72 research outputs found

    Wall-crossing formulae and strong piecewise polynomiality for mixed Grothendieck dessins d'enfant, monotone, and double simple Hurwitz numbers

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    We derive explicit formulae for the generating series of mixed Grothendieck dessins d'enfant/monotone/simple Hurwitz numbers, via the semi-infinite wedge formalism. This reveals the strong piecewise polynomiality in the sense of Goulden–Jackson–Vakil, generalising a result of Johnson, and provides a new explicit proof of the piecewise polynomiality of the mixed case. Moreover, we derive wall-crossing formulae for the mixed case. These statements specialise to any of the three types of Hurwitz numbers, and to the mixed case of any pair

    On some hyperelliptic Hurwitz-Hodge integrals

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    We address Hodge integrals over the hyperelliptic locus. Recently Afandi computed, via localisation techniques, such one-descendant integrals and showed that they are Stirling numbers. We give another proof of the same statement by a very short argument, exploiting Chern classes of spin structures and relations arising from Topological Recursion in the sense of Eynard and Orantin.These techniques seem also suitable to deal with three orthogonal generalisations: (1) the extension to the r-hyperelliptic locus; (2) the extension to an arbitrary number of non-Weierstrass pairs of points; (3) the extension to multiple descendants

    Tropical Jucys covers

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    We study monotone and strictly monotone Hurwitz numbers from a bosonic Fock space perspective. This yields to an interpretation in terms of tropical geometry involving local multiplicities given by Gromov-Witten invariants. Furthermore, this enables us to prove that a main result of Cavalieri-Johnson-Markwig-Ranganathan is actually equivalent to the Gromov-Witten/Hurwitz correspondence by Okounkov-Pandharipande for the equivariant Riemann sphere

    Wall-crossing and recursion formulae for tropical Jucys covers

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    Hurwitz numbers enumerate branched genus g covers of the Riemann sphere with fixed ramification data or equivalently certain factorisations of permutations. Double Hurwitz numbers are an important class of Hurwitz numbers, obtained by considering ramification data with a specific structure. They exhibit many fascinating properties, such as a beautiful piecewise polynomial structure, which has been well-studied in the last 15 years. In particular, using methods from tropical geometry, it was possible to derive wall-crossing formulae for double Hurwitz numbers in arbitrary genus. Further, double Hurwitz numbers satisfy an explicit recursive formula. In recent years several related enumerations have appeared in the literature. In this work, we focus on two of those invariants, so-called monotone and strictly monotone double Hurwitz numbers. Monotone double Hurwitz numbers originate from random matrix theory, as they appear as the coefficients in the asymptotic expansion of the famous Harish-Chandra Itzykson Zuber integral. Strictly monotone double Hurwitz numbers are known to be equivalent to an enumeration of Grothendieck dessins d'enfants. These new invariants share many structural properties with double Hurwitz numbers, such as piecewise polynomiality. In this work, we enlarge upon this study and derive new explicit wall-crossing and recursive formulae for monotone and strictly monotone double Hurwitz numbers. The key ingredient is a new interpretation of monotone and strictly monotone double Hurwitz numbers in terms of tropical covers, which was recently derived by the authors. An interesting observation is the fact that monotone and strictly monotone double Hurwitz numbers satisfy wall-crossing formulae, which are almost identical to the classical double Hurwitz numbers

    On the Goulden-Jackson-Vakil conjecture for double Hurwitz numbers

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    Goulden, Jackson and Vakil observed a polynomial structure underlying one-part double Hurwitz numbers, which enumerate branched covers of CP1 with prescribed ramification profile over ∞, a unique preimage over 0, and simple branching elsewhere. This led them to conjecture the existence of moduli spaces and tautological classes whose intersection theory produces an analogue of the celebrated ELSV formula for single Hurwitz numbers. In this paper, we present three formulas that express one-part double Hurwitz numbers as intersection numbers on certain moduli spaces. The first involves Hodge classes on moduli spaces of stable maps to classifying spaces; the second involves Chiodo classes on moduli spaces of spin curves; and the third involves tautological classes on moduli spaces of stable curves. We proceed to discuss the merits of these formulas against a list of desired properties enunciated by Goulden, Jackson and Vakil. Our formulas lead to non-trivial relations between tautological intersection numbers on moduli spaces of stable curves and hints at further structure underlying Chiodo classes. The paper concludes with generalisations of our results to the context of spin Hurwitz numbers

    Tropical Jucys covers

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    We study monotone and strictly monotone Hurwitz numbers from a bosonic Fock space perspective. This yields to an interpretation in terms of tropical geometry involving local multiplicities given by Gromov-Witten invariants. Furthermore, this enables us to prove that a main result of Cavalieri-Johnson-Markwig-Ranganathan is actually equivalent to the Gromov-Witten/Hurwitz correspondence by Okounkov-Pandharipande for the equivariant Riemann sphere

    Half-Spin Tautological Relations and Faber's Proportionalities of Kappa Classes

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    We employ the 1/2-spin tautological relations to provide a particular combinatorial identity. We show that this identity is a statement equivalent to Faber's formula for proportionalities of kappa-classes on M-g, g >= 2. We then prove several cases of the combinatorial identity, providing a new proof of Faber's formula for those cases
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