245 research outputs found

    Radiative Transfer in Star Formation: Testing FLD and Hybrid Methods

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    We perform a comparison between two radiative transfer algorithms commonly employed in hydrodynamical calculations of star formation: grey flux limited diffusion and the hybrid scheme, in addition we compare these algorithms to results from the Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code MOCASSIN. In disc like density structures the hybrid scheme performs significantly better than the FLD method in the optically thin regions, with comparable results in optically thick regions. In the case of a forming high mass star we find the FLD method significantly underestimates the radiation pressure by a factor of ~100.Comment: 4 Pages; to appear in the proceedings of 'The Labyrinth of Star Formation', Crete, 18-22 June 201

    A Continuum Description of Rarefied Gas Dynamics (I)--- Derivation From Kinetic Theory

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    We describe an asymptotic procedure for deriving continuum equations from the kinetic theory of a simple gas. As in the works of Hilbert, of Chapman and of Enskog, we expand in the mean flight time of the constituent particles of the gas, but we do not adopt the Chapman-Enskog device of simplifying the formulae at each order by using results from previous orders. In this way, we are able to derive a new set of fluid dynamical equations from kinetic theory, as we illustrate here for the relaxation model for monatomic gases. We obtain a stress tensor that contains a dynamical pressure term (or bulk viscosity) that is process-dependent and our heat current depends on the gradients of both temperature and density. On account of these features, the equations apply to a greater range of Knudsen number (the ratio of mean free path to macroscopic scale) than do the Navier-Stokes equations, as we see in the accompanying paper. In the limit of vanishing Knudsen number, our equations reduce to the usual Navier-Stokes equations with no bulk viscosity.Comment: 16 page

    Nonequilibrium corrections in the pressure tensor due to an energy flux

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    The physical interpretation of the nonequilibrium corrections in the pressure tensor for radiation submitted to an energy flux obtained in some previous works is revisited. Such pressure tensor is shown to describe a moving equilibrium system but not a real nonequilibrium situation.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, Brief Report to appear in PRE Dec 9

    Critical Protoplanetary Core Masses in Protoplanetary Disks and the Formation of Short-Period Giant Planets

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    We study a solid protoplanetary core of 1-10 earth masses migrating through a disk. We suppose the core luminosity is generated as a result of planetesimal accretion and calculate the structure of the gaseous envelope assuming equilibrium. This is a good approximation when the core mass is less than the critical value, M_{crit}, above which rapid gas accretion begins. We model the structure of the protoplanetary nebula as an accretion disk with constant \alpha. We present analytic fits for the steady state relation between disk surface density and mass accretion rate as a function of radius r. We calculate M_{crit} as a function of r, gas accretion rate through the disk, and planetesimal accretion rate onto the core \dot{M}. For a fixed \dot{M}, M_{crit} increases inwards, and it decreases with \dot{M}. We find that \dot{M} onto cores migrating inwards in a time 10^3-10^5 yr at 1 AU is sufficient to prevent the attainment of M_{crit} during the migration process. Only at small radii where planetesimals no longer exist can M_{crit} be attained. At small radii, the runaway gas accretion phase may become longer than the disk lifetime if the core mass is too small. However, massive cores can be built-up through the merger of additional incoming cores on a timescale shorter than for in situ formation. Therefore, feeding zone depletion in the neighborhood of a fixed orbit may be avoided. Accordingly, we suggest that giant planets may begin to form early in the life of the protostellar disk at small radii, on a timescale that may be significantly shorter than for in situ formation. (abridged)Comment: 24 pages (including 9 figures), LaTeX, uses emulateapj.sty, to be published in ApJ, also available at http://www.ucolick.org/~ct/home.htm

    Random Walks on a Fluctuating Lattice: A Renormalization Group Approach Applied in One Dimension

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    We study the problem of a random walk on a lattice in which bonds connecting nearest neighbor sites open and close randomly in time, a situation often encountered in fluctuating media. We present a simple renormalization group technique to solve for the effective diffusive behavior at long times. For one-dimensional lattices we obtain better quantitative agreement with simulation data than earlier effective medium results. Our technique works in principle in any dimension, although the amount of computation required rises with dimensionality of the lattice.Comment: PostScript file including 2 figures, total 15 pages, 8 other figures obtainable by mail from D.L. Stei

    Mass loss from inhomogeneous hot star winds II. Constraints from a combined optical/UV study

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    Mass-loss rates currently in use for hot, massive stars have recently been seriously questioned, mainly because of the effects of wind clumping. We investigate the impact of clumping on diagnostic ultraviolet resonance and optical recombination lines. Optically thick clumps, a non-void interclump medium, and a non-monotonic velocity field are all accounted for in a single model. We used 2D and 3D stochastic and radiation-hydrodynamic (RH) wind models, constructed by assembling 1D snapshots in radially independent slices. To compute synthetic spectra, we developed and used detailed radiative transfer codes for both recombination lines (solving the "formal integral") and resonance lines (using a Monte-Carlo approach). In addition, we propose an analytic method to model these lines in clumpy winds, which does not rely on optically thin clumping. Results: Synthetic spectra calculated directly from current RH wind models of the line-driven instability are unable to in parallel reproduce strategic optical and ultraviolet lines for the Galactic O-supergiant LCep. Using our stochastic wind models, we obtain consistent fits essentially by increasing the clumping in the inner wind. A mass-loss rate is derived that is approximately two times lower than predicted by the line-driven wind theory, but much higher than the corresponding rate derived from spectra when assuming optically thin clumps. Our analytic formulation for line formation is used to demonstrate the potential impact of optically thick clumping in weak-winded stars and to confirm recent results that resonance doublets may be used as tracers of wind structure and optically thick clumping. (Abridged)Comment: 14 pages+1 Appendix, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. One reference updated, minor typo in Appendix correcte

    Optimal prediction for moment models: Crescendo diffusion and reordered equations

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    A direct numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation or any kinetic equation is typically expensive, since the radiative intensity depends on time, space and direction. An expansion in the direction variables yields an equivalent system of infinitely many moments. A fundamental problem is how to truncate the system. Various closures have been presented in the literature. We want to study moment closure generally within the framework of optimal prediction, a strategy to approximate the mean solution of a large system by a smaller system, for radiation moment systems. We apply this strategy to radiative transfer and show that several closures can be re-derived within this framework, e.g. PNP_N, diffusion, and diffusion correction closures. In addition, the formalism gives rise to new parabolic systems, the reordered PNP_N equations, that are similar to the simplified PNP_N equations. Furthermore, we propose a modification to existing closures. Although simple and with no extra cost, this newly derived crescendo diffusion yields better approximations in numerical tests.Comment: Revised version: 17 pages, 6 figures, presented at Workshop on Moment Methods in Kinetic Gas Theory, ETH Zurich, 2008 2 figures added, minor correction

    Moment Closure - A Brief Review

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    Moment closure methods appear in myriad scientific disciplines in the modelling of complex systems. The goal is to achieve a closed form of a large, usually even infinite, set of coupled differential (or difference) equations. Each equation describes the evolution of one "moment", a suitable coarse-grained quantity computable from the full state space. If the system is too large for analytical and/or numerical methods, then one aims to reduce it by finding a moment closure relation expressing "higher-order moments" in terms of "lower-order moments". In this brief review, we focus on highlighting how moment closure methods occur in different contexts. We also conjecture via a geometric explanation why it has been difficult to rigorously justify many moment closure approximations although they work very well in practice.Comment: short survey paper (max 20 pages) for a broad audience in mathematics, physics, chemistry and quantitative biolog

    The phase shift of line solitons for the KP-II equation

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    The KP-II equation was derived by [B. B. Kadomtsev and V. I. Petviashvili,Sov. Phys. Dokl. vol.15 (1970), 539-541] to explain stability of line solitary waves of shallow water. Stability of line solitons has been proved by [T. Mizumachi, Mem. of vol. 238 (2015), no.1125] and [T. Mizumachi, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. vol.148 (2018), 149--198]. It turns out the local phase shift of modulating line solitons are not uniform in the transverse direction. In this paper, we obtain the LL^\infty-bound for the local phase shift of modulating line solitons for polynomially localized perturbations

    Numerical study of oscillatory regimes in the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation

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    The aim of this paper is the accurate numerical study of the KP equation. In particular we are concerned with the small dispersion limit of this model, where no comprehensive analytical description exists so far. To this end we first study a similar highly oscillatory regime for asymptotically small solutions, which can be described via the Davey-Stewartson system. In a second step we investigate numerically the small dispersion limit of the KP model in the case of large amplitudes. Similarities and differences to the much better studied Korteweg-de Vries situation are discussed as well as the dependence of the limit on the additional transverse coordinate.Comment: 39 pages, 36 figures (high resolution figures at http://www.mis.mpg.de/preprints/index.html