561 research outputs found

    Elective Recital: Giancarlo Levano, percussion

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    Junior Recital: Giancarlo Levano, percussion

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    Conocimientos del paciente con hipertensión arterial sobre estilos de vida saludables en el programa adulto mayor en Hospital Es Salud Chincha

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDetermina los conocimientos del paciente con hipertensión arterial sobre estilos de vida saludables en el Programa Adulto Mayor en Hospital Rene Toche Es Salud Chincha. El estudio es de nivel aplicativo, tipo cuantitativo, método descriptivo de corte transversal. La población está conformada por 30 pacientes. La técnica es la encuesta y el instrumento un formulario tipo cuestionario aplicado previo consentimiento informado. Del 100% (30), 53% (16) no conoce, 47% (14) conoce. En cuanto a la dimensión hábitos alimentarios, 63% (19) conoce y 37% (11) no conoce; en la dimensión actividad física, 53% (16) no conoce y 47% (14) conoce. Concluye que los conocimientos sobre estilos de vida saludables del paciente con hipertensión arterial del Programa Adulto Mayor, el mayor porcentaje no conocen que en su alimentación diaria no debe priorizar las frituras, los condimentos, y salir a visitar a sus familiares y/o amistades, seguido de un porcentaje considerable de pacientes que conocen que sus alimentos diarios están preparados a base de carbohidratos, verduras, proteínas, no priorizar las carnes, ni añadir sal a los alimentos.Trabajo académic

    Analysis of a total integration of renewable energy through a dynamic virtual power plant model and the use of hydrogen as a method of energy production stabilization

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    The growing need for change in the energy vector, the increasing popularity of renewable energies, as well as the European regulations to achieve zero emissions by 2050 (currently at 21.8% in Europe with a projection of 42.5% by 2030), prompt the analysis of scenarios for meeting the annual demand in three autonomous communities (Andalusia and Valencia) while considering the current electric grid and a new scenario with the most optimal distribution. This analysis involves simplifying the grid and utilizing a distributed virtual power plant (DVPP). These scenarios consider increasing the share of renewables up to 99% and implementing hydrogen-based storage technologies to evaluate their economic impact on the levelized cost of energy and how it increases as the share of renewables grows. Prices for each available technology have been obtained to achieve a more realistic approximation. Variables such as capital expenditures (CAPEX), operating expenses (OPEX), fuel costs where applicable, and replacement costs have been considered, as the project analyses the system with a 50-year outlook, and some technologies have a lifespan shorter than this period. The obtained results will be used to analyse the capacities of hydrogen plants in terms of power and storage, as well as their behaviour in balancing the grid as a supporting technology for intermittent generation sources such as wind and photovoltaic, and for managing potential energy surpluse

    Using a Social Norms Framework to Study Latino Youth Beliefs about Sexual Harassment in High Schools

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    Sexual harassment, defined as making an unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature, is highly prevalent all over the world. In this study sexual harassment in high schools is studied as this is one of the places where it has the highest prevalence and a time in life where an intervention can have the highest impact. Even though there are studies about sexual harassment preventive programs in schools, few of them consider the cultural differences, beliefs, and expectations of specific communities. This study fills that gap by focusing on the social norms around the behavior. Mixed methods were used, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques. Focus groups were done and a questionnaire was applied to identify the most common sexual harassment behaviors, as well as the existence or absence of personal normative beliefs, empirical expectations, and normative expectations around the phenomenon. Results evidenced that there are different normative and empirical expectations for girls and for boys that also vary depending on the specific type of harassment. Subtle types of sexual harassment for boys can be classified as a social norms; in other words, their motivations are not independent but socially conditioned. Furthermore, students expressed different factual beliefs about victims and perpetrators depending on their gender. The findings provide diverse evidence about how individual and interpersonal beliefs and expectations are related to sexual harassment in schools. Understanding these social processes is useful for designing culturally and socially grounded interventions for sexual harassment prevention in high schools

    Using a Social Norms Framework to Study Latino Youth Beliefs about Sexual Harassment in High Schools

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    Sexual harassment, defined as making an unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature, is highly prevalent all over the world. In this study sexual harassment in high schools is studied as this is one of the places where it has the highest prevalence and a time in life where an intervention can have the highest impact. Even though there are studies about sexual harassment preventive programs in schools, few of them consider the cultural differences, beliefs, and expectations of specific communities. This study fills that gap by focusing on the social norms around the behavior. Mixed methods were used, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques. Focus groups were done and a questionnaire was applied to identify the most common sexual harassment behaviors, as well as the existence or absence of personal normative beliefs, empirical expectations, and normative expectations around the phenomenon. Results evidenced that there are different normative and empirical expectations for girls and for boys that also vary depending on the specific type of harassment. Subtle types of sexual harassment for boys can be classified as a social norms; in other words, their motivations are not independent but socially conditioned. Furthermore, students expressed different factual beliefs about victims and perpetrators depending on their gender. The findings provide diverse evidence about how individual and interpersonal beliefs and expectations are related to sexual harassment in schools. Understanding these social processes is useful for designing culturally and socially grounded interventions for sexual harassment prevention in high schools

    Clarification of the C-terminal proteolytic processing site of human Amphiregulin

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    AbstractAmphiregulin, like other ErbB ligands, is synthesized as a pro-protein which requires cleavage at the cell surface to release the active signaling domain. Prior studies using a variety of approaches have not yielded a consensus about the precise cleavage site. Here we report the purification and protein sequencing of the cell-associated human Amphiregulin stalk which remains following cleavage of the signaling domain. These data indicate that human Amphiregulin is cleaved at Lysine 187, a site homologous to the cleavage site reported in the mouse protein and distinct from the Lysine 184 site previously reported for the human protein

    La promoción como estrategia de marketing y su relación con el posicionamiento en Pulso Corporación Médica Moquegua, 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo Determinar la promoción como estrategias de marketing y su relación con el posicionamiento en Pulso Corporación Médica, Moquegua 2022. La metodología fue de tipo básica, diseño no experimental, de nivel correlacional – corte transversal, la muestra estuvo conformada por 60 clientes de la empresa, empleando como técnica de recolección de datos a la encuesta y como instrumento al cuestionario. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que existe un nivel bueno de promoción como estrategia de marketing en un 41%, así como también un nivel adecuado de posicionamiento en un 35%. Por otro lado, se identificó una relación directa positiva fuerte entre estrategia de impulso y la variable posicionamiento en un 0.893, en cuanto a estrategia de atracción la relación fue de 0.703. En conclusión, existe una relación positiva y significativa entre la variable promoción como estrategia de marketing y posicionamiento en Pulso Corporación Médica, Moquegua 202

    El modelo centro-periferia en los Andes

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    The shaping of a center-periphery system depends on several various economic and geographical factors that interact on a given space. Besides, the degree of openness of a country’s economy conditions the productive character of its regions. This essay explores the differential effects of either liberal or protectionist trade economic policies on a center-periphery system. Generally, the center tends to be industrial although, depending on the productive structure, it can be either importer or exporter, which has opposing effects on employment and revenues. Our model shows that a center can be industrial and importer if it has an exporter periphery. It specifies that, if the periphery’s exports are natural resource intensive, income tends to favor the center. On the contrary, if the periphery exports laborintensive goods, the contrary should be the case. Thus, technology and quality of exports are the main determinants of a center-periphery system.