7,236 research outputs found

    ELSA: An Integrated, Semi-Automated Nebular Abundance Package

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    We present ELSA, a new modular software package, written in C, to analyze and manage spectroscopic data from emission-line objects. In addition to calculating plasma diagnostics and abundances from nebular emission lines, the software provides a number of convenient features including the ability to ingest logs produced by IRAF's splot task, to semi-automatically merge spectra in different wavelength ranges, and to automatically generate various data tables in machine-readable or LaTeX format. ELSA features a highly sophisticated interstellar reddening correction scheme that takes into account temperature and density effects as well as He II contamination of the hydrogen Balmer lines. Abundance calculations are performed using a 5-level atom approximation with recent atomic data, based on R. Henry's ABUN program. Improvements planned in the near future include use of a three-region ionization model, similar to IRAF's nebular package, error propagation, and the addition of ultraviolet and infrared line analysis capability. Detailed documentation for all aspects of ELSA are available at http://www.williams.edu/Astronomy/research/PN .Comment: 2 pages, contributed paper, IAU Symp. 234, Planetary Nebulae in Our Galaxy and Beyon

    Quantum information processing using strongly-dipolar coupled nuclear spins

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    Dipolar coupled homonuclear spins present challenging, yet useful systems for quantum information processing. In such systems, eigenbasis of the system Hamiltonian is the appropriate computational basis and coherent control can be achieved by specially designed strongly modulating pulses. In this letter we describe the first experimental implementation of the quantum algorithm for numerical gradient estimation on the eigenbasis of a four spin system.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in PR

    Phase space spinor amplitudes for spin 1/2 systems

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    The concept of phase space amplitudes for systems with continuous degrees of freedom is generalized to finite-dimensional spin systems. Complex amplitudes are obtained on both a sphere and a finite lattice, in each case enabling a more fundamental description of pure spin states than that previously given by Wigner functions. In each case the Wigner function can be expressed as the star product of the amplitude and its conjugate, so providing a generalized Born interpretation of amplitudes that emphasizes their more fundamental status. The ordinary product of the amplitude and its conjugate produces a (generalized) spin Husimi function. The case of spin-\half is treated in detail, and it is shown that phase space amplitudes on the sphere transform correctly as spinors under under rotations, despite their expression in terms of spherical harmonics. Spin amplitudes on a lattice are also found to transform as spinors. Applications are given to the phase space description of state superposition, and to the evolution in phase space of the state of a spin-\half magnetic dipole in a time-dependent magnetic field.Comment: 19 pages, added new results, fixed typo

    Nuclear Spins as Quantum Memory in Semiconductor Nanostructures

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    We theoretically consider solid state nuclear spins in a semiconductor nanostructure environment as long-lived, high-fidelity quantum memory. In particular, we calculate, in the limit of a strong applied magnetic field, the fidelity versus time of P donor nuclear spins in random bath environments of Si and GaAs, and the lifetime of excited intrinsic spins in polarized Si and GaAs environments. In the former situation, the nuclear spin dephases due to spectral diffusion induced by the dipolar interaction among nuclei in the bath. We calculate the decay of nuclear spin quantum memory in the context of Hahn and Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) refocused spin echoes using a formally exact cluster expansion technique which has previously been successful in dealing with electron spin dephasing in a solid state nuclear spin bath. With decoherence dominated by transverse dephasing (T2), we find it feasible to maintain high fidelity (losses of less than 10^{-6}) quantum memory on nuclear spins for times of the order of 100 microseconds (GaAs:P) and 1 to 2 milliseconds (natural Si:P) using CPMG pulse sequences of just a few (~2-4) applied pulses. We also consider the complementary situation of a central flipped intrinsic nuclear spin in a bath of completely polarized nuclear spins where decoherence is caused by the direct flip-flop of the central spin with spins in the bath. Exact numerical calculations that include a sufficiently large neighborhood of surrounding nuclei show lifetimes on the order of 1-5 ms for both GaAs and natural Si. Our calculated nuclear spin coherence times may have significance for solid state quantum computer architectures using localized electron spins in semiconductors where nuclear spins have been proposed for quantum memory storage

    The remittances behaviour of the second generation in Europe: altruism or self-interest?

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    Whereas most research on remittances focuses on first-generation migrants, the aim of this paper is to investigate the remitting behaviour of the host country-born children of migrants - the second generation - in various European cities. Some important studies found that migrant transnationalism is not only a phenomenon for the first generation, but also apply to the second and higher generations, through, among other things, family visits, elder care, and remittances. At the same time, the maintenance of a strong ethnic identity in the ‘host’ society does not necessarily mean that second-generation migrants have strong transnational ties to their ‘home’ country. The data used in this paper is from “The Integration of the European Second Generation” (TIES) project. The survey collected information on approximately 6,250 individuals aged 18-35 with at least one migrant parent from Morocco, Turkey or former Yugoslavia, in 15 European cities, regrouped in 8 ‘countries’. For the purpose of this paper, only analyses for Austria (Linz and Vienna); Switzerland (Basle and Zurich); Germany (Berlin and Frankfurt); France (Paris and Strasbourg); the Netherlands (Amsterdam and Rotterdam); Spain (Barcelona and Madrid); and Sweden (Stockholm) will be presented.

    Tungsten resonance integrals and Doppler coefficients Third quarterly report, Jan. - Mar. 1966

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    Reactivities, Doppler coefficients, and resonance integrals for tungsten isotope

    Improving the annual review of diabetic patients in primary care: an appreciative inquiry in the Cape Town District Health Services

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    Background: Diabetes in a common chronic disease in the Cape Town District Health Services and yet an audit of diabetic care demonstrated serious deficiencies in the quality of care. The Metro District Health Services (MDHS) decided to focus on improving the annual review of the diabetic patient. The MDHS provides primary care to the uninsured population of Cape Town through a network of 45 Community Health Centres (CHC). Methods: An appreciative inquiry was established amongst the staff responsible for diabetic care at the 15 CHCs that had newly appointed facility managers. The inquiry completed three cycles of action-reflection over a period of one year and included training in clinical skills as requested by the participants. At the end of the inquiry a consensus was reached on the learning of the group. Results: This consensus was expressed in the form of 11 key themes. CHCs that reported success with improving the annual review formed chronic care teams that met regularly to discuss their goals, roles and to plan improvements. These teams developed more structured and systematic approaches to care, which included the creation of special clubs, attention to the steps in patient flow and methods of summarising and accessing key information. These teams also appointed specific champions who would not rotate to other duties and who would provide continuity of leadership and organisation. These teams also supported continuity of relationships, clinical management and organisation of care. Teams involved the community and local non-profit organisations, particularly in the establishment of support groups that could disseminate medications and build health literacy and self-efficacy. Some teams emphasised the need to also care for the carers and to not just focus on workload and output indicators. More successful CHCs also grappled with balancing of the workload, quality of care and waiting times in a way that improved all three in an upward spiral. Patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction and clinical outcomes were seen as interlinked' There was a need to plan methods for empowering patients and build self-efficacy through a variety of facility- and community-based as well as individual- and group-orientated initiatives. Training in clinical skills was requested for foot and eye screening. Feedback was given to the MDHS on the need to improve referral pathways and access to preventative services such as dieticians, podiatrists and vascular surgery. Finally, the inquiry process itself together with the annual audit supported organisational learning and change at the facility level. Conclusion: Improving the annual review has more to do with the organisation of care than gaps in knowledge or skills that can be addressed through training. While such gaps do exist, as shown by the training around foot screening, the main focus was on issues of leadership, teamwork, systematic organisation, continuity, staff satisfaction, motivation and the balancing of quality care provided, quantity of care demanded and queuing required. The appreciative inquiry (Al) process supported decentralised organisational learning and, while key themes were shared, the specific solutions were localised

    Improving the annual review of diabetic patients in primary care: an appreciative inquiry in the Cape Town District Health Services

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    Background: Diabetes in a common chronic disease in the Cape Town District Health Services and yet an audit of diabetic care demonstrated serious deficiencies in the quality of care. The Metro District Health Services (MDHS) decided to focus on improving the annual review of the diabetic patient. The MDHS provides primary care to the uninsured population of Cape Town through a network of 45 Community Health Centres (CHC). Methods: An appreciative inquiry was established amongst the staff responsible for diabetic care at the 15 CHCs that had newly appointed facility managers. The inquiry completed three cycles of action-reflection over a period of one year and included training in clinical skills as requested by the participants. At the end of the inquiry a consensus was reached on the learning of the group. Results: This consensus was expressed in the form of 11 key themes. CHCs that reported success with improving the annual review formed chronic care teams that met regularly to discuss their goals, roles and to plan improvements. These teams developed more structured and systematic approaches to care, which included the creation of special clubs, attention to the steps in patient flow and methods of summarising and accessing key information. These teams also appointed specific champions who would not rotate to other duties and who would provide continuity of leadership and organisation. These teams also supported continuity of relationships, clinical management and organisation of care. Teams involved the community and local non-profit organisations, particularly in the establishment of support groups that could disseminate medications and build health literacy and self-efficacy. Some teams emphasised the need to also care for the carers and to not just focus on workload and output indicators. More successful CHCs also grappled with balancing of the workload, quality of care and waiting times in a way that improved all three in an upward spiral. Patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction and clinical outcomes were seen as interlinked' There was a need to plan methods for empowering patients and build self-efficacy through a variety of facility- and community-based as well as individual- and group-orientated initiatives. Training in clinical skills was requested for foot and eye screening. Feedback was given to the MDHS on the need to improve referral pathways and access to preventative services such as dieticians, podiatrists and vascular surgery. Finally, the inquiry process itself together with the annual audit supported organisational learning and change at the facility level. Conclusion: Improving the annual review has more to do with the organisation of care than gaps in knowledge or skills that can be addressed through training. While such gaps do exist, as shown by the training around foot screening, the main focus was on issues of leadership, teamwork, systematic organisation, continuity, staff satisfaction, motivation and the balancing of quality care provided, quantity of care demanded and queuing required. The appreciative inquiry (Al) process supported decentralised organisational learning and, while key themes were shared, the specific solutions were localised
