16,145 research outputs found

    A cost-benefit analysis of a pellet boiler with electrostatic precipitator versus conventional biomass technology: A case study of an institutional boiler in Syracuse, New York

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    BACKGROUND: Biomass facilities have received increasing attention as a strategy to increase the use of renewable fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions from the electric generation and heating sectors, but these facilities can potentially increase local air pollution and associated health effects. Comparing the economic costs and public health benefits of alternative biomass fuel, heating technology, and pollution control technology options provides decision-makers with the necessary information to make optimal choices in a given location. METHODS: For a case study of a combined heat and power biomass facility in Syracuse, New York, we used stack testing to estimate emissions of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) for both the deployed technology (staged combustion pellet boiler with an electrostatic precipitator) and a conventional alternative (wood chip stoker boiler with a multicyclone). We used the atmospheric dispersion model AERMOD to calculate the contribution of either fuel-technology configuration to ambient primary PM2.5 in a 10 km x 10 km region surrounding the facility, and we quantified the incremental contribution to population mortality and morbidity. We assigned economic values to health outcomes and compared the health benefits of the lower-emitting technology with the incremental costs. RESULTS: In total, the incremental annualized cost of the lower-emitting pellet boiler was 190,000greater,drivenbyagreatercostofthepelletfuelandpollutioncontroltechnology,offsetinpartbyreducedfuelstoragecosts.PM2.5emissionswereafactorof23lowerwiththepelletboilerwithelectrostaticprecipitator,withcorrespondingdifferencesincontributionstoambientprimaryPM2.5concentrations.Themonetaryvalueofthepublichealthbenefitsofselectingthepellet−firedboilertechnologywithelectrostaticprecipitatorwas190,000 greater, driven by a greater cost of the pellet fuel and pollution control technology, offset in part by reduced fuel storage costs. PM2.5 emissions were a factor of 23 lower with the pellet boiler with electrostatic precipitator, with corresponding differences in contributions to ambient primary PM2.5 concentrations. The monetary value of the public health benefits of selecting the pellet-fired boiler technology with electrostatic precipitator was 1.7 million annually, greatly exceeding the differential costs even when accounting for uncertainties. Our analyses also showed complex spatial patterns of health benefits given non-uniform age distributions and air pollution levels. CONCLUSIONS: The incremental investment in a lower-emitting staged combustion pellet boiler with an electrostatic precipitator was well justified by the population health improvements over the conventional wood chip technology with a multicyclone, even given the focus on only primary PM2.5 within a small spatial domain. Our analytical framework could be generalized to other settings to inform optimal strategies for proposed new facilities or populations.This research was supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), via an award to the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (Agreement #92229). The SCICHEM work of KMZ was supported by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

    Investigation of a direction sensitive sapphire detector stack at the 5 GeV electron beam at DESY-II

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    Extremely radiation hard sensors are needed in particle physics experiments to instrument the region near the beam pipe. Examples are beam halo and beam loss monitors at the Large Hadron Collider, FLASH or XFEL. Currently artificial diamond sensors are widely used. In this paper single crystal sapphire sensors are considered as a promising alternative. Industrially grown sapphire wafers are available in large sizes, are of low cost and, like diamond sensors, can be operated without cooling. Here we present results of an irradiation study done with sapphire sensors in a high intensity low energy electron beam. Then, a multichannel direction-sensitive sapphire detector stack is described. It comprises 8 sapphire plates of 1 cm^2 size and 525 micro m thickness, metallized on both sides, and apposed to form a stack. Each second metal layer is supplied with a bias voltage, and the layers in between are connected to charge-sensitive preamplifiers. The performance of the detector was studied in a 5 GeV electron beam. The charge collection efficiency measured as a function of the bias voltage rises with the voltage, reaching about 10 % at 950 V. The signal size obtained from electrons crossing the stack at this voltage is about 22000 e, where e is the unit charge. The signal size is measured as a function of the hit position, showing variations of up to 20 % in the direction perpendicular to the beam and to the electric field. The measurement of the signal size as a function of the coordinate parallel to the electric field confirms the prediction that mainly electrons contribute to the signal. Also evidence for the presence of a polarisation field was observed.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Anti-phase Modulation of Electron- and Hole-like States in Vortex Core of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Probed by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    In the vortex core of slightly overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox, the electron-like and hole-like states have been found to exhibit spatial modulations in anti-phase with each other along the Cu-O bonding direction. Some kind of one-dimensionality has been observed in the vortex core, and it is more clearly seen in differential conductance maps at lower biases below +-9 mV

    Surface Enhancement of Superconductivity in Tin

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    The possibility of surface enhancement of superconductivity is examined experimentally. It is shown that single crystal tin samples with cold-worked surfaces represent a superconductor with a surface-enhanced order parameter (or negative surface extrapolation length b), whose magnitude can be controlled.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    β\beta-NMR of Isolated 8^{8}Li+^{+} Implanted into a Thin Copper Film

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    Depth-controlled β\beta-NMR was used to study highly spin-polarized 8^8Li in a Cu film of thickness 100 nm deposited onto a MgO substrate. The positive Knight Shifts and spin relaxation data show that 8^8Li occupies two sites at low temperatures, assigned to be the substitutional (SS) and octahedral (OO) interstitial sites. Between 50 to 100 K, there is a site change from OO to SS. The temperature dependence of the Knight shifts and spin-lattice relaxation rates at high temperatures, i.e. when all the Li are in the SS site, is consistent with the Korringa Law for a simple metal.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Stochastic current switching in bistable resonant tunneling systems

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    Current-voltage characteristics of resonant-tunneling structures often exhibit intrinsic bistabilities. In the bistable region of the I-V curve one of the two current states is metastable. The system switches from the metastable state to the stable one at a random moment in time. The mean switching time \tau depends exponentially on the bias measured from the boundary of the bistable region V_{th}. We find full expressions for \tau (including prefactors) as functions of bias, sample geometry, and in-plane conductivity. Our results take universal form upon appropriate renormalization of the threshold voltage V_{th}. We also show that in large samples the switching initiates inside, at the edge, or at a corner of the sample depending on the parameters of the system.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Measuring shared variants in cohorts of discordant siblings with applications to autism

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    We develop a method of analysis [affected to discordant sibling pairs (A2DS)] that tests if shared variants contribute to a disorder. Using a standard measure of genetic relation, test individuals are compared with a cohort of discordant sibling pairs (CDS) to derive a comparative similarity score. We ask if a test individual is more similar to an unrelated affected than to the unrelated unaffected sibling from the CDS and then, sum over such individuals and pairs. Statistical significance is judged by randomly permuting the affected status in the CDS. In the analysis of published genotype data from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC) and the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) cohorts of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), we find strong statistical significance that the affected are more similar to the affected than to the unaffected of the CDS (P value approximately 0.00001). Fathers in multiplex families have marginally greater similarity (P value = 0.02) to unrelated affected individuals. These results do not depend on ethnic matching or gender

    Influence of Spin Orbit Coupling in the Iron-Based Superconductors

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    We report on the influence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in the Fe-based superconductors (FeSCs) via application of circularly-polarized spin and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We combine this technique in representative members of both the Fe-pnictides and Fe-chalcogenides with ab initio density functional theory and tight-binding calculations to establish an ubiquitous modification of the electronic structure in these materials imbued by SOC. The influence of SOC is found to be concentrated on the hole pockets where the superconducting gap is generally found to be largest. This result contests descriptions of superconductivity in these materials in terms of pure spin-singlet eigenstates, raising questions regarding the possible pairing mechanisms and role of SOC therein.Comment: For supplementary information, see http://qmlab.ubc.ca/ARPES/PUBLICATIONS/articles.htm
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