42 research outputs found

    Ceramics for medical applications

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    Addition of hyaluronic acid improves cellular infiltration and promotes early-stage chondrogenesis in a collagen-based scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering.

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    The response of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to a matrix largely depends on the composition as well as the extrinsic mechanical and morphological properties of the substrate to which they adhere to. Collagen-glycosaminoglycan (CG) scaffolds have been extensively used in a range of tissue engineering applications with great success. This is due in part to the presence of the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in complementing the biofunctionality of collagen. In this context, the overall goal of this study was to investigate the effect of two GAG types: chondroitin sulphate (CS) and hyaluronic acid (HyA) on the mechanical and morphological characteristics of collagen-based scaffolds and subsequently on the differentiation of rat MSCs in vitro. Morphological characterisation revealed that the incorporation of HyA resulted in a significant reduction in scaffold mean pore size (93.9 μm) relative to collagen-CS (CCS) scaffolds (136.2 μm). In addition, the collagen-HyA (CHyA) scaffolds exhibited greater levels of MSC infiltration in comparison to the CCS scaffolds. Moreover, these CHyA scaffolds showed significant acceleration of early stage gene expression of SOX-9 (approximately 60-fold higher,

    Application of response surface methodology in the design of functionally graded plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings

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    The highly complex process-property-structure relationship poses a major challenge in the optimization of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings. In addition, contradictions in relation to the ideal coating properties exist; a dense, highly crystalline coating is required for long term coating stability, whereas coatings with lower crystallinity dissolve more rapidly but have an improved osteogenic response in vivo. In this study, response surface methodology (RSM) is utilized to investigate the influences and interaction effects of current, gas flow rate, powder feed rate, spray distance and carrier gas flow rate on the roughness, crystallinity, purity, porosity and thickness of plasma sprayed HA coatings. Roughness related to the particle velocity and particle melting, and was highest at low gas flow rates and, due to the quadratic effect of current, at the central current value. High crystallinity resulted at high current and low spray distance due to the presence of bulk crystalline material and recrystallization of amorphous material. Purity was highest at low carrier gas flow rate and high gas flow rate, where particle temperature was reduced. Porosity was dependent on the degree of particle melting and was highest at low gas flow rate and powder feed rate and at high current and spray distance. Coating thickness was determined by the number of particles and the degree of flattening on impact, and was highest at high current, low gas flow rate, high powder feed rate and low spray distance. From this in-depth analysis, predictive process equations were developed and optimized to produce two distinct coatings; a stable coating and a bioactive coating, designed to form the base and surface layers of a functionally graded coating respectively, to provide enhanced osteogenesis, while maintaining long-term stability. Culture of osteoblast-like cells on the coatings demonstrated an increased osteogenic response on the bioactive coating compared to the other groups. Overall, this study identifies parameter effects and interactions leading to the development of optimized coatings with the potential to enhance the functional life of HA coated implants in vivo

    A biomimetic multi-layered collagen-based scaffold for osteochondral repair.

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    Cartilage and osteochondral defects pose a significant challenge in orthopedics. Tissue engineering has shown promise as a potential method for the treatment of such defects; however, a long-lasting repair strategy has yet to be realized. This study focuses on the development of a layered construct for osteochondral repair, fabricated through a novel \u22iterative layering\u22 freeze-drying technique. The process involved repeated steps of layer addition followed by freeze-drying, enabling control over material composition, pore size and substrate stiffness in each region of the construct, while also achieving a seamlessly integrated layer structure. The novel construct developed mimics the inherent gradient structure of healthy osteochondral tissue: a bone layer composed of type I collagen and hydroxyapatite (HA), an intermediate layer composed of type I collagen, type II collagen and HA and a cartilaginous region composed of type I collagen, type II collagen and hyaluronic acid. The material properties were designed to provide the biological cues required to encourage infiltration of host cells from the bone marrow while the biomechanical properties were designed to provide an environment optimized to promote differentiation of these cells towards the required lineage in each region. This novel osteochondral graft was shown to have a seamlessly integrated layer structure, high levels of porosity (\u3e97%), a homogeneous pore structure and a high degree of pore interconnectivity. Moreover, homogeneous cellular distribution throughout the entire construct was evident following in vitro culture, demonstrating the potential of this multi-layered scaffold as an advanced strategy for osteochondral defect repair

    Multi-layered collagen-based scaffolds for osteochondral defect repair in rabbits.

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    INTRODUCTION: Identification of a suitable treatment for osteochondral repair presents a major challenge due to existing limitations and an urgent clinical need remains for an off-the-shelf, low cost, one-step approach. A biomimetic approach, where the biomaterial itself encourages cellular infiltration from the underlying bone marrow and provides physical and chemical cues to direct these cells to regenerate the damaged tissue, provides a potential solution. To meet this need, a multi-layer collagen-based osteochondral defect repair scaffold has been developed in our group. AIM: The objective of this study was to assess the in vivo response to this scaffold and determine its ability to direct regenerative responses in each layer in order to repair osteochondral tissue in a critical-sized defect in a rabbit knee. METHODS: Multi-layer scaffolds, consisting of a bone layer composed of type I collagen (bovine source) and hydroxyapatite (HA), an intermediate layer composed of type I and type II collagen and HA; and a superficial layer composed of type I and type II collagen (porcine source) and hyaluronic acid (HyA), were implanted into critical size (3 × 5 mm) osteochondral defects created in the medial femoral condyle of the knee joint of New Zealand white rabbits and compared to an empty control group. Repair was assessed macroscopically, histologically and using micro-CT analysis at 12 weeks post implantation. RESULTS: Analysis of repair tissue demonstrated an enhanced macroscopic appearance in the multi-layer scaffold group compared to the empty group. In addition, diffuse host cellular infiltration in the scaffold group resulted in tissue regeneration with a zonal organisation, with repair of the subchondral bone, formation of an overlying cartilaginous layer and evidence of an intermediate tidemark. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the potential of this biomimetic multi-layered scaffold to support and guide the host reparative response in the treatment of osteochondral defects. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Osteochondral defects, involving cartilage and the underlying subchondral bone, frequently occur in young active patients due to disease or injury. While some treatment options are available, success is limited and patients often eventually require joint replacement. To address this clinical need, a multi-layer collagen-based osteochondral defect repair scaffold designed to direct host-stem cell mediated tissue formation within each region, has been developed in our group. The present study investigates the in vivo response to this scaffold in a critical-sized defect in a rabbit knee. Results shows the scaffolds ability to guide the host reparative response leading to tissue regeneration with a zonal organisation, repair of the subchondral bone, formation of an overlying cartilaginous layer and evidence of an intermediate tidemark

    The benefits and limitations of animal models for translational research in cartilage repair.

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    Much research is currently ongoing into new therapies for cartilage defect repair with new biomaterials frequently appearing which purport to have significant regenerative capacity. These biomaterials may be classified as medical devices, and as such must undergo rigorous testing before they are implanted in humans. A large part of this testing involves in vitro trials and biomechanical testing. However, in order to bridge the gap between the lab and the clinic, in vivo preclinical trials are required, and usually demanded by regulatory approval bodies. This review examines the in vivo models in current use for cartilage defect repair testing and the relevance of each in the context of generated results and applicability to bringing the device to clinical practice. Some of the preclinical models currently used include murine, leporine, ovine, caprine, porcine, canine, and equine models. Each of these has advantages and disadvantages in terms of animal husbandry, cartilage thickness, joint biomechanics and ethical and licencing issues. This review will examine the strengths and weaknesses of the various animal models currently in use in preclinical studies of cartilage repair

    Freeze-Drying as a Novel Biofabrication Method for Achieving a Controlled Microarchitecture within Large, Complex Natural Biomaterial Scaffolds

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    The biofabrication of large scaffolds from natural biomaterials into complex 3D shapes with controllable microarchitecture remains a major challenge. Freeze-drying (or lyophilization) is a technique used to create bioactive scaffolds with a porous architecture and is typically only used to generate scaffolds in planar 3D geometries. Here we report the development of a new biofabrication process to form a collagen-based scaffold into a large, complex geometry which has a large height to width ratio, and a controlled porous microarchitecture. This biofabrication process was validated through the successful development of a heart valve shaped scaffold, fabricated from a collagen-glycosaminoglycan co-polymer. Notably, despite the significant challenges in using freeze-drying to create such a structure, the resultant scaffold had a uniform, homogeneous pore architecture throughout. This was achieved through optimization of the freeze-drying mold and freezing parameters. We believe this to be the first demonstration of using freeze-drying to create a large, complex scaffold geometry with a controlled, porous architecture using natural materials. This study validates the potential of using freeze-drying for development of organ-specific scaffold geometries for tissue engineering applications, which up until now might not have been considered feasible

    Cell-free multi-layered collagen-based scaffolds demonstrate layer specific regeneration of functional osteochondral tissue in caprine joints.

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    Developing repair strategies for osteochondral tissue presents complex challenges due to its interfacial nature and complex zonal structure, consisting of subchondral bone, intermediate calcified cartilage and the superficial cartilage regions. In this study, the long term ability of a multi-layered biomimetic collagen-based scaffold to repair osteochondral defects is investigated in a large animal model: namely critical sized lateral trochlear ridge (TR) and medial femoral condyle (MC) defects in the caprine stifle joint. The study thus presents the first data in a clinically applicable large animal model. Scaffold fixation and early integration was demonstrated at 2 weeks post implantation. Macroscopic analysis demonstrated improved healing in the multi-layered scaffold group compared to empty defects and a market approved synthetic polymer osteochondral scaffold groups at 6 and 12 months post implantation. Radiological analysis demonstrated superior subchondral bone formation in both defect sites in the multi-layered scaffold group as early as 3 months, with complete regeneration of subchondral bone by 12 months. Histological analysis confirmed the formation of well-structured subchondral trabecular bone and hyaline-like cartilage tissue in the multi-layered scaffold group by 12 months with restoration of the anatomical tidemark. Demonstration of improved healing following treatment with this natural polymer scaffold, through the recruitment of host cells with no requirement for pre-culture, shows the potential of this device for the treatment of patients presenting with osteochondal lesions

    In vitro fibroblast and pre-osteoblastic cellular responses on laser surface modified Ti–6Al–4V

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    The success of any implant, dental or orthopaedic, is driven by the interaction of implant material with the surrounding tissue. In this context, the nature of the implant surface plays a direct role in determining the long term stability as physico-chemical properties of the surface affect cellular attachment, expression of proteins, and finally osseointegration. Thus to enhance the degree of integration of the implant into the host tissue, various surface modification techniques are employed. In this work, laser surface melting of titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V was carried out using a CO2 laser with an argon gas atmosphere. Investigations were carried out to study the influence of laser surface modification on the biocompatibility of Ti–6Al–4V alloy implant material. Surface roughness, microhardness, and phase development were recorded. Initial knowledge of these effects on biocompatibility was gained from examination of the response of fibroblast cell lines, which was followed by examination of the response of osteoblast cell lines which is relevant to the applications of this material in bone repair. Biocompatibility with these cell lines was analysed via Resazurin cell viability assay, DNA cell attachment assay, and alamarBlue metabolic activity assay. Laser treated surfaces were found to preferentially promote cell attachment, higher levels of proliferation, and enhanced bioactivity when compared to untreated control samples. These results demonstrate the tremendous potential of this laser surface melting treatment to significantly improve the biocompatibility of titanium implants in vivo