57 research outputs found

    Microalgae bioreactor for nutrient removal and resource recovery from wastewater in the paradigm of circular economy

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    Every day, large quantities of wastewater are discharged from various sources that could be reused. Wastewater contains nutrients such as nitrogen or phosphorus, which can be recovered. Microalgae-based technologies have attracted attention in this sector, as they are able to bioremediate wastewater, harnessing its nutrients and generating algal biomass useful for different downstream uses, as well as having other advantages. There are multiple species of microalgae capable of growing in wastewater, achieving nutrient removal efficiencies surpassing 70%. On the other hand, microalgae contain lipids that can be extracted for energy recovery in biodiesel. Currently, there are several methods of lipid extraction from microalgae. Other biofuels can also be obtained from microalgae biomass, such as bioethanol, biohydrogen or biogas. This review also provides information on bioenergy products and products in the agri-food industry as well as in the field of human health based on microalgae biomass within the concept of circular bioeconomy.Universidad de Granada / CBUAJunta de Andalucía and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [P18-TP-4732

    Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater: Analysis of the Past and Present Global Research Activities

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    The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the Pre-doctoral Contract for the Training of Research Staff under the 2019 Research and Transfer Plan (PPIT2019).Water pollution is a worldwide problem. Water consumption increases at a faster rate than population and this leads to a higher pollution rate. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) include proposals aimed at ensuring the availability of clean water and its sustainable management (Goal 6), as well as the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and seas. The current trend consists in trying to reconcile economic growth with sustainability, avoiding the negative externalities for the environment generated by human activity. More specifically, the objective of this article is to present the evolution of the research regarding the removal of polluting pharmaceuticals that are discharged into wastewater. To do that, a bibliometric analysis of 2938 articles comprising the period 1979–2020 has been carried out. This analysis includes productivity indicators in the scientific field: journals, authors, research institutions and countries. In addition, keyword analysis allows the identification of four main axes of the research regarding the removal of pharmaceutical residues found in wastewater. The first group of articles is aimed at identifying the pharmaceuticals present in polluting effluents. The second and third groups of articles focus on presenting the procedures that enable the treatment of emerging contaminants, either from a biological point of view (second group) or a physicochemical point of view (third group). The fourth group refers to water quality and its possibilities to be reused. Finally, there is a growing trend of worldwide scientific publications, which justifies the importance of polluting residues management, especially those of pharmaceutical origin, in order to achieve a more sustainable society

    Mucinous cystadenoma coexisting with contralateral ovarian granulosa tumor

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    Giant ovarian tumors are rare pathologies in gynecological conditions. It is exceptional to find a giant tumor of the ovary (mucinous cystadenoma) coexisting with a granulosa tumor. It is a clinical surgical situation of special interest due to the rarity of presentation. The case of a 63-year-old patient with white skin is presented. Referred to the General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna" presenting progressive and rapid increase of the abdomen, 7 months of evolution and no other symptom in its beginnings, but in the last 3 days with lack of air at bedtime, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and anorexia. A surgical acute abdomen was diagnosed. Along with the patient’s history, the physical examination and ultrasound findings led to the conclusion of intestinal occlusion and a giant ovarian tumor. Total abdominal hysterectomy was performed with double annexation, resecting a 35x30x15 cm normal-looking left ovary tumor. Histological analysis concluded that the resected tumor was a left mucinous cystadenoma, but also reported cystic granulosa cell tumor, adult microfollicular variant, of the right ovary. The patient recovered quickly, was discharged on the eighth day and referred to the oncogynecology clinic

    Exploración de una Técnica Enológica para la Elaboración de Vino a partir de Uva Silvestre Vitis tiliifolia en Ambientes Controlados

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo validar una técnica de fermentación de uva silvestre como un enfoque viable para producir vino artesanal. Se preparó un lote de 20 kg de mosto de Vitis tiliifolia con adición de sacarosa y microorganismos (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Se investigaron varios factores, incluido el tiempo (8, 10 y 12 días), °Brix inicial (18, 20 y 22), Mg de Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6, 8, 10) y temperatura (22 °C, 24 °C y 26 °C). El experimento comprendió 243 corridas experimentales con un experimento y dos repeticiones. Los resultados demostraron que las condiciones óptimas para la producción de vino en ambientes controlados se encontraron con °Brix inicial de 22, tiempo de fermentación de ocho días, temperatura de 22 °C y una dosis de 6 mg de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Estos parámetros llevaron a la producción de vino con características deseables. Esta novedosa técnica de fermentación de uvas silvestres ofrece una alternativa prometedora para la producción artesanal de vino, principalmente debido a su potencial para reducir los costos de producción a escala. Los hallazgos de esta investigación tienen un interés sustancial para las partes interesadas de la industria, los productores de vino y los académicos por igual, lo que enfatiza la importancia y el impacto potencial de este estudio.   This study aimed to validate a wild grape fermentation technique as a viable approach for producing artisanal wine. A batch of 20 kg of Vitis tiliifolia must was prepared with the addition of sucrose and microorganisms (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Various factors were investigated, including time (8, 10, and 12 days), initial °Brix (18, 20, and 22), Mg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6, 8, 10), and temperature (22 °C, 24 °C, and 26 °C). The experiment comprised 243 experimental runs with one experiment and two replicates. Results demonstrated that the optimal conditions for wine production in controlled environments were found at an initial °Brix of 22, a fermentation time of eight days, a temperature of 22 °C, and a dosage of 6 mg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These parameters led to the production of wine with desirable characteristics. This novel wild grape fermentation technique offers a promising alternative for artisanal wine production, primarily due to its potential for reducing production costs at scale. The findings of this research hold substantial interest for industry stakeholders, wine producers, and academic scholars alike, thereby emphasizing the significance and potential impact of this study

    Técnica Enológica en Ambientes Controlados como Propuesta para Elaborar Vino a partir de Uva Silvestre Vitis tiliifolia

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo validar una técnica de fermentación de uva silvestre como un enfoque viable para producir vino artesanal. Se preparó un lote de 20 kg de mosto de Vitis tiliifolia con adición de sacarosa y microorganismos (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Se investigaron varios factores, incluido el tiempo (8, 10 y 12 días), °Brix inicial (18, 20 y 22), Mg de Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6 mg, 8 mg y 10 mg) y temperatura (22 °C, 24 °C y 26 °C). El experimento comprendió 243 corridas experimentales con un experimento y dos repeticiones. Los resultados demostraron que las condiciones óptimas para la producción de vino en ambientes controlados se encontraron con un °Brix inicial de 22, un tiempo de fermentación de ocho días, una temperatura de 22 °C y una dosis de 6 mg de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Estos parámetros llevaron a la producción de vino con características deseables. Esta novedosa técnica de fermentación de uvas silvestres ofrece una alternativa prometedora para la producción artesanal de vino, principalmente debido a su potencial para reducir los costos de producción a escala. Además, los hallazgos de esta investigación tienen un interés sustancial para las partes interesadas de la industria, los productores de vino y los académicos por igual, lo que enfatiza la importancia y el impacto potencial de este estudio.   This study aimed to validate a wild grape fermentation technique as a viable approach for producing artisanal wine. A batch of 20 kg of Vitis tiliifolia must was prepared with the addition of sucrose and microorganisms (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Various factors were investigated, including time (8, 10, and 12 days), initial °Brix (18, 20, and 22), Mg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6 mg, 8 mg, and 10 mg), and temperature (22 °C, 24 °C, and 26 °C). The experiment comprised 243 experimental runs with one experiment and two replicates. Results demonstrated that the optimal conditions for wine production in controlled environments were found at an initial °Brix of 22, a fermentation time of eight days, a temperature of 22 °C, and a dosage of 6 mg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These parameters led to the production of wine with desirable characteristics. This novel wild grape fermentation technique offers a promising alternative for artisanal wine production, primarily due to its potential for reducing production costs at scale. Furthermore, the findings of this research hold substantial interest for industry stakeholders, wine producers, and academic scholars alike, thereby emphasizing the significance and potential impact of this study

    Capacitación Financiera Inclusiva con Perspectiva de Género para Grupos Vulnerables en Altas Montañas, Veracruz, México

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    La Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas destaca la importancia de la inclusión financiera en cinco de sus 17 Objetivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible. En el contexto mexicano, una responsabilidad fundamental del gobierno es impulsar acciones para asegurar la educación financiera de grupos catalogados como vulnerables, abarcando a niños, jóvenes en situación de calle, migrantes, personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores y población indígena. Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo desarrollar inclusión financiera con perspectiva de género dirigida a grupos vulnerables en la región de las Altas Montañas, Veracruz, México. La estrategia consistió en la implementación de capacitaciones focalizadas en temas de ahorro, crédito e inversión, con el propósito de fortalecer habilidades financieras de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad. La metodología comprende la identificación de grupos vulnerables en la región, seguida de un diagnóstico de conocimientos financieros y el desarrollo de un programa de capacitación en educación financiera. Finalmente, el proyecto introdujo estrategias innovadoras para mejorar la toma de decisiones financieras de los participantes. Los resultados revelan avances sustanciales en la comprensión financiera de grupos vulnerables, con un aumento del 75 % en adopción de prácticas financieras saludables, evidenciando un cambio positivo en la toma de decisiones financieras. Se observó una respuesta adaptativa a las opciones financieras ofrecidas, con el 60 % de participantes optando por cuentas de ahorro y 40 % participando en programas de microfinanzas, respaldando así la diversificación en estrategias de ahorro.   The United Nations 2030 Agenda underscores the significance of financial inclusion in five out of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In the Mexican context, a fundamental governmental responsibility is to propel actions that ensure financial education for groups classified as vulnerable, encompassing children, youth living on the streets, migrants, individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and indigenous populations. This project aimed to develop financial inclusion with a gender perspective targeted towards vulnerable groups in the Altas Montañas region, Veracruz, Mexico. The strategy involved targeted training on savings, credit, and investment to enhance the financial skills of the vulnerable population. The methodology includes the identification of vulnerable groups in the region, followed by a diagnosis of financial knowledge and the development of a financial education training program. Finally, the project introduced innovative strategies to enhance participants' financial decision-making. Results indicate substantial progress in the financial understanding of vulnerable groups, with a 75% increase in adopting healthy financial practices, demonstrating a positive shift in financial decision-making. There was an adaptive response to offered financial options, with 60% of participants opting for savings accounts and 40% participating in microfinance programs, supporting diversification in savings strategies

    Técnica Enológica en Ambientes Controlados como Propuesta para Elaborar Vino a partir de Uva Silvestre Vitis tiliifolia

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo validar una técnica de fermentación de uva silvestre como un enfoque viable para producir vino artesanal. Se preparó un lote de 20 kg de mosto de Vitis tiliifolia con adición de sacarosa y microorganismos (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Se investigaron varios factores, incluido el tiempo (8, 10 y 12 días), °Brix inicial (18, 20 y 22), Mg de Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6 mg, 8 mg y 10 mg) y temperatura (22 °C, 24 °C y 26 °C). El experimento comprendió 243 corridas experimentales con un experimento y dos repeticiones. Los resultados demostraron que las condiciones óptimas para la producción de vino en ambientes controlados se encontraron con un °Brix inicial de 22, un tiempo de fermentación de ocho días, una temperatura de 22 °C y una dosis de 6 mg de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Estos parámetros llevaron a la producción de vino con características deseables. Esta novedosa técnica de fermentación de uvas silvestres ofrece una alternativa prometedora para la producción artesanal de vino, principalmente debido a su potencial para reducir los costos de producción a escala. Además, los hallazgos de esta investigación tienen un interés sustancial para las partes interesadas de la industria, los productores de vino y los académicos por igual, lo que enfatiza la importancia y el impacto potencial de este estudio.   This study aimed to validate a wild grape fermentation technique as a viable approach for producing artisanal wine. A batch of 20 kg of Vitis tiliifolia must was prepared with the addition of sucrose and microorganisms (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Various factors were investigated, including time (8, 10, and 12 days), initial °Brix (18, 20, and 22), Mg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6 mg, 8 mg, and 10 mg), and temperature (22 °C, 24 °C, and 26 °C). The experiment comprised 243 experimental runs with one experiment and two replicates. Results demonstrated that the optimal conditions for wine production in controlled environments were found at an initial °Brix of 22, a fermentation time of eight days, a temperature of 22 °C, and a dosage of 6 mg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These parameters led to the production of wine with desirable characteristics. This novel wild grape fermentation technique offers a promising alternative for artisanal wine production, primarily due to its potential for reducing production costs at scale. Furthermore, the findings of this research hold substantial interest for industry stakeholders, wine producers, and academic scholars alike, thereby emphasizing the significance and potential impact of this study

    Capacitación Financiera Inclusiva con Perspectiva de Género para Grupos Vulnerables en Zongolica, Veracruz, México

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    La Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas destaca la importancia de la inclusión financiera en cinco de sus 17 Objetivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible. En el contexto mexicano, una responsabilidad fundamental del gobierno es impulsar acciones para asegurar la educación financiera de grupos catalogados como vulnerables, abarcando a niños, jóvenes en situación de calle, migrantes, personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores y población indígena. Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo desarrollar inclusión financiera con perspectiva de género dirigida a grupos vulnerables en la región de las Altas Montañas, Veracruz, México. La estrategia consistió en la implementación de capacitaciones focalizadas en temas de ahorro, crédito e inversión, con el propósito de fortalecer habilidades financieras de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad. La metodología comprende la identificación de grupos vulnerables en la región, seguida de un diagnóstico de conocimientos financieros y el desarrollo de un programa de capacitación en educación financiera. Finalmente, el proyecto introdujo estrategias innovadoras para mejorar la toma de decisiones financieras de los participantes. Los resultados revelan avances sustanciales en la comprensión financiera de grupos vulnerables, con un aumento del 75 % en adopción de prácticas financieras saludables, evidenciando un cambio positivo en la toma de decisiones financieras. Se observó una respuesta adaptativa a las opciones financieras ofrecidas, con el 60 % de participantes optando por cuentas de ahorro y 40 % participando en programas de microfinanzas, respaldando así la diversificación en estrategias de ahorro.   The United Nations 2030 Agenda underscores the significance of financial inclusion in five out of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In the Mexican context, a fundamental governmental responsibility is to propel actions that ensure financial education for groups classified as vulnerable, encompassing children, youth living on the streets, migrants, individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and indigenous populations. This project aimed to develop financial inclusion with a gender perspective targeted towards vulnerable groups in the Altas Montañas region, Veracruz, Mexico. The strategy involved targeted training on savings, credit, and investment to enhance the financial skills of the vulnerable population. The methodology includes the identification of vulnerable groups in the region, followed by a diagnosis of financial knowledge and the development of a financial education training program. Finally, the project introduced innovative strategies to enhance participants' financial decision-making. Results indicate substantial progress in the financial understanding of vulnerable groups, with a 75% increase in adopting healthy financial practices, demonstrating a positive shift in financial decision-making. There was an adaptive response to offered financial options, with 60% of participants opting for savings accounts and 40% participating in microfinance programs, supporting diversification in savings strategies

    Study of the Potential for Agricultural Reuse of Urban Wastewater with Membrane Bioreactor Technology in the Circular Economy Framework

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    The growing demand for water by the population and industry, as well as water scarcity due to climate change, has created a need to reuse treated water for agricultural purposes. In this context, the European Union, through its Regulation (EU) 2020/741, establishes minimum requirements for wastewater reuse, specifying that reuse for agricultural purposes can help to promote the circular economy and reduce the need for fertiliser use by setting high-quality standards. The aim of this article is to study whether the treated water from a pilot plant with membrane bioreactor technology operating with real urban wastewater from the city of Granada (Spain) satisfies the quality standards required for its reuse for agricultural purposes, as well as assessing the use of other resources produced during wastewater treatment, such as biogas and biostabilised sludge. This plant works in four cycles of operation at two different hydraulic retention times (6 and 12 h) and different concentrations of mixed liquor (2429–6696 mg/L). The pilot plant consists of a membrane bioreactor where there are four ultrafiltration membranes working in continuous operation and a sludge treatment line working in discontinuous mode. Subsequently, a tertiary treatment of advanced oxidation process was applied to the treated water for a time of 30 min, with different concentrations of oxidant. The results showed that the effluent has sufficient quality to be used in agriculture, complying with the characteristics established in the European legislation. Furthermore, the biostabilised sludge and biogas can be potentially reusable.Spanish Government RTI2018-101270-B-I0
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