25 research outputs found


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    Bacterial and chemical leaching of metals has established itself as an alternative technology for hydrometallurgical processing and enrichment of ore due to a reduction in capital costs and adverse environmental impact. Various bioleaching processes are successfully used for the processing of sulfide concentrates, poor sulfide and oxidized ores. One of the most important tasks for further development of this branch of biotechnology is the improvement of bioreactor installations (in particular – flow type) and installation of systems of additional control of technological parameters. The article briefly highlights the main results obtained at the GSRC of FEB of RAS within the framework of bioleaching studies of sulfide cobalt-copper-nickel ore. A description of a bioreactor for the study of bioleaching in a batch mode and a cascade type reactor for studying bioleaching in a continuous mode is given. A model of an improved bioreactor for bacterial-chemical leaching of sulfide ore is presented. A detailed description of the microcontroller control method for technological parameters is given. The field of application of the presented results is laboratory, integrated and semi-industrial tests of the technology of tank and reactor bacterial-chemical leaching of sulfide ores

    Взаємодія слідчого з оперативними підрозділами під час проведення слідчих (розшукових) дій

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    Безсонна, Т. Ф. Взаємодія слідчого з оперативними підрозділами під час проведення слідчих (розшукових) дій / Т. Ф. Безсонна, С. А. Левенець // Теорія і практика судової експертизи і криміналістики : зб. матеріалів ІІ-ої наук.-практ. конф. (м. Київ, м. Маріуполь, 27 лютого 2019 року) / Приватний вищий навчальний заклад «Європейський університет», Донецький державний університет управління, Громадська організація «Фундація науковців та освітян» (ESF). - Київ-Маріуполь, 2019. - С. 26-28.Розкрито сутність взаємодії слідчого з оперативними підрозділами під час проведення слідчих (розшукових) дій.Interaction of the investigator with the operational units during the conduct of investigative (search) actions.Рассмотрено заимодействие следователя с оперативными подразделениями во время проведения следственных (розыскных) действий

    Land Snail Sphyradium Doliolum (Stylommatophora, Orculidae) In Ukraine And Moldova: Distribution, Habitats, Variability And Origin

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    Balashov, I., Levenets, T., Markova, A., Kramarenko, A., Kramarenko, S. (2023): Land Snail Sphyradium Doliolum (Stylommatophora, Orculidae) In Ukraine And Moldova: Distribution, Habitats, Variability And Origin. Zoodiversity 57 (1): 29-40, DOI: 10.15407/zoo2023.01.029, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/zoo2023.01.02


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    Bacterial and chemical leaching of metals has established itself as an alternative technology for hydrometallurgical processing and enrichment of ore due to a reduction in capital costs and adverse environmental impact. Various bioleaching processes are successfully used for the processing of sulfide concentrates, poor sulfide and oxidized ores. One of the most important tasks for further development of this branch of biotechnology is the improvement of bioreactor installations (in particular – flow type) and installation of systems of additional control of technological parameters. The article briefly highlights the main results obtained at the GSRC of FEB of RAS within the framework of bioleaching studies of sulfide cobalt-copper-nickel ore. A description of a bioreactor for the study of bioleaching in a batch mode and a cascade type reactor for studying bioleaching in a continuous mode is given. A model of an improved bioreactor for bacterial-chemical leaching of sulfide ore is presented. A detailed description of the microcontroller control method for technological parameters is given. The field of application of the presented results is laboratory, integrated and semi-industrial tests of the technology of tank and reactor bacterial-chemical leaching of sulfide ores

    Індекс вільних андрогенів у дівчаток-підлітків із вторинною аменореєю

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    In the study group of 92 girls aged 13 to 17 years with secondary amenorrhea (SA), and the control group of 54 age-matched girls with regular menstrual cycle, the levels of testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) have been estimated; free androgen index (FAI) has been calculated. Not only normal or increased FAI values, but also low FAI levels have been found. The FAI value was connected to the intensity of hirsutism syndrome, the duration of amenorrhea, the values of the body weight index and the menarche date.У 92 девочек 13-17 лет с вторичной аменореей и 54 девочек того же возраста с регулярным менструальным циклом определены уровни тестостерона, сексстероидсвязывающего глобулина (ССГ), рассчитан индекс свободных андрогенов. Показано, что у девочек-подростков с вторичной аменореей обнаруживается не только нормальный и повышенный, но и сниженный индекс свободных андрогенов. Величина индекса свободных андрогенов связана с выраженностью гирсутного синдрома, длительностью аменореи, показателями индекса массы тела и временем появления первой менструации.У 92 дівчаток 13-17 років із вторинною аменореєю і 54 дівчаток того ж віку з регулярним менструальним циклом визначені рівні тестостерону, сексстероїдзв’язуючого глобуліну (ССГ), розрахований індекс вільних андрогенів. Показано, що в дівчаток-підлітків із вторинною аменореєю виявляється не тільки нормальний і підвищений, але і знижений індекс вільних андрогенів. Величина індексу вільних андрогенів пов'язана з вираженістю гірсутного синдрому, тривалістю аменореї, показниками індексу маси тіла і часом появи першої менструації

    Coping with cancer in post-communist Europe: a systematic literature review

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    In the post-communist countries, limited access to treatment, lack of financial protection mechanisms, lack of information and low quality of health care frequently imposes an enormous burden on family's well-being when cancer is diagnosed. While many studies have explored barriers to cancer treatment, little attention is paid to the question how patients and their caregivers cope with cancer. In this paper, we systematically review the evidence on patients' coping strategies with cancer in post-communist countries. We performed a literature search in PubMed, JSTOR, Web of Science and EBSCO (CINAHL) to identify papers that describe patients' coping strategies because of organizational and financial barriers to cancer treatment. Papers published between January 1991 and January 2020 were included if they described individual experiences of patients at any stage of cancer treatment. We applied the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Literature Review as a guide for our review. In total, 28 publications from post-communist countries were included in this review. They presented evidence on coping strategies and barriers faced by patients when coping with poor access to cancer treatment, lack of finances, lack of information and low quality of health care services. Most sought coping strategies included using personal finances to pay for medical services, medicines and supplies, charitable contributions to the hospital and informal payments; visiting a private medical doctor; using personal connections and looking for additional information. We conclude that coping strategies are similar across post-communist countries and can be seen as an indicator of the shortcomings in cancer treatment. This evidence can be used to study and/or improve access to cancer treatment and improve health care policies. Research on the prevalence and quantification of coping strategies is needed to provide evidence-informed policies for countries that face gaps in cancer treatment

    Application of PVD silver for integrated microwave passives in silicon technology

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    High quality broadband passives are needed to implement MMIC/MIC in silicon. This paper discusses potential benefits of silver metallization to boost the performance of the integrated passive components. Silver is chosen because this metal offers the highest possible electrical conductivity at room temperature. A PVD process was used for silver deposition because this technique meets the requirements of high purity and surface quality. Electromigration, electrochemical migration and agglomeration are not expected to be a problem in silver microwave passives due to the coarse dimensions and low operating current densities encountered in these structures. Ag and Cu coplanar waveguides on silicon substrates were designed, fabricated and tested. Silver waveguides showed a 2-3 dB/cm improvement in attenuation over copper devices at 40 GHz

    Fig. 2 in Land Snail Sphyradium Doliolum (Stylommatophora, Orculidae) In Ukraine And Moldova: Distribution, Habitats, Variability And Origin

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    Fig. 2. Centroid ordination of the shells' series from the populations of S. doliolum in Ukraine and Moldova in the space of the first three principal components: А — for РС 1 and РС2; В — for РС2 and РС3.Published as part of <i>Balashov, I., Levenets, T., Markova, A., Kramarenko, A. & Kramarenko, S., 2023, Land Snail Sphyradium Doliolum (Stylommatophora, Orculidae) In Ukraine And Moldova: Distribution, Habitats, Variability And Origin, pp. 29-40 in Zoodiversity 57 (1)</i> on page 37, DOI: 10.15407/zoo2023.01.029, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/7841268">http://zenodo.org/record/7841268</a&gt

    Fig. 3 in Land Snail Sphyradium Doliolum (Stylommatophora, Orculidae) In Ukraine And Moldova: Distribution, Habitats, Variability And Origin

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    Fig. 3. Ordination of all measured S. doliolum specimens from Ukraine and Moldova in the space of the first two canonical axes.Published as part of <i>Balashov, I., Levenets, T., Markova, A., Kramarenko, A. & Kramarenko, S., 2023, Land Snail Sphyradium Doliolum (Stylommatophora, Orculidae) In Ukraine And Moldova: Distribution, Habitats, Variability And Origin, pp. 29-40 in Zoodiversity 57 (1)</i> on page 37, DOI: 10.15407/zoo2023.01.029, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/7841268">http://zenodo.org/record/7841268</a&gt