6,490 research outputs found

    PDMS composites with photostable NIR dyes for multi-modal ultrasound imaging

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    All-optical ultrasound (OpUS) imaging has emerged as an imaging paradigm well-suited for minimally invasive surgical procedures. With this modality, ultrasound is generated when pulsed or modulated light is absorbed within a coating material. By engineering wavelength-selective coatings, complementary imaging and therapeutic modalities can be integrated with OpUS. Here, we present a wavelength-selective composite material comprising a near-infrared absorbing dye and polydimethylsiloxane. The optical absorption for this material peaked in the vicinity of 1064 nm, with up to 91% of incident light being absorbed, whilst maintaining lower optical absorption at other wavelengths. This material was used to generate ultrasound, demonstrating ultrasound pressures >1 MPa, consistent with those used for imaging applications. Crucially, long exposure photostability and device performance were found to be stable over a one hour period (peak pressure variation <10%), longer than required for standard clinical imaging applications

    Cyclometalated iridium(III)-sensitized titanium dioxide solar cells

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    Ir(III) dyes used as sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells produced quantum yields approaching unity for conversion of absorbed photons to current under simulated air mass 1.0 sunlight, with current production resulting from ligand-to-ligand charge-transfer states, rather than the typical metal-to-ligand charge-transfer states in ruthenium-based cells

    From 'River Cottage' to 'Chicken Run': Hugh Fearnley-Whttingstall and the class politics of ethical consumption

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    Lifestyle television provides a key site through which to explore the dilemmas of ethical consumption, as the genre shifts to consider the ethics of different consumption practices and taste cultures. UK television cook Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's TV programmes offer fertile ground not only for thinking about television personalities as lifestyle experts and moral entrepreneurs, but also for thinking about how the meanings and uses of their television image are inflected by genre. In this article we explore how the shift from the lifestyled downshifting narrative of the River Cottage series to the 'campaigning culinary documentary' Hugh's Chicken Run exposes issues of celebrity, class and ethics. While both series are concerned with ethical consumption, they work in different ways to reveal a distinction between 'ethical' and 'unethical' consumption practices and positions - positions that are inevitably classed

    Comparison of Fabrication Methods for Fiber‐Optic Ultrasound Transmitters Using Candle‐Soot Nanoparticles

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    Candle-soot nanoparticles (CSNPs) have shown great promise for fabricating optical ultrasound (OpUS) transmitters. They have a facile, inexpensive synthesis whilst their unique, porous structure enables a fast heat diffusion rate which aids high-frequency ultrasound generation necessary for high-resolution clinical imaging. These composites have demonstrated high ultrasound generation performance showing clinically relevant detail, when applied as macroscale OpUS transmitters comprising both concave and planar surfaces, however, less research has been invested into the translation of this material's technology to fabricate fiber-optic transmitters for image guidance of minimally invasive interventions. Here, are reported two fabrication methods of nanocomposites composed of CSNPs embedded within polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) deposited onto fiber-optic end-faces using two different optimized fabrication methods: “All-in-One” and “Direct Deposition.” Both types of nanocomposite exhibit a smooth, black domed structure with a maximum dome thickness of 50 µm, broadband optical absorption (>98% between 500 and 1400 nm) and both nanocomposites generated high peak-to-peak ultrasound pressures (>3 MPa) and wide bandwidths (>29 MHz). Further, high-resolution (<40 µm axial resolution) B-mode ultrasound imaging of ex vivo lamb brain tissue demonstrating how CSNP-PDMS OpUS transmitters can allow for high fidelity minimally invasive imaging of biological tissues is demonstrated

    Optically tunable mesoscale CdSe morphologies via inorganic phototropic growth

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    Inorganic phototropic growth using only spatially conformal illumination generated Se–Cd films that exhibited precise light-defined mesoscale morphologies including highly ordered, anisotropic, and periodic ridge and trench nanotextures over entire macroscopic substrates. Growth was accomplished via a light-induced electrochemical method using an optically and chemically isotropic solution, an unpatterned substrate, and unstructured, incoherent, low-intensity illumination in the absence of chemical directing agents or physical templates and masks. The morphologies were defined by the illumination inputs: the nanotexture long axes aligned parallel to the optical E-field vector, and the feature sizes and periods scaled with the wavelength. Optically based modeling of the growth closely reproduced the experimental results, confirming the film morphologies were fully determined by the light–matter interactions during growth. Solution processing of the Se–Cd films resulted in stoichiometric, crystalline CdSe films that also exhibited ordered nanotextures, demonstrating that inorganic phototropic growth can effect tunable, template-free generation of ordered CdSe nanostructures over macroscopic length scales

    Optically tunable mesoscale CdSe morphologies via inorganic phototropic growth

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    Inorganic phototropic growth using only spatially conformal illumination generated Se–Cd films that exhibited precise light-defined mesoscale morphologies including highly ordered, anisotropic, and periodic ridge and trench nanotextures over entire macroscopic substrates. Growth was accomplished via a light-induced electrochemical method using an optically and chemically isotropic solution, an unpatterned substrate, and unstructured, incoherent, low-intensity illumination in the absence of chemical directing agents or physical templates and masks. The morphologies were defined by the illumination inputs: the nanotexture long axes aligned parallel to the optical E-field vector, and the feature sizes and periods scaled with the wavelength. Optically based modeling of the growth closely reproduced the experimental results, confirming the film morphologies were fully determined by the light–matter interactions during growth. Solution processing of the Se–Cd films resulted in stoichiometric, crystalline CdSe films that also exhibited ordered nanotextures, demonstrating that inorganic phototropic growth can effect tunable, template-free generation of ordered CdSe nanostructures over macroscopic length scales

    Mild parenchymal lung disease and/or low diffusion capacity impacts survival and treatment response in patients diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    There are limited published data defining survival and treatment response in patients with mild lung disease and/or reduced gas transfer who fulfil diagnostic criteria for idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH). Patients diagnosed with IPAH between 2001–19 were identified in the ASPIRE registry. Using pre-specified criteria based on CT imaging and spirometry, patients with a diagnosis of IPAH and no lung disease were termed IPAHno-LD (n=303), and those with minor-mild emphysema or fibrosis were described as IPAHmild-LD (n=190). Survival was significantly better in IPAHno-LD than in IPAHmild-LD (1 and 5-year survival 95% and 70% versus 78% and 22% respectively, p<0.0001). In the combined group of IPAHno-LD and IPAHmild-LD, independent predictors of higher mortality were increasing age, lower DLCO, lower exercise capacity and a diagnosis of IPAHmild-LD (p all <0.05). Exercise capacity and quality of life improved (p both <0.0001) following treatment in patients with IPAHno-LD but not IPAHmild-LD. A proportion of patients with IPAHno-LD had a DLCO <45%; these patients had poorer survival than patients with DLCO ≥45% although demonstrated improved exercise capacity following treatment. The presence of even mild parenchymal lung disease in patients who would be classified as IPAH according to current recommendations has a significant adverse effect on outcomes. This phenotype can be identified using lung function testing and clinical CT reports. Patients with IPAH, no lung disease and severely reduced DLCO may represent a further distinct phenotype. These data suggest that RCTs of targeted therapies in patients with these phenotypes are required

    Template-Free Synthesis of Periodic Three-Dimensional PbSe Nanostructures via Photoelectrodeposition

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    Highly periodic, geometrically directed, anisotropic Se–Pb films have been synthesized at room temperature from an isotropic aqueous solution without the use of physical templates by photoelectrodeposition using a series of discrete input illumination polarizations and wavelengths from an unstructured, uncorrelated, incoherent light source. Dark growth did not generate deposits with substantial long-range order, but growth using unpolarized illumination resulted in an ordered, nanoscale, mesh-type morphology. Linearly polarized illumination generated Se–Pb deposits that displayed an ordered, highly anisotropic lamellar pattern wherein the long axes of the lamellae were aligned parallel to the light polarization vector. The pitch of the lamellar features was proportional to the input light wavelength, as confirmed by Fourier analysis. Full-wave electromagnetic and Monte Carlo growth simulations that incorporated only the fundamental light–matter interactions during growth successfully reproduced the experimentally observed morphologies and quantitatively matched the pattern periodicities. Electrochemical postprocessing of the as-deposited Se–Pb structures resulted in the generation of stoichiometric, crystalline PbSe while preserving the nanopatterned morphology, thus broadening the genus of materials that can be prepared with controlled three-dimensional morphologies through maskless photoelectrodeposition