18 research outputs found

    Temporalities of Refugee Experience in Germany. Diversification of Asylum Rights and Proliferation of Internal Boundaries

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    In Germany, the large influx of refugees arriving in 2015 led to numerous changes in asylum legislation and to new administrative measures. Apart from humanitarian reasons, integration efforts such as language learning, labour market inclusion as well as cooperation with authorities gained weight and are increasingly factored into decisions on residency permits or extension of stay. On the basis of participant observation within a refugee accommodation, the article argues that the legal and administrative framework of humanitarian reception constitutes powerful inclusionary and exclusionary mechanisms that entail not only spatial and social but also temporal dimensions. They unfold within the speed at which the applications are processed, the different residency titles (and non-titles) refugees receive and with this the different access to integration measures which again influence the speed of the “integration” of refugees into the German society. These temporalities build differential internal boundaries which impact on the everyday life and the future perspectives of the refugees in Germany.Il consistente numero di rifugiati arrivati in Germania nel 2015 ha causato numerosi cambiamenti nella legislazione sull’asilo e il definirsi di nuove procedure amministrative. Oltre ai motivi umanitari, gli sforzi per l’integrazione – come, ad esempio, l’apprendimento della lingua tedesca, l’inclusione nel mercato del lavoro e la collaborazione con le autorità – sono presi in considerazione e progressivamente inclusi nelle decisioni per la concessione dei permessi di soggiorno o per la loro estensione. Sulla base dell’osservazione partecipante svolta in un alloggio per rifugiati, l’articolo considera come il quadro legale e amministrativo dell’accoglienza umanitaria generi potenti meccanismi inclusivi ed esclusivi che implicano non solo dimensioni spaziali e sociali, ma anche temporali. Tali meccanismi si manifestano nella diversa velocità con la quale le domande di asilo sono valutate, nei diversi titoli (e non-titoli) di soggiorno rilasciati e nel diverso accesso alle misure di “integrazione” che di nuovo influiscono sulla velocità dell’integrazione dei rifugiati nella società tedesca. Queste temporalità costruiscono confini interni differenziali che impattano sulla vita quotidiana e sulle prospettive future dei rifugiati in Germania

    Innovationspotential in Bewegung? Europa zwischen Mobilität und Migration: eine Projektskizze

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    Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe

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    This edited volume tackles different topics con­cerning old/new conceptual, methodological and theoretical dilemmas in migra­tion studies. Papers written by ethnologists and cultural anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, and others are brought together in order to gain a better understanding of the social, economic, political, cultural and other processes connected with migration in modern European societies. While some of the papers focus on migration processes, others dwell on post-migration phenom­ena and migrants’ livelihoods in their places of immigration. Nineteen authors participated in writing thirteen papers, divided in four interrelated sections.&nbsp

    Dynamics of Dis/Order in Border Complexities

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    peer reviewedThis chapter introduces the dynamics of dis/order in border complexities as the overarching theme of this anthology. In the first step, the underlying understanding of borders and the relationship between borders and orders are explained and linked to the concept of border complexities. In the second step, the insights into the interrelationship between borders and orders are deepened in a complexity-oriented perspective that takes into account different dimensions of the border and its interconnections, the resulting ordering logics and dynamics, and the liminality of borders. In doing so, the different perspectives on border complexities and the logics of dis/order chosen in the contributions of this anthology and their respective results are briefly presented.R-AGR-3621 - Atelier Border Complexities (17/06/2019 - 30/04/2020) - WILLE Christian10. Reduced inequalitie

    Community and its barriers. Village Association Life in the Former German-German Border Area as a Mirror of a "Phantom Border"?

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    Marcus Böick, Constantin Goschler, Ralph JessenNational audienceIn diesem Artikel wollen wir der Frage nachgehen, inwiefern Vereine in vier Dörfern, die direkt an der ehemals deutsch-deutschen Grenze heute zwischen Thüringen und Bayern bzw. Hessen etabliert sind, zur Vergemeinschaftung beitragen und auf welche (Phantom-)Grenzen sie stoßen. Die Studie wurde in zwei unmittelbar am ehemaligen Eisernen Vorhang gelegenen Paaren von „Zwillingsdörfern“ durchgerührt, von denen sich jeweils eines auf ehemaliger DDR-Seite und das andere auf ehemaliger bundesrepublikanischer Seite befindet. Daran schließen sich weitere Fragen an: Wie wird das Vereinsleben ausgestaltet, welche Wandlungen hat es erlebt und von welchen Imaginationen wird es geleitet? Inwiefern gibt es hier auf beiden Seiten der ehemals innerdeutschen Grenze kongruente Entwicklungen oder auch Unterschiede und inwieweit schaffen Vereine grenzüberschreitende Kontakte und Gemeinschaften? Inwieweit basieren diese Kontakte auf geteilten und tradierten oder auch neuen Erfahrungen und welche Machtunterschiede und sozialen Grenzen offenbaren sich im Vereinsleben und den dorfübergreifenden Kontakten?In this article, we examine community life in four villages, which were established directly on the former German-German border and are now located in Thuringia and Bavaria or Hesse. We investigate the contribution of the numerous associations that animate village life to the construction of local communities as well as the (phantom) borders they encounter. The study was conducted in two pairs of "twin villages" located directly on the former Iron Curtain, one on the side of the former GDR and the other on the side of the former FRG. We examine the organisation of associative life, its transformations as well as the imaginaries that guide it. We examine the convergences and divergences of the developments on both sides of the former inter-German border as well as the contribution of the associative life to the development of cross-border contacts. To what extent are these contacts based on transmitted and shared experiences or on new ones? What do they reveal about the power relations and social boundaries that run through local life?Dans cet article, nous examinons la vie associative dans quatre villages, établis directement sur l'ancienne frontière germano-allemande, et situés aujourd'hui en Thuringe et en Bavière ou en Hesse. Nous interrogeons la contribution des nombreuses associations qui animent la vie villageoise à la construction des communautés locales ainsi que les frontières (fantômes) auxquelles elles se heurtent. L'étude a été menée dans deux paires de "villages jumeaux" situés directement sur l'ancien rideau de fer, l'un du côté de l'ex-RDA et l'autre du côté de l'ex-RFA. Nous examinons l’organisation de la vie associative, ses transformations ainsi que les imaginaires qui la guident. Nous interrogeons les convergences et les divergences des évolutions de part et d'autre de l'ancienne frontière interallemande ainsi que la contribution de la vie associative au développement de contacts transfrontaliers. Dans quelle mesure ces contacts se fondent-ils sur des expériences transmises et partagées ou sur des expériences nouvelles ? Que révèlent-ils des rapports de pouvoir et des frontières sociales qui traversent la vie locale

    IMIS-Beiträge Heft 47

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    Ludger Pries: Teilhabe in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Zwischen Assimilation und Abschaffung des Integrationsbegriffs; Dirk Halm: Potenzial von Migrantenorganisationen als integrationspolitische Akteure; Jenni Winterhagen: Entwicklungspolitisches Engagement migrantischer Organisationen in Deutschland; Eberhard Eichenhofer: Wohlfahrtsstaat und Migration; Birgit Ammann und Elisabeth Kirndörfer: Interkulturelle Jugendarbeit im ländlichen Brandenburg; Carolin Leutloff-Grandits: Transnationale Ehen durch die Linse von Gender und Familie: Heiratsmigration aus Kosovos Süden in Länder der EU; Tobias Schwarz: Wer gehört zu uns? Einwanderungs- und Staatsangehörigkeitspolitiken in Venezuela und in der Dominikanischen Republi