7 research outputs found

    The Polish Ombudsman (The Commissioner for the Protection of Civil Rights)

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    La responsabilité de l'Etat pour le comportement illégal de ses organes dans les pays socialistes européens

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    The Legal Aspects of State Responsibility in Socialist Countries. Because of the development of economic and commercial relations between East and West, it is indispensible to be informed of the legal regulations in vigor and any modifications in them concerning the responsibility of trading partners. The present article by Dr. E. Letowska and J. Letowski, both eminent jurists, member of the Academy of Sciences of Poland, exposes a legal problem of current interest. It is essential to have an exact knowledge of the decisions bearing on the responsibility of civil servants or employees, as well as that of the State or the Administration in the socialist countries as a whole (Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, GDR, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the USSR) all of whom sustain commercial relations with the Western countries. The law governing responsibility in these countries is original in the sense that its regulations are grounded both in the Penal Code and in Labor Law. The article is presented in four parts including: the legal statute governing the extent of responsibility, subjects of responsibility and prejudice to individuals, conditions determining responsibility and the civil servant's responsibility. Each part affords a detailed development of the official position, illustrated by examples and numerous notes and references to known authors and theoreticians.En raison du développement des relations économiques et commerciales avec les pays socialistes européens, l'on comprend l'importance primordiale qui doit être donnée à une connaissance exacte des réglementations juridiques et de leurs modifications actuellement en vigueur dans le domaine de la responsabilité des différents partenaires. L'actualité de l'article des professeurs Dr E. Letowska et J. Letowski, tous deux éminents juristes à l'Académie des Sciences de Pologne, ne sera pas niée. Il est d'un intérêt fondamental pour la connaissance des mécanismes de la responsabilité des fonctionnaires, ou employés de l'Etat, ainsi que de l'Etat ou de l'administration dans l'ensemble des pays socialistes d'Europe (Pologne, Hongrie, Bulgarie, R.D.A., Tchécoslovaquie, Yougoslavie et U.R.S.S.) qui sont les partenaires habituels dans les relations avec les pays occidentaux. Le droit de ces pays est original en ce sens qu'il puise sa réglementation à la fois dans le droit administratif et dans le droit civil (droit pénal et droit du travail). Les auteurs exposent successivement en quatre parties : le régime juridique et l'étendue de la responsabilité ; les sujets de la responsabilité et les personnes lésées ; les conditions de la responsabilité ; la responsabilité du fonctionnaire. Chacune de ces parties développe longuement la théorie officielle et l'illustre de nombreux exemples accompagnés de très nombreuses notes et références à tous les grands auteurs et théoriciens du sujet.Letowska Ewa, Letowski J. La responsabilité de l'Etat pour le comportement illégal de ses organes dans les pays socialistes européens. In: Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 8, 1977, n°1. pp. 93-129

    Human intramuscular hyperimmune gamma globulin (hIHGG) Anti-SARS-CoV-2 : characteristics of intermediates and final product

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    This study aims to characterize the intermediates, and the final product (FP) obtained during the production of human intramuscular hyperimmune gamma globulin anti-SARS-CoV-2 (hIHGG anti-SARS-CoV-2) and to determine its stability. Material and methods: hIHGG anti-SARS-CoV-2 was fractionated from 270 convalescent plasma donations with the Cohn method. Prior to fractionation, the plasma was inactivated (Theraflex MB Plasma). Samples were defined using enzyme immunoassays (EIA) for anti-S1, anti-RBD S1, and anti-N antibodies, and neutralization assays with SARS-CoV-2 (VN) and pseudoviruses (PVN, decorated with SARS-CoV-2 S protein). Results were expressed as a titer (EIA) or 50% of the neutralization titer (IC50) estimated in a four-parameter nonlinear regression model. Results: Concentration of anti-S1 antibodies in plasma was similar before and after inactivation. Following fractionation, the anti-S1, anti-RBD, and anti-N (total tests) titers in FP were concentrated approximately 15-fold from 1:4 to 1:63 (1800 BAU/mL), 7-fold from 1:111 to 1:802 and from 1:13 to 1:88, respectively. During production, the IgA (anti-S1) antibody titer was reduced to an undetectable level and the IgM (anti-RBD) titer from 1:115 to 1:24. The neutralizing antibodies (nAb) titer increased in both VN (from 1:40 to 1:160) and PVN (IC50 from 63 to 313). The concentration of specific IgG in the FP did not change significantly for 14 months. Conclusions: The hIHGG anti-SARS-CoV-2 was stable, with concentration up to approximately 15-fold nAb compared to the source plasma pool