39 research outputs found

    Stem Cell Therapy for Patients with Chronic Liver Disease

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    The analysis of the original land cadastral data in the selected cadastral community of the city municipality of Novo Mesto

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    In this diploma thesis we have analysed the changes in the space for the study area, which is the cadastral community of Ždinja vas, where a comparison between spatial patterns in the time of establishment of the Franziscean land cadastre (1826) and today has been conducted. For this purpose, we used the archived documents of Franziscean land cadastre and the latest data from the official registers (data from the land cadastre, the land use evidence and the building cadastre). The thesis includes the brief presentation of the Franziscean land cadastre, followed by the presentation of the results of analyses. For analytical area we conducted a comparative analysis of changes in plot structure and a comparative analysis of land-use change based on the Franziscean land cadastral data and current official land evidences. Based on the results of the analytical part of our thesis we were able to confirm the assumption that the study area over the past two centuries led to major changes. These are reflected in the todayā€™s increased number of land plots compared to the number from the time of occurrence of Franziscean land cadastre. Furthermore, land use changes in this area are obvious in the analysed period, particularly as the expansion of built-up area and the abandonment of agricultural land. Significant change in the rural space has also been caused by construction of the highway

    The effects of the seismic action on the non-structural elements of buildings

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    The present work focuses on estimation of seismic influences on non-structural elements of buildings. For example, larger scale accidents could happen because of damaged installation or equipment in buildings of higher importance like nuclear power plants or chemical factories. In addition it is important that hospitals keep functionality after an earthquake and that the potential losses of expensive equipment are as small as possible. In the first part of the study the floor response spectra for the model of idealized structure is investigated with SAP2000 software. Time-history analysis from accelerograms of three nearby earthquakes is provided to get floor response spectra. The mean values of three recorded and three generated accelerograms are compared. Three-storey asymmetric reinforced concrete building SPEAR is analyzed afterwards. Observation of changing floor response spectrum with height and over one storey is made, where eccentricity of masses is major influence. In the last part of the thesis the seismic isolation system, which currently represents the alternative to seismic resistant construction is studied. Lead rubber bearings of different characteristics are modeled under SPEAR building in SAP2000. Nonlinear link element is used to describe the histeretic behaviour. Two types of nonlinear time-history analysis are computed, the direct integration and Fast nonlinear analysis (FNA). Floor response spectra for different isolation characteristics are compared. Those results are compared also with unisolated building SPEAR and with Eurocode 8 floor response spectra, which is calculated with simple formula

    Web cartography and interactive map modelling on the basis of data collections at Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU)

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    The map is a symbolised representation of geographical reality. It shows selected objects and their properties and is a result of authorā€™s creative work. It serves as communication instrument between people. This communication must be fast, comprehensible, and user- directed. Computer science developing induced reduced workload and time consumption along with a lot of positive solutions in a map processing. Nowadays, maps are more up-to date. A step forward in this field of science is use of internet Web cartography. The internet is becoming the most important distribution media today. It has a strong impact on development of geographical information systems as also on contemporary manners of showing of maps like interactive map visualization. In the thesis some of the publicly accessible maps on the internet are studied and analysed. Their purpose, usage, orientation of data and design of the cartographic symbols are researched. The main subjects of the thesis are detailed analysis, evaluation and proposal of possible improvements of design of the interactive map of Slovenia which includs data collections of Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

    Management and storrage of ammunition and mines

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    V diplomski nalogi je opisano skladiŔčenje in upravljanje s strelivom in minsko-eksplozivnimi sredstvi. Opredeljeni so ukrepi, ki jih moramo upoŔtevati pri skladiŔčenju in manipuliranju s strelivom in MES (strelivom in minsko-eksplozivnimi sredstvi) zaradi povečanja varnosti, pravočasnosti ter ukrepi, da bi snovi v hranjenih sredstvih obdržale svoje prvotne lastnosti in kvaliteto. Opisan je celoten projekt skladiŔčenja od samega načrtovanja skladiŔč, pravilnega upravljanja ter rokovanja s strelivom in MES, podroben opis pravil in postopkov skladiŔčnega poslovanja, vrste materialnih dokumentov in evidenc ter posebni dokumenti pri skladiŔčenju. Osrednji del pa smo namenili možni problematiki in reŔitvi problemov postavitve in varnosti skladiŔč v terenskih okoliŔčinah ob dejanskih razmerah na bojiŔču oziroma na operacijah in misijah, katere izvaja naŔa enota. Opisan je predlagani načrt za celotno pravilno, funkcionalno in varno postavitev sekcije.This thesis describes the storage and management of ammunition and explosive mines. The measures which must be considered in the storaging and manipulation with ammunition and MES (ammunition and explosive mines) are defined to increase safety, timeliness, and the measures that will retain the original characteristics and qualities of the means. The entire project is describes from the design of storage depots, proper management and handling with ammunition and MES, a detailed description of the rules and procedures of the storage business, the type of material documents and records and the storage of specific documents. The central part is devoted to the potential problems and resolving security issues of installing and storaging under field conditions at the actual situation on the battlefield and in operations and missions, which are carried out by our unit. The proposed plan is described for the whole correct, functional and safe installation of the section

    Koncept virtualnih svetov

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    Trendi v svetovni glasbeni industriji

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    Predsednik Združenih držav Amerike

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