26 research outputs found


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    The main purpose of this research is to create an educational environment including real mathematical problems that can be solved through the interdisciplinary approach and inductive methods and to examine the change brought about by this environment in terms of the opinions and perspectives of special talented students related to the mathematics discipline. The study was conducted in Kayseri Province through the project “Mathematics Energising in Nature and Structures” supported within the context of Nature Education and Science Schools Support Program of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (STRCT). The study group of this research is composed of 35 special talented students (22 males, 13 females) going on the project education at 9th and 10th grade in the science and art centre (SAC) in Ankara province during 2017-2018 academic year. In this study, the case study method, one of the qualitative research approaches, was used so as to examine the opinions of the students before and after the project process. Pre-interview through the semi-structured interview form before the project period and post-interview after the project period were conducted to the students in the study, and the data obtained about how the students were affected by the case were analysed. Upon the practice, it was determined that there were some findings indicating that it enabled the students to associate mathematics with the other disciplines and real life. It was concluded that the scientific activities carried out in informal learning environments significantly increased the attitudes of the students attending the science camp towards the science after the practice when compared to case before the practice, and that these activities also brought about positive changes in the perspectives of the students on science, scientific knowledge, and scientific environments.  Article visualizations

    Vankomisin Spinal Cerrahide Enfeksiyon İhtimalini Gerçekten Azaltıyor Mu

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    Amaç: Spinal cerrahi morbiditesi ve mortalitesi yüksek cerrahi prosedürlerdendir. Günümüzde cerrahi tekniklerin gelişmesine rağmen spinal cerrahide yara yeri enfeksiyonu halen önemli bir sorun olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yara yeri enfeksiyonunu engellemek için lokal vankomisin kullanımı bir çok çalışmada araştırılmış net bir sonuca ulaşılamamıştır. Biz bu çalışmada yara yeri enfeksiyonundan korunmak için proflaktik olarak yara yerine lokal vankomisin kullanılan hastalar ile kullanılmayan hastaların sonuçlarını değerlendirdik. Gereç ve yöntemler: Spinal cerrahi uygulanmış toplam 36 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bu hastaların demografik verilerine hastane kayıt sisteminden ulaşılarak kaydedildi. Lokal olarak Vankomisin uygulanan hastalar ve uygulanmayan hastalar olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Her iki gruptaki hastaların komorbit faktörleri, yaş, cinsiyet, ben kitle endeksi, kan paramatreleri, postoperatif komplikasyonları ve yara yeri enfeksiyonları açısından karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Her iki grubun demografik verilerinin dağılımı, komplikasyonları arasında fark yoktu.(p>0.05) Her iki grubun yara yeri enfeksİyonları karşılaştırıldığında aralarında fark olmadığı saptandı.(p>0.05) Sonuçlar ve öneriler: Lokal vankomisin uygulamasının yara yeri enfeksiyon ihtimalini azaltmadığını düşünmekteyiz. Dahası dirençli mikroorganzimalarının gelişimine sebep olacağı kanaatindeyiz


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    Life cycle assessment (LCA) is implemented to various processes with a strict exception for naval platforms and warships. Thus, the recent studies for life cycle analysis of military ships are limited. LCA is a holistic method based on developing an optimization between environmental performance, cost-benefit balance and usability. LCC is a supporting subsection of LCA implemented to the analysis in order to calculate the probable costs during whole phases of a product. In this study, LCA and LCC are implemented to a naval platform and a calculation, which is based on escalation, is realized to compare the maintenance costs and initial cost for all life cycle of the platform. A generic warship is selected and yaw damping system of the ship was chosen for implementation of LCA and LCC. It is accepted that the systems and devices are used 1500 hours during cruising and 7260 hours during hoteling. First, the initial cost of yaw damping system is calculated, then, costs of long term maintenance with and without escalation are considered. In the final part, the profit gained by recycling of yaw damping system is calculated. The results has shown that an extra cost of 38 % and 19 % for operation and maintenance and total cost, respectively, must be added according to escalation calculations. While initial cost and operation and maintenance costs have 51 % and 49 % of total costs without escalation, the share of initial cost decreases to 43 % and the share of operation and maintenance increases to 57 % with the utilization of escalation

    Role of pathophysiology of patellofemoral instability in the treatment of spontaneous medial patellofemoral subluxation: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Medial patellar subluxation is usually seen after lateral retinacular release. Spontaneous medial subluxation of the patella is a very rare condition. There are few reports in the literature on the pathophysiology of iatrogenic medial patellar subluxation. To our knowledge, there are no reports of the pathophysiology of non-iatrogenic medial patellar subluxation in the English literature. In this study we present a case of spontaneous medial patellar instability that is more prominent in extension during weight bearing. We also try to define the treatment protocol based on pathophsiology.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 21-year-old Turkish man with spontaneous medial patellar instability. He had suffered right knee pain, clicking and popping sensation in the affected knee for three months prior to presentation. Clinical examination demonstrated medial patellar subluxation that is more prominent in extension during the weight bearing phase of gait and while standing. Increased medial tilt was observed when the patella was stressed medially. Conventional anterior to posterior, lateral and Merchant radiographs did not reveal any abnormalities. After three months of physical therapy, our patient was still suffering from right knee pain which disturbed his gait pattern. Throughout the surgery, medial patellar translation was tested following the imbrication of lateral structures. He still had a medial patellar translation that was more than 50% of his patellar width. Patellotibial ligament augmentation using an iliotibial band flap was added. When examined after surgery, the alignment of the patella was effectively corrected.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Chronic imbalance between the strengths of vastus lateralis and vastus medialis results in secondary changes in passive ligamentous structures and causes additional instability. Physical therapy modalities that aim to strengthen the vastus lateralis might be sufficient for the treatment of spontaneous medial instability. There would be no need for any surgical intervention if spontaneous medial instability was recognized before the additional instability occured. If necessary, lateral imbrication followed by lateral patellotibial ligament augmentation can be performed, and these would effectively correct spontaneous medial patellofemoral instability.</p

    Comparison of plasma endothelin levels between osteoporotic, osteopenic and normal subjects

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    BACKGROUND: It has been demonstrated that endothelins (ET) have significant roles in bone remodeling, metabolism and physiopathology of several bone diseases. We aimed to investigate if there was any difference between the plasma ET levels of osteoporotic patients and normals. METHODS: 86 patients (70 women and 16 men) with a mean age of 62.6 (ranges: 51–90) years were included in this study. Patients were divided into groups of osteoporosis, osteopenia and normal regarding reported T scores of DEXA evaluation according to the suggestions of World Health Organization. According to these criteria 19, 43 and 24 were normal, osteopenic and osteoporotic respectively. Then total plasma level of ET was measured in all patients with monoclonal antibody based sandwich immunoassay (EIA) method. One-way analysis of variance test was used to compare endothelin values between normals, osteopenics and osteoporotics. RESULTS: Endothelin total plasma level in patients was a mean of 98.36 ± 63.96, 100.92 ± 47.2 and 99.56 ± 56.6 pg/ml in osteoporotic, osteopenic and normal groups respectively. The difference between groups was not significant (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: No significant differences in plasma ET levels among three groups of study participants could be detected in this study


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    Ships have an indispensable role in trading and transportation. Due to the growth of population and the new demands of the growing economies, the need for shipping but also its harmful effects are increasing and emission problems will grow further in the future