9 research outputs found

    Models of evaluation of public joint-stock property management

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The paper deals with the models of evaluation of performance of both the management company and the individual subsidiaries on the basis of a combination of elements and multi-parameter and target approaches. The article shows that due to the power of multi-dimensional and multi-directional indicators of financial and economic activity it is necessary to assess the degree of achievement of the objectives with the use of multivariate ordinal model as a set of indicators, ordered by growth so that the maintenance of this order on a long interval of time will ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise in the long term. It is shown that these models can be regarded as the monitoring tools of implementation of strategies and guide the justification effectiveness of implementation of management decisions

    Features of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan and conditions for the implementation of the investment and cluster policies of the region

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    © 2016 Kvon et al.The relevance of the problems studied in this article due to the fact, that the conversion of business conditions in modern markets environment imposed the need for the development of new long-term engagement forms between subjects of the regional economy, aimed at their effective functioning. This is primarily due to the unevenness in this process and the weakness of the generative force of the regional base. There is a need for developing directions of a holistic and long-term impact on the investment processes in the region. All the foregoing necessitates a complex analyzing, a socio-economic analyzing of the Republic of Tatarstan and identifying conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies. The purpose of the article consists in the identification of the preconditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region based on an analysis of the socio-economic dynamic of the development of the Republic of Tatarstan. The leading method for the researching of this issue is the statistical method, which is a method of the quantitative analysis of set of homogeneous facts that lead to the conversion of quantitative modifications to qualitative. In this article is presented a characteristic of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period 2011-2015, trends in the indicators characterizing the investment activity in the region. Also here are considered the main clusters of the Republic, score of the investment activity of the region; conditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region are identified through the analyze. Sound methods of the need to cluster activation in the region are made on findings of the research. Materials of the article are providing the practical value for specialists involved in monitoring process of conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies in the region

    Integral assessment of the enterprise investment attractiveness: Testing the hypothesis of non-conformity to investor's interests

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    © Medwell Journals, 2017. The study attempts to improve the construction of a dynamic model for assessing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. The researchers use the calculation of the Kendall correlation coefficient for two rank series by comparing the actual order of the growth rates of investment appeal indices with the standard ones based on internal environment indicators of a leading chemical enterprise. The researchers calculate the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness. The study emphasizes that the maximum value of the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness is equal to one in the case when all observed characteristics conform to the interests of potential investors. To test the null hypothesis about the statistical insignificance of the Kendall correlation coefficient the "tau" statistics and the calculation of the critical values of the Kendall rank correlation coefficient were used. The researchers employed an applied statistical analysis of the company's internal environment indicators for the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness. In future, this technique will help researchers formulate unified approaches to assessing investment attractiveness by systemizing both internal and external factors based on the structure of the relationships between them


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    The aim of the work. Theoretical and experimental substantiation for the choice of suppository base of the rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories with ibuprofen. Materials and Methods. A study was conducted to select a hydrophobic base for the production of rectal suppositories with ibuprofen by pouring method. In order to study the rate of active pharmaceutical ingredient release from suppository samples, the membrane diffusion method through a semipermeable membrane was used. Samples of suppositories with ibuprofen based on Vitepsol and based on cocoa butter with cetostearyl alcohol were prepared. A 0.1 M solution of hydrochloric acid was used as a dialysis medium, in which samples of suppositories based on Vitepsol and cocoa butter were placed. Sampling was carried out after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. Absorption spectrophotometry in the UV-region of the spectrum was used to study the amount of active pharmaceutical ingredient released. Results and Discussion. According to the obtained data of experimental research, both bases, cocoa butter: cetostearyl alcohol, and Vitepsol, had almost the same indicators of ibuprofen release, but we chose the cocoa butter base, which is of natural origin, as rational. Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted experimental research, the choice of the suppository base of extemporaneous rectal suppositories was studied and substantiated; the quality indicators of rectal suppositories with ibuprofen were studied in accordance with the methods given in SPhU 2.0.Мета роботи. Теоретичне та експериментальне обґрунтування вибору супозиторної основи ректальних супозиторіїв протизапальної дії з ібупрофеном. Матеріали і методи. Проведено дослідження з метою підбору гідрофобної основи для виготовлення ректальних супозиторіїв з ібупрофеном методом виливання. З метою вивчення швидкості вивільнення активних фармацевтичних інгредієнтів із зразків супозиторіїв було використано мембранно-дифузійний метод через напівпроникну мембрану. Кількісне визначення вивільненого активного фармацевтичного інгредієнта (ібупрофену) проводили методом абсорбційної спектрофотометрії в УФ-області спектра. Зразки супозиторіїв з ібупрофеном готували на основі Вітепсолу й на основі масла какао з цетостеариловим спиртом. Отримані супозиторії досліджували за показниками якості відповідно до методик ДФУ. Результати й обговорення. За результатами досліджень розроблено компонентні склади супозиторіїв на гідрофобних основах методом виливаня. Згідно з отриманими даними експериментальних досліджень, обидві основи як масло какао : цетостеариловий спирт, так і Вітепсол мали майже однакові показники вивільнення ібупрофену. Окрім того, обидві основи не впливають на швидкість і повноту вивільнення активних фармацевтичних інгредієнтів.  Однак при розробці супозиторів ми  як раціональну основу обрали саме масло какао : цетостеариловий спирт, яке має природне походження, що сприятиме меншій кількості побічних проявів та алергічних реакцій препарату. Висновки. На підставі проведених експериментальних досліджень вивчено та обґрунтовано вибір супозиторної основи екстемпоральних ректальних супозиторіїв; вивчено показники якості ректальних супозиторіїв з ібупрофеном відповідно до методик, що наведені в ДФУ 2.0

    Models of evaluation of public joint-stock property management

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The paper deals with the models of evaluation of performance of both the management company and the individual subsidiaries on the basis of a combination of elements and multi-parameter and target approaches. The article shows that due to the power of multi-dimensional and multi-directional indicators of financial and economic activity it is necessary to assess the degree of achievement of the objectives with the use of multivariate ordinal model as a set of indicators, ordered by growth so that the maintenance of this order on a long interval of time will ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise in the long term. It is shown that these models can be regarded as the monitoring tools of implementation of strategies and guide the justification effectiveness of implementation of management decisions

    Integral assessment of the enterprise investment attractiveness: Testing the hypothesis of non-conformity to investor's interests

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    © Medwell Journals, 2017. The study attempts to improve the construction of a dynamic model for assessing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. The researchers use the calculation of the Kendall correlation coefficient for two rank series by comparing the actual order of the growth rates of investment appeal indices with the standard ones based on internal environment indicators of a leading chemical enterprise. The researchers calculate the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness. The study emphasizes that the maximum value of the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness is equal to one in the case when all observed characteristics conform to the interests of potential investors. To test the null hypothesis about the statistical insignificance of the Kendall correlation coefficient the "tau" statistics and the calculation of the critical values of the Kendall rank correlation coefficient were used. The researchers employed an applied statistical analysis of the company's internal environment indicators for the dynamic assessment of investment attractiveness. In future, this technique will help researchers formulate unified approaches to assessing investment attractiveness by systemizing both internal and external factors based on the structure of the relationships between them

    Features of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan and conditions for the implementation of the investment and cluster policies of the region

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    © 2016 Kvon et al.The relevance of the problems studied in this article due to the fact, that the conversion of business conditions in modern markets environment imposed the need for the development of new long-term engagement forms between subjects of the regional economy, aimed at their effective functioning. This is primarily due to the unevenness in this process and the weakness of the generative force of the regional base. There is a need for developing directions of a holistic and long-term impact on the investment processes in the region. All the foregoing necessitates a complex analyzing, a socio-economic analyzing of the Republic of Tatarstan and identifying conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies. The purpose of the article consists in the identification of the preconditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region based on an analysis of the socio-economic dynamic of the development of the Republic of Tatarstan. The leading method for the researching of this issue is the statistical method, which is a method of the quantitative analysis of set of homogeneous facts that lead to the conversion of quantitative modifications to qualitative. In this article is presented a characteristic of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period 2011-2015, trends in the indicators characterizing the investment activity in the region. Also here are considered the main clusters of the Republic, score of the investment activity of the region; conditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region are identified through the analyze. Sound methods of the need to cluster activation in the region are made on findings of the research. Materials of the article are providing the practical value for specialists involved in monitoring process of conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies in the region

    Features of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan and conditions for the implementation of the investment and cluster policies of the region

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    © 2016 Kvon et al.The relevance of the problems studied in this article due to the fact, that the conversion of business conditions in modern markets environment imposed the need for the development of new long-term engagement forms between subjects of the regional economy, aimed at their effective functioning. This is primarily due to the unevenness in this process and the weakness of the generative force of the regional base. There is a need for developing directions of a holistic and long-term impact on the investment processes in the region. All the foregoing necessitates a complex analyzing, a socio-economic analyzing of the Republic of Tatarstan and identifying conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies. The purpose of the article consists in the identification of the preconditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region based on an analysis of the socio-economic dynamic of the development of the Republic of Tatarstan. The leading method for the researching of this issue is the statistical method, which is a method of the quantitative analysis of set of homogeneous facts that lead to the conversion of quantitative modifications to qualitative. In this article is presented a characteristic of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period 2011-2015, trends in the indicators characterizing the investment activity in the region. Also here are considered the main clusters of the Republic, score of the investment activity of the region; conditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region are identified through the analyze. Sound methods of the need to cluster activation in the region are made on findings of the research. Materials of the article are providing the practical value for specialists involved in monitoring process of conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies in the region

    Features of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan and conditions for the implementation of the investment and cluster policies of the region

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    © 2016 Kvon et al.The relevance of the problems studied in this article due to the fact, that the conversion of business conditions in modern markets environment imposed the need for the development of new long-term engagement forms between subjects of the regional economy, aimed at their effective functioning. This is primarily due to the unevenness in this process and the weakness of the generative force of the regional base. There is a need for developing directions of a holistic and long-term impact on the investment processes in the region. All the foregoing necessitates a complex analyzing, a socio-economic analyzing of the Republic of Tatarstan and identifying conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies. The purpose of the article consists in the identification of the preconditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region based on an analysis of the socio-economic dynamic of the development of the Republic of Tatarstan. The leading method for the researching of this issue is the statistical method, which is a method of the quantitative analysis of set of homogeneous facts that lead to the conversion of quantitative modifications to qualitative. In this article is presented a characteristic of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period 2011-2015, trends in the indicators characterizing the investment activity in the region. Also here are considered the main clusters of the Republic, score of the investment activity of the region; conditions for the realization of the investment and cluster policies of the region are identified through the analyze. Sound methods of the need to cluster activation in the region are made on findings of the research. Materials of the article are providing the practical value for specialists involved in monitoring process of conditions of realization of the investment and cluster policies in the region