878 research outputs found

    Artistic and Laboratory Patinas on Copper and Bronze Surfaces

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    The study of characterisation and production of artificial patinas plays a key role in the field of cultural heritage. In particular, artistic patinas should be considered as an integral part of the artworks, as they are deliberately produced by artists and metalworkers as a part of their artistic design. Therefore, it is important to achieve a good knowledge of their composition and corrosion behaviour in order to setup and perform optimal conservation strategies for their preservation. In addition, the possibility of realising laboratory patinas that are as representative as possible of nat- ural corrosion layers is important for the realisation of laboratory specimens which can be used as reliable model systems (mock-ups) for the study of degradation mechanisms and conservative treat- ments. For this work, both artistic and laboratory patinas have been considered and investigated. In particular, six different artistic patinas produced by Fonderia Artistica Battaglia were characterised. Moreover, a series of laboratory patinas was produced according to chemical procedures adapted from those already reported in the literature. The patina morphology was evaluated by stereomi- croscopy observations, their composition was analysed by means of FTIR and XRD analysis and their corrosion behaviour was evaluated by LPR and EIS measurements. Finally, the LPR and EIS analysis have pointed out the low protection provided by the corrosion layers of artistic patinas. In regard to laboratory patinas, the optimized procedures of production were found to be effective for the realization of the main corrosion products of copper-based surfaces. From an electrochemical point of view in particular, quite different electrochemical behaviours were observed on artificial corrosion layers with the same chemical composition

    Cleft Lip and Palate Patients: Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Cleft lip or palate is one of the most common types of craniomaxillofacial birth anomalies. Midface deficiency is a common feature of cleft lip and palate patients due to scar tissue of the lip and palate closure. Cleft lip and palate patients should be carefully evaluated by the craniofacial team in order to detect potentially serious deformities. Craniofacial team is involved with diagnosis of facial morphology, feeding problems, guidance of the growth and development of the face, occlusion, dentition, hearing and speech problems, and psychosocial issues and jaw discrepancy of the patients with cleft lip and palate or craniofacial syndromes. Treatment for cleft children requires a multidisciplinary approach including facial surgery in the first months of life, preventive and interceptive treatment in primary dentition, speech therapy, orthodontics in the mixed dentition phase, oromaxillofacial surgery, and implant and prosthetics in adults. Treatment plan from orthodontic perspective can be divided into the following stages based on the dentition stages: (1) presurgical orthopedics, (2) primary dentition, (3) mixed dentition, and (4) permanent dentition. The aim of this chapter is to assess a rational team work approach in the management of the patient with cleft lip and/or palate from birth to adulthood

    A professional development project to support the evaluation culture in the school

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    This contribution illustrates a professional development project on school evaluation and self-evaluation. In order to support the National Evaluation System, Invalsi has launched the Valu.E project, which aims to improve evaluation skills in schools. This work presents two project actions: Valu.E for schools, aims at strengthening the skills of school staff through the implementation of decentralized forms of training and intervention. Defining the expertise of the evaluator is aimed at identifying a set of skills and knowledge necessary to acquire professional expertise and at implementing e-learning training programmes. For both training actions the teaching methodology is discussed, in order to promote the acquisition of skills in experiential and laboratory contexts. Un progetto di sviluppo professionale a supporto della cultura della valutazione nella scuolaIl presente contributo illustra un percorso di formazione degli adulti sui temi della valutazione e autovalutazione delle scuole. A sostegno del Sistema Nazionale di Valutazione l’Invalsi ha avviato il progetto Valu.E, finalizzato al miglioramento delle capacità di valutazione delle scuole. Questo lavoro presenta due azioni progettuali: Valu.e for schools è dedicato al rafforzamento delle competenze del personale scolastico attraverso la realizzazione di interventi decentrati di formazione e supporto; Definire la competenza esperta del valutatore mira all’individuazione di un set di abilità e conoscenze che consentano di acquisire una competenza professionale esperta e alla realizzazione di percorsi formativi tramite e-learning. Per entrambe le azioni formative è discussa la metodologia didattica, volta a favorire l’acquisizione di competenze in contesti esperienziali e laboratoriali

    Education and dissemination by eukaryotic microorganisms

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    Microscopic life forms are everywhere on Earth, and eukaryotic microbes (mostly protists) are no exception. Indeed, they are very common in all fresh- and salt water, as well as in moist soils, and a significant number of species can be found as parasites or symbionts of several organisms. Despite their abundance, their presence in some important ecological activities, and their relevance to human and environmental health, protists are often ignored both by the educational community and the lay public. Nevertheless, in our experience, protists represent unique models to teach fundamental topics of biology, ecology, systematic and evolution, especially to undergraduate students, as they perform all life functions within the small space of a single cell. In addition, protists may help counter popular misconceptions about microbes as “inferior” and less evolved organisms. For these reasons, since several years, we have been offering theoretical and practical experiences on protists for first and secondary grade schools. In particular, we have recently been collaborating with some museums and one zoological park to install permanent "exhibitions” for the observation of some species of protists (especially ciliates) as well as educational trails. These trails will be organized with an appropriate language for the non-scientific community and may serve to show the relevance of protists in various fields, such as evolution, scientific research, and public health applications

    Decellularization and Delipidation Protocols of Bovine Bone and Pericardium for Bone Grafting and Guided Bone Regeneration Procedures

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    The combination of bone grafting materials with guided bone regeneration (GBR) membranes seems to provide promising results to restore bone defects in dental clinical practice. In the first part of this work, a novel protocol for decellularization and delipidation of bovine bone, based on multiple steps of thermal shock, washes with detergent and dehydration with alcohol, is described. This protocol is more effective in removal of cellular materials, and shows superior biocompatibility compared to other three methods tested in this study. Furthermore, histological and morphological analyses confirm the maintenance of an intact bone extracellular matrix (ECM). In vitro and in vivo experiments evidence osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties of the produced scaffold, respectively. In the second part of this study, two methods of bovine pericardium decellularization are compared. The osmotic shock-based protocol gives better results in terms of removal of cell components, biocompatibility, maintenance of native ECM structure, and host tissue reaction, in respect to the freeze/thaw method. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate the characterization of a novel protocol for the decellularization of bovine bone to be used as bone graft, and the acquisition of a method to produce a pericardium membrane suitable for GBR applications

    Scientific evidence for the treatment of children with irritable bowel syndrome

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the commonest cause of recurrent abdominal pain in children in both more developed and developing parts of the world. It is characterized by abdominal pain that is improved by defecation and whose onset is associated with a change in stool form and/or frequency and is not explained by structural or biochemical abnormalities. A number of potential patho-physiological mechanisms have been described, but so far the exact underlying etiology of IBS is unclear. Likewise, no optimal treatment has ever been found neither for adult nor for pediatric patients. Current therapeutic options include drugs, dietary interventions and biopsychosocial therapies. The present review aims at evaluating the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of these treatments for children with IBS

    Evaluation of Voltage Transformers’ Accuracy in Harmonic and Interharmonic Measurement

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    The measurement of Power Quality (PQ), generally performed at Low Voltage (LV) level, is gaining more and more importance also at the Medium Voltage (MV) level, due to the increasing presence of switching power converters (both loads or generators) directly connected to MV grids. In this case, the use of Voltage Transformers (VTs) is unavoidable to scale voltage down to amplitudes compatible with the input ranges of PQ instruments. However, the current absence of an international standard dealing with VTs used for PQ measurements leaves the manufacturers and the users in a situation of complete uncertainty, since different products can have performance specifications tested and stated in completely different ways. This paper aims at defining an integrated approach for the evaluation of VTs accuracy used for PQ measurements, focusing on harmonics and interharmonics. The paper provides experimental results of the tests performed on a MV inductive VT according to the proposed procedure. As a result, it is demonstrated that VT accuracy in the measurement of a specific phenomenon should be evaluated with complex waveforms including the contemporary presence of different PQ phenomena

    Is the family really an outdated institution in Italy as well as in Europe? Findings from the European Values Study

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    The concept of institution, one of the main issues in the social sciences, has been developed in a number of anthropological, economical, juridical, political, and sociological institutional theories. There is no overarching theory, however, to explain what institutions are for, how they are formed and why they change. This contribution takes into account, in particular, the institution of the family as a fundamental institution of society, not only because it ensures reproduction over time but because it shapes the personal and social identity through socialization of new generations, and will verify whether the family is still considered valid as an institution. In particular, the research questions to be addressed are: is the (marriage-based) family still considered a valid institution by Italians and Europeans? Is it possible to identify specific elements linked to a strong idea of the family? Which elements? Using data from the European Values Study (EVS) 2008–2009, an index was devised to measure the (high, medium, low) importance attributed to the family as a social institution, and its structural and cultural characteristics in both Italy and Europe (with a total of 28 countries considered), as well as with clusters correlated to it
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