416 research outputs found

    Ensemble inequivalence in systems with long-range interactions

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    Ensemble inequivalence has been observed in several systems. In particular it has been recently shown that negative specific heat can arise in the microcanonical ensemble in the thermodynamic limit for systems with long-range interactions. We display a connection between such behaviour and a mean-field like structure of the partition function. Since short-range models cannot display this kind of behaviour, this strongly suggests that such systems are necessarily non-mean field in the sense indicated here. We illustrate our results showing an application to the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model. We further show that a broad class of systems with non-integrable interactions are indeed of mean-field type in the sense specified, so that they are expected to display ensemble inequivalence as well as the peculiar behaviour described above in the microcanonical ensemble.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Structural Invariance and the Energy Spectrum

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    We extend the application of the concept of structural invariance to bounded time independent systems. This concept, previously introduced by two of us to argue that the connection between random matrix theory and quantum systems with a chaotic classical counterpart is in fact largely exact in the semiclassical limit, is extended to the energy spectra of bounded time independent systems. We proceed by showing that the results obtained previously for the quasi-energies and eigenphases of the S-matrix can be extended to the eigenphases of the quantum Poincare map which is unitary in the semiclassical limit. We then show that its eigenphases in the chaotic case move rather stiffly around the unit circle and thus their local statistical fluctuations transfer to the energy spectrum via Bogomolny's prescription. We verify our results by studying numerically the properties of the eigenphases of the quantum Poincare map for billiards by using the boundary integral method.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Equilibrium statistical mechanics for single waves and wave spectra in Langmuir wave-particle interaction

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    Under the conditions of weak Langmuir turbulence, a self-consistent wave-particle Hamiltonian models the effective nonlinear interaction of a spectrum of M waves with N resonant out-of-equilibrium tail electrons. In order to address its intrinsically nonlinear time-asymptotic behavior, a Monte Carlo code was built to estimate its equilibrium statistical mechanics in both the canonical and microcanonical ensembles. First the single wave model is considered in the cold beam/plasma instability and in the O'Neil setting for nonlinear Landau damping. O'Neil's threshold, that separates nonzero time-asymptotic wave amplitude states from zero ones, is associated to a second order phase transition. These two studies provide both a testbed for the Monte Carlo canonical and microcanonical codes, with the comparison with exact canonical results, and an opportunity to propose quantitative results to longstanding issues in basic nonlinear plasma physics. Then the properly speaking weak turbulence framework is considered through the case of a large spectrum of waves. Focusing on the small coupling limit, as a benchmark for the statistical mechanics of weak Langmuir turbulence, it is shown that Monte Carlo microcanonical results fully agree with an exact microcanonical derivation. The wave spectrum is predicted to collapse towards small wavelengths together with the escape of initially resonant particles towards low bulk plasma thermal speeds. This study reveals the fundamental discrepancy between the long-time dynamics of single waves, that can support finite amplitude steady states, and of wave spectra, that cannot.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Physics of Plasma

    Transition from Gaussian-orthogonal to Gaussian-unitary ensemble in a microwave billiard with threefold symmetry

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    Recently it has been shown that time-reversal invariant systems with discrete symmetries may display in certain irreducible subspaces spectral statistics corresponding to the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) rather than to the expected orthogonal one (GOE). A Kramers type degeneracy is predicted in such situations. We present results for a microwave billiard with a threefold rotational symmetry and with the option to display or break a reflection symmetry. This allows us to observe the change from GOE to GUE statistics for one subset of levels. Since it was not possible to separate the three subspectra reliably, the number variances for the superimposed spectra were studied. The experimental results are compared with a theoretical and numerical study considering the effects of level splitting and level loss

    Phase shift experiments identifying Kramers doublets in a chaotic superconducting microwave billiard of threefold symmetry

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    The spectral properties of a two-dimensional microwave billiard showing threefold symmetry have been studied with a new experimental technique. This method is based on the behavior of the eigenmodes under variation of a phase shift between two input channels, which strongly depends on the symmetries of the eigenfunctions. Thereby a complete set of 108 Kramers doublets has been identified by a simple and purely experimental method. This set clearly shows Gaussian unitary ensemble statistics, although the system is time-reversal invariant.Comment: RevTex 4, 5 figure

    Kinetic Anomalies in Addition-Aggregation Processes

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    We investigate irreversible aggregation in which monomer-monomer, monomer-cluster, and cluster-cluster reactions occur with constant but distinct rates K_{MM}, K_{MC}, and K_{CC}, respectively. The dynamics crucially depends on the ratio gamma=K_{CC}/K_{MC} and secondarily on epsilon=K_{MM}/K_{MC}. For epsilon=0 and gamma<2, there is conventional scaling in the long-time limit, with a single mass scale that grows linearly in time. For gamma >= 2, there is unusual behavior in which the concentration of clusters of mass k, c_k decays as a stretched exponential in time within a boundary layer k<k* propto t^{1-2/gamma} (k* propto ln t for gamma=2), while c_k propto t^{-2} in the bulk region k>k*. When epsilon>0, analogous behaviors emerge for gamma<2 and gamma >= 2.Comment: 6 pages, 2 column revtex4 format, for submission to J. Phys.

    Little to learn from phase II trials in small-cell lung cancer

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