56 research outputs found

    Monitoring and control in scenario-based requirements analysis

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    Scenarios are an effective means for eliciting, validating and documenting requirements. At the requirements level, scenarios describe sequences of interactions between the software-to-be and agents in the environment. Interactions correspond to the occurrence of an event that is controlled by one agent and monitored by another.This paper presents a technique to analyse requirements-level scenarios for unforeseen, potentially harmful, consequences. Our aim is to perform analysis early in system development, where it is highly cost-effective. The approach recognises the importance of monitoring and control issues and extends existing work on implied scenarios accordingly. These so-called input-output implied scenarios expose problematic behaviours in scenario descriptions that cannot be detected using standard implied scenarios. Validation of these implied scenarios supports requirements elaboration. We demonstrate the relevance of input-output implied scenarios using a number of examples

    RADAR: A Lightweight Tool for Requirements and Architecture Decision Analysis

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    Uncertainty and conflicting stakeholders' objectives make many requirements and architecture decisions particularly hard. Quantitative probabilistic models allow software architects to analyse such decisions using stochastic simulation and multi-objective optimisation, but the difficulty of elaborating the models is an obstacle to the wider adoption of such techniques. To reduce this obstacle, this paper presents a novel modelling language and analysis tool, called RADAR, intended to facilitate requirements and architecture decision analysis. The language has relations to quantitative AND/OR goal models used in requirements engineering and to feature models used in software product lines. However, it simplifies such models to a minimum set of language constructs essential for decision analysis. The paper presents RADAR's modelling language, automated support for decision analysis, and evaluates its application to four real-world examples

    Analyzing Uncertainty in Release Planning: A Method and Experiment for Fixed-Date Release Cycles

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    Release planning—deciding what features to implement in upcoming releases of a software system—is a critical activity in iterative software development. Many release planning methods exist, but most ignore the inevitable uncertainty in estimating software development effort and business value. The article’s objective is to study whether analyzing uncertainty during release planning generates better release plans than if uncertainty is ignored. To study this question, we have developed a novel release planning method under uncertainty, called BEARS, that models uncertainty using Bayesian probability distributions and recommends release plans that maximize expected net present value and expected punctuality. We then compare release plans recommended by BEARS to those recommended by methods that ignore uncertainty on 32 release planning problems. The experiment shows that BEARS recommends release plans with higher expected net present value and expected punctuality than methods that ignore uncertainty, thereby indicating the harmful effects of ignoring uncertainty during release planning. These results highlight the importance of eliciting and analyzing uncertainty in software effort and value estimations and call for increased research in these areas

    Correction to: Analysing app reviews for software engineering: a systematic literature review (Empirical Software Engineering, (2022), 27, 2, (43), 10.1007/s10664-021-10065-7)

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    The original version of this article, unfortunately, contained mistakes. The surname of the first author, Jacek Dąbrowski, was misspelled throughout the online version of the article as “Dębrowski.” The surname, however, is correct in the PDF version. The original article has been corrected

    Introduction to the RE’16 best papers special issue

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    Designing acceptable user registration processes for e-services

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    User registration can have a serious impact on the success of online government services. Different services require different levels of identity assurance, and different registration processes are put in place to deliver them. But from the citizen’s perspective, these processes often require a disproportionate amount of effort, which reduces users’ acceptance. Typically, when sign-up to high-effort services is not mandatory, take-up is low; when it is compulsory, it causes resentment, and neither is desirable. Designers of services requiring registration currently have no way of assessing likely user acceptance at design time. We are introducing a tool that allows system designers to identify the impact of registration processes on different groups of users, in terms of workload and friction. Personas have been successfully applied to assist security designers, and we extend the concept with statistical properties, and introduce the Persona Group Calibration (PGC) exercise to calibrate the different personas for sensitivity to specific identity-related elements

    Improving Security Decision under Uncertainty: A Multidisciplinary Approach

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    Security decision-making is a critical task in tackling security threats affecting a system or process. It often involves selecting a suitable resolution action to tackle an identified security risk. To support this selection process, decision-makers should be able to evaluate and compare available decision options. This article introduces a modelling language that can be used to represent the effects of resolution actions on the stakeholders' goals, the crime process, and the attacker. In order to reach this aim, we develop a multidisciplinary framework that combines existing knowledge from the fields of software engineering, crime science, risk assessment, and quantitative decision analysis. The framework is illustrated through an application to a case of identity theft

    Uncertainty, Risk, and Information Value in Software Requirements and Architecture

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    Uncertainty complicates early requirements and architecture decisions and may expose a software project to significant risk. Yet software architects lack support for evaluating uncertainty, its impact on risk, and the value of reducing uncertainty before making critical decisions. We propose to apply decision analysis and multi-objective optimisation techniques to provide such support. We present a systematic method allowing software architects to describe uncertainty about the impact of alternatives on stakeholders' goals; to calculate the consequences of uncertainty through Monte-Carlo simulation; to shortlist candidate architectures based on expected costs, benefits and risks; and to assess the value of obtaining additional information before deciding. We demonstrate our method on the design of a system for coordinating emergency response teams. Our approach highlights the need for requirements engineering and software cost estimation methods to disclose uncertainty instead of hiding it

    Automated goal operationalisation based on interpolation and SAT solving

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    Goal oriented methods have been successfully employed for eliciting and elaborating software requirements. When goals are assigned to an agent, they have to be operationalised: the agent’s operations have to be refined, by equipping them with appropriate enabling and triggering conditions, so that the goals are fulfilled. Goal operationalisation generally demands a significant effort of the engineer. Although there exist approaches that tackle this problem, they are either in-formal or at most semi automated, requiring the engineer to assist in the process. In this paper, we present an approach for goal operationalisation that automatically computes required preconditions and required triggering conditions for operations, so that the resulting operations establish the goals. The process is iterative, is able to deal with safety goals and particular kinds of liveness goals, and is based on the use of interpolation and SAT solving

    Formalising the Continuous/Discrete Modeling Step

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    Formally capturing the transition from a continuous model to a discrete model is investigated using model based refinement techniques. A very simple model for stopping (eg. of a train) is developed in both the continuous and discrete domains. The difference between the two is quantified using generic results from ODE theory, and these estimates can be compared with the exact solutions. Such results do not fit well into a conventional model based refinement framework; however they can be accommodated into a model based retrenchment. The retrenchment is described, and the way it can interface to refinement development on both the continuous and discrete sides is outlined. The approach is compared to what can be achieved using hybrid systems techniques.Comment: In Proceedings Refine 2011, arXiv:1106.348
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