1,404 research outputs found

    Emphasis Added: Reading Shakespeare’s Language Clearly

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    The Soviet Psychiatric Assistance Statute of 1988: An Uncertain Prognosis

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    The Soviet Psychiatric Assistance Statute of 1988: An Uncertain Prognosis

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    The Soviet Psychiatric Assistance Statute of 1988: An Uncertain Prognosis

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    The Soviet Psychiatric Assistance Statute of 1988: An Uncertain Prognosis

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    Florida\u27s Pillar Coral (Dendrogyra cylindrus): The Roles of the Holobiont Partners in Bleaching, Recovery, and Disease Processes

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    The iconic pillar coral, Dendrogyra cylindrus, is one of five Caribbean species listed in 2014 under the US Federal Endangered Species Act because of its extreme low abundance and continued decline in US waters. Until recently, little was known about the demographics or genetic diversity of Florida’s D. cylindrus population. This study represents the first time two holobiont partners (coral animal and associated photosynthetic algal endosymbionts) have been closely examined, spatially and temporally, in this little-studied species. The aim was to explore the influences of coral animal genotypes, mutualistic photosynthetic algal strains, and hyperthermal stress on bleaching and disease processes, resistance, and recovery through two consecutive hyperthermal events on the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) in 2014 and 2015. Through geographically stratified, triannual assessments and tissue sampling of D. cylindrus colonies across three regions of the FRT from April 2014 to April 2016, I compared genotypic identities of the coral animal to bleaching and disease status and recovery. Additionally, I characterized the algal endosymbionts (Symbiodiniaceae family) in D. cylindrus between regions of the FRT using Illumina amplicon sequencing of the partial chloroplast 23S rDNA Domain V gene and correlated them to differential responses during bleaching and recovery. Finally, I examined the effects of hyperthermal stress on disease prevalence and changes in disease susceptibility in D. cylindrus throughout two consecutive hyperthermal events in 2014 and 2015. Genotypic differences in D. cylindrus were associated with full or partial bleaching and/or disease resistance associated with some genets. Additionally, this study characterized unexpected diversity in the Symbiodiniaceae community within D. cylindrus and a site-specific, species-level switch in endosymbionts associated with acquired bleaching resistance during the 2015 hyperthermal event. Finally, this study demonstrated that two consecutive hyperthermal events were associated with an increase in prevalence of white plague in D. cylindrus and contributed to its susceptibility to black band disease, documented for the first time on the FRT. Through understanding the response of the D. cylindrus holobiont partners to biotic and abiotic stressors, such as hyperthermal bleaching and associated diseases, we gained valuable insights into how this threatened species may respond to a changing climate

    A Study of the Impact of the Workplace Learning Function on Organizational Excellence by Examining the Workplace Learning Practices of Six Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Recipients

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role the learning function plays in the pursuit of organizational excellence with the goal of identifying key factors, models and descriptions of successful workplace learning practices. A total of six Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Recipients, one from each Baldrige sector participated in this study. Data was collected through in depth, semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with the person responsible for workplace learning or their representative in each organization. The findings indicated that workplace learning professionals should be part of the strategic planning process within an organization and that workplace learning benefits strongly from the support of the senior executives and the CEO or equivalent. The findings also supported current research regarding workplace learning evaluations and delivery methods

    A Study of the Impact of the Workplace Learning Function on Organizational Excellence by Examining the Workplace Learning Practices of Six Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Recipients

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role the learning function plays in the pursuit of organizational excellence with the goal of identifying key factors, models and descriptions of successful workplace learning practices. A total of six Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Recipients, one from each Baldrige sector participated in this study. Data was collected through in depth, semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with the person responsible for workplace learning or their representative in each organization. The findings indicated that workplace learning professionals should be part of the strategic planning process within an organization and that workplace learning benefits strongly from the support of the senior executives and the CEO or equivalent. The findings also supported current research regarding workplace learning evaluations and delivery methods

    La maternité aux âges élevés : une analyse des trajectoires féminines au 18e siècle canadien

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    Ce présent mémoire examine la probabilité qu'une Canadienne française née entre 1700-1749 et mariée fasse l’expérience d'au moins une naissance au cours de la quarantaine, en tenant compte des particularités de la trajectoire individuelle, des caractéristiques familiales et du contexte historique. Nos analyses confirment que sur les 14 727 femmes à risque d'une maternité entre 40 et 49 ans, 62 % d'entre elles donnent naissance après l'âge de 40 ans. Selon les différentes trajectoires féminines, des disparités tangibles se manifestent dans le fait d'enfanter à un âge avancé. Nos résultats suggèrent que la possibilité qu'une femme accouche dans la quarantaine est positivement associée à un ensemble de facteurs liés à son parcours de vie: une première union entre l’âge de 20 et de 24 ans, un conjoint du même âge ou un conjoint plus jeune, une union continue (ou sans décès du conjoint) jusqu’à 40 ans ou passé cet âge, un enfant précédent non survivant et un historique familial dans lequel la mère de cette femme et au moins l’une de ses sœurs ont donné naissance à un âge avancé. De plus, l'intensité du phénomène de la maternité tardive diminue de manière perceptible au court du temps, particulièrement chez les cohortes de femmes ayant accouché après 1765. La vie en milieu « urbain » influence également de manière négative les chances d'enfanter à un âge avancé. Il se peut que la détérioration des conditions de vie générales vers la fin du 18e siècle, cousinées à la récurrence de maladies infectieuses et l'insalubrité des villes durant cette période, explique la diminution du risque d'une maternité durant la quarantaine. Les résultats obtenus témoignent de la forte contribution des Canadiennes françaises en matière de fécondité tardive en contexte naturel. Notre étude exploratoire offre aussi une perspective utile permettant de mieux comprendre la maternité tardive contemporaine, sujet qui fait l’objet de nombreux débats actuellement.This thesis examines the probability that a French Canadian woman born between 1700 and 1749 and married had at least one birth in her forties, taking into account her particular individual profile, family characteristics and historical context. Our analyses confirm that among the 14,727 Quebec women at risk of pregnancy between the ages of 40 and 49, 62% of them gave birth after the age of 40. Tangible differences are recognized in the probability of bearing children after age 40. Our results suggest a positive association between late maternity and several life course characteristics: a first union between the ages of 20-24 years, a spouse of the same age or younger, a continuous union (non-fractured by the death of a spouse) before and after 40 years, the survival of the previously-born child and a family history where her mother and at least one of her sisters gave birth over the age of 40. In addition, we observe a decrease of the proportion of Quebec women giving birth past 40 over time, especially among female cohorts giving birth after 1765. Furthermore, we found a negative association between an urban place of birth and late maternity. Perhaps the deterioration of general living conditions in the late 18th century, correlated with recurrence of infectious diseases, lack of hygiene and insalubrious environments explains the decreasing chances of giving birth at elevated ages. Our results attest to the importance of contribution of French Canadian women to the phenomenon of natural fertility at older ages. Our exploratory study also provides useful insights on contemporary late childbearing, currently a hotly debated topic
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