165 research outputs found

    The Avifauna value of Lake Erçek (Van, Turkey)

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    Studies on the valuation of biodiversity are mainly prepared with market value, non-market value, and ecosystem value. Thus, the contingent valuation method (CVM) is mostly used. The direct valuation of biodiversity almost does not exist. In this study, bird counts of Lake Erçek have complied, and the highest counted number for the species was used. The valuation of the avifauna was made using the compensation fees within the scope of the Turkish Central Hunting Commission Decisions 2020-2021. In Lake Erçek a total of 183 bird species were recorded, and the avifauna value was calculated as 203.084.660,00 TL

    Background parenchymal enhancement: is it just an innocent effect of estrogen on the breast?

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    PURPOSE:We aimed to retrospectively analyze whether background parenchymal enhancement (BPE) on breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) correlates with menarche, menopause, reproductive period, menstrual cycle, gravidity-parity, family history of breast cancer, and the Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) category of the patient.METHODS:The study included 126 pre- and 78 postmenopausal women who underwent breast MRI in our institute between 2011 and 2016. Patients had filled a questionnaire form before the MRI. Two radiologists blinded to patient history graded the BPEs and the results were compared and analyzed.RESULTS:The BPE was correlated with patient age and the day of menstrual cycle (P < 0.01 for both). No correlation was found with menarche age, menopause age, total number of reproductive years, and family history of breast cancer. In the moderate BPE group, only 1 out of 35 patients and in the marked BPE group only 1 out of 13 patients were postmenopausal and had BI-RADS scores of 4 and 5, respectively.CONCLUSION:Increased symmetrical BPE is mainly due to current hormonal status in the premenopausal women. High-grade BPE, whether symmetrical or not, is rarely seen in postmenopausal women; hence, these patients should be further investigated or closely followed up

    Banking Competition, Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkish Economy during the 1990-2014 Period

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    After 1950s, economics literature embraced a gradually increasing pattern of studies on economic growth. Empirical studies on the relations among competition in the banking sector, which provides financing to real investments, financial liberalization and economic growth have been increasing since late 1980s. These studies, which have their roots in McKinnon and Shaw approach, investigate whether financial liberalization leads to efficiency rise in the financial sector resulting in economic growth through low cost loans. The objective of this study is to test the relationship among competition in the Turkish Banking Sector, financial liberalization and economic growth over 1990-2014 period using annual time-series data. The findings suggest that over the study period, competition is positively and liberalization is negatively related to economic growth in Turkey.  Keywords: Banking competition, H statistics, liberalization, economic growth, Turkish economy JEL Classifications: G21, L11, O1

    Open Access and DSpace Institutional Repository System

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    Çelik, Sönmez (Dogus Author)Akademik camiada ortak çıkarların yaratılması amacıyla bilginin paylaşılmasına armağan edilmiş toplumsal bir hareket olan Açık Erişim, bugün dünyada pek çok bilim insanı, yayınevi ve araştırmacı tarafından desteklenmektedir. Açık erişimin temelini oluşturan kurumsal arşiv sistemleri için kullanılan yazılımlar, ücretsiz olan açık kaynak kodlu yazılımlar ve çeşitli firmalar tarafından geliştirilen ücretli paket programlardan oluşmaktadır. İlk sürümü 2002 yılında kullanıma sunulan DSpace Massachusetts Teknoloji Enstitüsü (MIT) ve Hewlett Packard (HP) işbirliğiyle geliştirilmiş açık kaynak kodlu kurumsal arşiv yazılımıdır ve Kasım 2012 itibarıyla dünyada 1.360’tan fazla kurum tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, açık erişim ve kurumsal arşivler üzerinde durularak, DSpace kurumsal arşiv yazılımının özellikleri ve açık erişim girişimlerine olan katkısı vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır.The Open Access movement is a social movement in academia, dedicated to the principle of open access - to information - sharing for the common good and is being supported by many scientists, publishers, and researchers in the world, today. The software that is used to operate the institutional archive systems which are the basis of the Open Access, are divided into two forms of some free open source software and paid package programs which were developed by some corporates. DSpace, whose first version was presented to use in 2002, is an open source archive software which was developed with the co-operation of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Hewlett Packard and is being used by more than 1.360 institutions all over the world as of November, 2012. The aim of this study is to highlight the features of the DSpace institutional archive software and its contributions to the open access initiatives by emphasizing the open access and institutional archive

    The OpenAIRE guide for research institutions

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    Çelik, Sönmez (Dogus Author)Bu metin, Araştırma Kurumlarına yardımcı olmak için 13.04.2011 tarihinde yayımlanan OpenAIRE Kılavuzu’nun çevirisidir. Çeviri, ANKOS Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Arşivler Grubu üyeleri ve İYTE Kütüphanesi tarafından yürütülen OpenAIREplus Projesi, Türkiye Yardım Masası destek ekibinin işbirliği ile yapılmıştır. OpenAIRE Projesi, bir Avrupa Yardım Masası Sistemi aracılığıyla araştırmacılara Avrupa Komisyonu Yedinci Çerçeve Programıyla uyumlu bir destek sağlamayı; araştırmacıları, bu çerçeve program kapsamında fon desteği alan çalışmalarına ait çıktılarını OpenAIRE Portalı’na dahil bir kurumsal veya konusal arşivde yayımlamaları için desteklemeyi hedeflemektedir. OpenAIRE Projesinin devamı niteliğinde olacak bir proje olan OpenAIREplus’ın temel amacı ise, hakemli bilimsel yayınlara ve ilişkili veri setlerine sağlam çapraz bağlantılar sağlamaktır.This text is transcript of OpenAIRE Guide which is prepared in order to help research institutions was released on 13.04.2011and translated with the cooperation of ANKOS Open Access and Institutional Repositories Grup members and OpenAIREplus project team of Turkey which is coordinated from Izmir Institute of Technology Library. OpenAIRE Project aims to support researchers in complying with the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme Open Access Pilot through a European Helpdesk System; support researchers in depositing their research publications in an institutional or disciplinary repository; build up an OpenAIRE portal and e-infrastructure for repository networks. The project will work in tadem with OpeanAIREplus Project which has the principal goal of creating a robust, participatory service for the cross-linking of peer-reviewed scientific publications and associated datasets

    Subtotal Petrosectomy and Blind Sac Closure of the External Auditory Canal: Single-Center Experience with 44 Cases

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    Objective:This study aims to share our experiences with subtotal petrosectomy, cavity obliteration, and blind sac closure of the external auditory canal.Methods:A total of 44 patients who underwent subtotal petrosectomy and cavity obliteration between January 2009 and April 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. Indications of operation, surgical findings, and complications were recorded.Results:Twenty-three male and 21 female patients with a mean age of 42±18 (8-73) years were included in the study. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 22±11 (9-52) months. Seven patients underwent primary cavity obliteration (6 with supralabirentin cholesteatoma and 1 with facial nerve schwannoma; all had total sensorineural hearing loss on the operated side). Obliteration was performed as a secondary procedure in 19 patients who had uncontrolled otorrhea and unserviceable hearing. During the procedure, the implantation processes of a Carina device in 2 patients, active middle ear implant (Vibrant Soundbridge- VSB) in 4 patients, and cochlear implant in 8 patients who had dry mastoidectomy cavities were performed. Removal of the hearing devices was carried out simultaneously with the procedure in 4 patients who had been administered an auditory implant previously. The complications of cerebrospinal otorrhea and mastoid cavity infection developed in 1 patient on the 7th postoperative day. This had been drained under general anesthesia, and recovery was obtained without any problems. Three patients had skin necrosis localized in the external auditory canal, which was repaired under local anesthesia.Conclusion:Subtotal petrosectomy and cavity obliteration procedure can be a good alternative to prevent recurrent infections and cavity problems in patients who have safe cavities with unserviceable hearing. Additionally, it is gaining more popularity in chronic otitis media patients to secure the implant electrode and to prevent cavity infection if they need to be rehabilitated with cochlear or active middle ear implants

    Urtikarija kao rijetka nuspojava polietilen glikola-3350 kod djeteta: prikaz slučaja

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    Polyethylene glycol electrolyte (PEG-3350) solution is usually used for bowel emptying before co-lonoscopy in adults. It has also been reported to be safe in children. It is thought that bowel irrigation with this solution can be a useful treatment alternative for poisoning with slow releasing drugs, swallowed packaged substances, enteric coated drugs, drugs not binding to charcoal, and heavy metals in children. Due to high molecular weight of PEG-3350, its absorption from the intestinal mucosa is very low (0.2%). Therefore, it is less likely to have side effects. A three-year-old girl bit and ate one-third of an alkali battery and was brought to our pediatric emergency unit. Vital signs and results of physical examination and laboratory investigations were normal. Irrigation of the bowels with PEG-3350 solution given orally at a rate of 20 mL/kg/h was initiated. Upon excretion of feces of normal appearance in the sixth hour, irrigation was continued. Since rashes and itching started throughout her body in the thirtieth hour after administration of 9 L PEG-3350, the irrigation was discontinued and the patient was administered antihistamines. Rashes and itching regressed within one hour of its discontinuation. This suggested that they were due to the irrigation solution. There are five adult cases of allergic reactions to PEG-3350 reported in the literature. The case presented is the first pediatric patient developing allergic reaction to PEG-3350.Otopina polietilen glikola (PEG-3350) najčešće se primjenjuje za pražnjenje crijeva prije kolonoskopije u odraslih osoba, a opisuje se kao sigurno sredstvo i u djece. Smatra se da ispiranje crijeva ovom otopinom može biti korisna alternativa za liječenje otrovanja lijekovima sa sporim otpuštanjem, progutanim pakovanjima nekih tvari, lijekovima sa zaštitnom ovojnicom za probavni sustav, lijekovima koji se ne vežu na ugljen te teškim metalima u djece. Zbog velike molekularne težine vrlo mali dio PEG-3350 (0,2%) se apsorbira iz crijevne sluznice pa su stoga nuspojave manje vjerojatne. Djevojčica u dobi od tri godine zagrizla je i progutala jednu trećinu alkalne baterije pa je dovedena u našu hitnu pedijatrijsku službu. Vitalni znaci kao i rezultati fizikalnog pregleda i laboratorijskih pretraga bili su normalni. Započeto je ispiranje crijeva otopinom PEG-3350 peroralno, 20 mL/kg/h. Nakon što je dijete imalo stolicu normalnog izgleda u šestom satu, ispiranje je nastavljeno. Međutim, nakon što je djevojčica primila 9 L PEG-3350, u tridesetom satu davanja otopine nastupio je osip i svrbež po čitavom tijelu pa je ispiranje crijeva prekinuto i djetetu su dani antihistaminici. Osip i svrbež su se povukli unutar jednog sata od prestanka ispiranja otopinom PEG-3350. U literaturi je opisano pet slučajeva alergijskih reakcija na PEG-3350 u odraslih osoba. Ovaj prikaz opisuje prvi slučaj alergijske reakcije na PEG-3350 u djeteta

    Characteristics of Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia Treated with High-flow Oxygen and Non-invasive Ventilation Outside the Intensive Care Unit

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    Objective:Comparing high-flow oxygen (HFO) and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) treatment methods applied to patients hospitalized in the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) service outside the intensive care unit.Materials and Methods:Demographic characteristics, duration of hospitalization and application times, acute phase reactants, ROX index, comorbid conditions, radiological scores and results were evaluated retrospectively in patients treated with HFO (n=26) and NIV (n=23) who were hospitalized in the COVID service outside the intensive care unit of the state hospital between November 2020 and June 2021.Results:A total of 49 patients, 27 males and 22 females, were included in the study. The mean age was 55.6±14.6 years. The most common comorbidities were hypertension (n=27), diabetes (n=15). Patients in the HFO group were hospitalized for 16.6±9.4 days, HFO was applied for 6±4.6 days. Patients in the NIV group were hospitalized for 9.4±6.4 days, NIV was applied for 5.8±4.2 days. The saturation of the patients who were administered HFO (84.1±4.6) were found to be lower than those who received NIV (88.7±2). It was determined that 18.37% of 49 patients e.g. 5 of whom were treated with HFO and 4 of them were those who received NIV treatment. The ROX index was found to be significantly lower in the death group (n=9) compared to the survivors (n=40). In radiological imaging, there was no significant difference in the severity of pneumonia in patients treated with HFO and NIV. Lactate dehydrogenase and C-reactive protein from acute phase reactants at the time of hospitalization were significantly higher in the group who ex.Conclusion:It was determined that HFO or NIV was not different in terms of mortality in thr non-intensive care COVID service

    Araştırma Kurumları İçin OpenAIRE Kılavuzu

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    This text is transcript of OpenAIRE Guide which is prepared in order to help research institutions was released on 13.04.2011and translated with the cooperation of ANKOS Open Access and Institutional Repositories Grup members and OpenAIREplus project team of Turkey which is coordinated from Izmir Institute of Technology Library.OpenAIRE Project aims to support researchers in complying with the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme Open Access Pilot through a European Helpdesk System; support researchers in depositing their research publications in an institutional or disciplinary repository; build up an OpenAIRE portal and e-infrastructure for repository networks. The project will work in tadem with OpeanAIREplus Project which has the principal goal of creating a robust, participatory service for the cross-linking of peer-reviewed scientific publications and associated datasets.Bu metin, Araştırma Kuramlarına yardımcı olmak için 13.04.2011 tarihinde yayımlanan OpenAIRE Kılavuzu’nun çevirisidir. Çeviri, ANKOS Açık Erişim ve Kuramsal Arşivler Gruba üyeleri ve İYTE Kütüphanesi tarafından yürütülen OpenAIREplas Projesi, Türkiye Yardım Masası destek ekibinin işbirliği ile yapılmıştır.OpenAIRE Projesi, bir Avrupa Yardım Masası Sistemi aracılığıyla araştırmacılara Avrupa Komisyonu Yedinci Çerçeve Programıyla uyumlu bir destek sağlamayı; araştırmacıları, bu çerçeve program kapsamında fon desteği alan çalışmalarına ait çıktılarını OpenAIRE Portalı’na dahil bir kurumsal veya konusal arşivde yayımlamaları için desteklemeyi hedeflemektedir. OpenAIRE Projesinin devamı niteliğinde olacak bir proje olan OpenAIREplus’ın temel amacı ise, hakemli bilimsel yayınlara ve ilişkili veri setlerine sağlam çapraz bağlantılar sağlamaktır

    Açık bilimsel bilgi dünyası

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    Çelik, Sönmez (Dogus Author)25-27 Nisan 2013 tarihinde Antalya Maritim Kongre Merkezi'nde gerçekleştirilen ANKOSLink 2013 konferansında ANKOS Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Arşivler Grubunun yapmışolduğu sunumun görselleridir. Sunumda, açık erişim, kurumsal arşivler ile AEKA grubunun faaliyetleri anlatılmıştır