions including the nature and role of the catalytically active sites. Time-resolved operando spectroscopic techniques have been used to provide new level of insights in to the mechanism of NH 3 –SCR, to show that the origin of stable Cu(I) species under SCR conditions is potentially caused by an interaction between NH 3 and the Cu cations located in eight ring sites of the bulk of the zeolite and is independent of the NH 3 –SCR of NOx occurring at Cu six ring sites within the zeolite

    Development and characterization of thermally stable supported V–W–TiOcatalysts for mobile NH–SCR applications

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    Vanadium based catalysts supported on a mixture of tungsten and titanium oxide (V2O5/WO3–TiO2) are known to be highly active for ammonia selective catalytic reduction (NH3–SCR) of NOx species for heavyduty mobile applications. However they are also known to be sensitive to high temperatures which leads to both sintering of the anatase TiO2 support and a first order phase transition to rutile at temperatures .600uC. Here we report our attempts to use SiO2 to stabilize the TiO2 anatase phase and to compare its catalytic activity with that of a non-stabilized V2O5/WO3–TiO2 catalyst after thermal aging up to 800uC. Detailed characterization using spectroscopic (Raman, UV–vis, X-ray absorption spectroscopy), scattering and techniques providing information on the catalytic surface (Brunauer–Emmet–Teller, NH3 adsorption) have also been performed in order to understand the impact of high temperatures on component speciation and the catalytic interface. Results show that non-stabilized V2O5/WO3–TiO2 catalysts are initially stable after thermal aging at 600uC but on heating above this temperature a marked drop in catalytic activity is observed as a result of sintering and phase transformation of Anatase into Rutile TiO2 and phase segregation of initially highly dispersed WO3 and polymeric V2O5 into monoclinic WO3 and V2O3 crystallites. Similar behavior was observed for the 4–5 wt-% of SiO2-stabilised sample after aging above 700uC, importantly therefore, offset by some y100uC in comparison to the unstabilised sample

    Correlation between Cu ion migration behaviour and deNO(x) activity in Cu-SSZ-13 for the standard NH3-SCR reaction (vol 52, pg 6170, 2016)

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    Correction for ‘Correlation between Cu ion migration behaviour and deNOx activity in Cu-SSZ-13 for the standard NH3-SCR reaction’ by A. M. Beale et al., Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 6170–6173. W. A. Slawinski was incorrectly spelt in the published article; the correct version is shown here. The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers

    Enhanced activity of desilicated Cu-SSZ-13 for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx and its comparison with steamed Cu-SSZ-13

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    Mesoporous Cu-SSZ-13 was created by first synthesizing zeolite H-SSZ-13 and subsequently desilicating the material by base leaching using NaOH in different concentrations. The catalyst materials were prepared by ion exchanging the leached samples back to their acidic form using NH4NO3, and to their active Cu form by ion exchanging them with CuSO4. For comparison, H- and Cu-SSZ-13 were steamed using a wide variety of different conditions. Using a 0.10 M NaOH solution for base leaching, it was found that Cu-SSZ-13 becomes more active in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 (NH3-SCR) over the entire temperature region but especially in the low temperature region (<200 °C). This increase could be explained by a decrease in pore diffusion limitations due to the introduction of mesopores on the outside of the zeolite crystals but keeping the chemical environment of the catalyst nearly the same as that of the parent material. Higher base leaching concentrations do, however, lead to a decrease in the amount of Brønsted acid sites, pore volume and accessible surface area, accompanied by a decrease in NH3-SCR activity. Ar physisorption coupled with SEM and confocal fluorescence microscopy in combination with two differently sized fluorescent organic probe molecules (i.e., 4-(4-dimethyl-aminostyryl)-1-methyl-pyridinium-iodide and 4-(4-dicyclohexyl-aminostyryl)-1-methyl-pyridinium-iodide) show an increase in the external surface area due to the creation of mesopores. The development of mesoporosity starts from the crystal surface and continues into the crystal with increasing alkaline solution strength, but under our conditions it never reaches the center. On the other hand, zeolite steaming did not successfully introduce mesoporosity and mainly managed to deactivate the Cu-SSZ-13 zeolite catalysts

    Multimodal Imaging of Autofluorescent Sites Reveals Varied Chemical Speciation in SSZ-13 Crystals

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    A multimodal imaging study of chabazite is used to show the distribution of and discriminate between different emissive deposits arising as a result of the detemplation process. Confocal imaging, 3D fluorescence lifetime imaging, 3D multispectral fluorescence imaging, and Raman mapping are used to show three different types of emissive behaviours each characterised by different spatial distributions, trends in lifetime, spectral signals, and Raman signatures. A notable difference is seen in the morphology of agglomerated surface deposits and larger subsurface deposits, which experience lifetime augmentation due to spatial confinement. The distribution of organic residue throughout the crystal volume is comparable to XRF mapping that shows Si enrichment on the outer edges and higher Al content through the centre, demonstrating that a fluorescence‐based technique can also be used to indirectly comment on the compositional chemistry of the inorganic framework

    A Multimodal Label-Free Imaging Study of Zeolite Crystals

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    Zeolites are complex materials that are widely employed in industry as heterogenous catalysts. Their unique open framework structures allow them to not only act as size-selective sieves, but to play host to an adsorbed phase of organic guest molecules. Imaging both the framework and the concomitant adsorbed organic material in a single micrograph is very challenging because each material has different requirements for generating image contrast. In particular, chemically interesting organic material is hard to see using electron imaging techniques that otherwise resolve the framework relatively successfully

    Detection of Key Transient Cu Intermediates in SSZ-13 During NH₃-SCR deNOₓ by Modulation Excitation IR spectroscopy

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    The small pore zeolite Cu-SSZ-13 is an efficient material for the standard selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) by ammonia (NH₃). In this work, Cu-SSZ-13 has been studied at 250 °C under high conversion using a modulation excitation approach and analysed with phase sensitive detection (PSD). While the complementary X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy measurements showed that the experiments were performed under cyclic Cu^{+}/Cu^{2+} redox, Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) experiments provide spectroscopic evidence for previously postulated intermediates Cu–N([double bond, length as m-dash]O)–NH_{2} and Cu–NO_{3} in the NH_{3}-SCR deNO_{x} mechanism and for the role of [Cu^{2+}(OH^{−})]^{+}