183 research outputs found

    Fingerprinting sediment contribution from alpine soils to mountain reservoirs

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    6 Pags.- 1 Tabl.- 1 Fig.Soil in alpine environments plays a key role in the development of ecosystem services and information is required on processes that lead to soil erosion to maintain and preserve this important resource. In common with other mountain alpine environments, the Benasque catchment is characterized by temperatures below freezing that can last from November to April, intense rainfall events, and rugged topography which makes assessment of erosion challenging. Indirect approaches to soil erosion assessment offer opportunity to evaluate soil erosion in such areas. In this study sediment fingerprinting procedures were used to evaluate soil sources in the area of the Posets- Maladeta National Park (Central Spanish Pyrenees). Sediment contributions of potential sediment sources defined by soil type (Kastanozems/Phaeozems; Fluvisols and Cambisols) were assessed by different characterizations of sources and identified Fluvisols, which dominate the riparian zone, as the main sediment source at the time of sampling indicating the importance of connectivity and also potential differences in the source dynamic of material in storage versus that transported efficiently from the system during high flows. The approach enabled us to better understand soil erosion processes in the Benasque alpine catchment wherein identified areas that, due to high connectivity, contribute more to sediment deposits.This research was funded by the project CGL2011-25486.Peer reviewe

    Spatial and temporal changes in apportionments by using sediment fingerprinting in a Spanish Pyrenean river catchment

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    1 .pdf with the extended abstract from the Book Abstracts of Assembly.- 1 .pdf copy of the original poster presented by the authors.Central Spanish Pyrenees) and the major sediment sources identified included badlands developed in the middle part of the catchment and the agricultural fields in its lower part. In this study the < 63 m sediment fraction from the channel bed sediment samples from the main rivers (Ésera and Isábena), their tributaries and surface reservoir sediments, the latter spanning two decades, are investigated following the fingerprinting procedure to assess how the land use sediment contributions change along the streams and on time to the reservoir.Peer reviewe

    Estereotipos sexualizados asociados a las mujeres en las representaciones pictóricas desde principios del siglo XX hasta principios del siglo XXI.

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    511 p. (V.I); 93 p. (V.II)El arte occidental ha producido una gran cantidad de obras que representan a mujeres desnudas, si bien están proliferado de forma destacada en el contexto contemporánea. En este tipo de representaciones podemos ver reflejado un imaginario compartido saturado de estereotipos sexistas; produciendo, de forma constante y reiterada una pasivización e idiotización del sujeto mujer. Reflejan la imposición del privilegio del Varón, una estrategia de poder que radica en la opresión simbólica, al amparo de la legitimidad del campo y de la ideología neoliberal, según la cual todo es susceptible de ser comprado. Dada las características del medio visual, esta forma de dominación es impuesta por la vía de lo sensible, instalándose directamente en lo emocional. Por el contrario, el análisis crítico de los contenidos narrativos, que muestran un imaginario sexista, patriarcal y heteronormativo, es postergado o mirado con suspicacia desde las corrientes dominantes. En este trabajo proponemos un análisis comparativo de una selección de obras de pintura contemporánea que representan a mujeres desnudas o en actitudes sexuales, con el objetivo de estudiar cómo se representan las mujeres y los estereotipos que se les asocian.Queremos desenmascarar el halo de naturalismo que les recubre, dejando al descubierto una intrincada red de relaciones de poder sobre la que se asienta el sistema representativo

    Comer imágenes, digerir pensamientos: De la estética a la digestión de las imágenes en el campo de la educación

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    Los contenidos visuales tienen una presencia creciente en nuestra sociedad, pero no les hemos prestado la atención que precisan; de hecho, la asunción acrítica de su significación es una constante. El campo de la educación, en sus diferentes niveles y sectores, tiene pendiente poner en marcha, y de manera generalizada, herramientas para el análisis crítico de las imágenes. Los contenidos ideológicos de estos productos pasan desapercibidos en cuanto a su configuración semántica. Es decir, los valores implícitos en dichas representaciones se asumen sin el ejercicio de la razón, configurando unos imaginarios compartidos que, con frecuencia, adolecen de sentido reflexivo. De esta forma, las ideologías patriarcales, androcéntricas y heterosexistas son asumidas de forma colectiva en forma de prejuicios, obviando, por lo general, esa complicidad necesaria que exige su funcionar

    Extrapolating soil redistribution rates estimated from 137Cs to catchment scale in a complex agroforestry landscape using GIS

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    1 .pdf copy (1 Pag.)of the exhaustive abstract published by the Organization. © Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License.This study aims to assess soil redistribution in an agroforestry catchment characterized by abrupt topography and an intricate mosaic of land uses using 137Cs data and GIS. A new methodological approach using GIS is presented as an alternative of interpolation tools to extrapolating soil redistribution rates in complex landscapes. This approach divides the catchment into Homogeneous Physiographic Units (HPUs) based on unique land use, hydrological network and slope value.Peer reviewe

    Establishing a tracer-based sediment budget to preserve wetlands in Mediterranean mountain agroecosystems (NE Spain)

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    Pags.- 5 Figs.- 2 Tabls.- Suppl. Materials. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00489697Mountain wetlands in Mediterranean regions are particularly threatened in agricultural environments due to anthropogenic activity. An integrated study of source-to-sink sediment fluxes was carried out in an agricultural catchment that holds a small permanent lake included in the European NATURA 2000 Network. More than 1000 yrs of human intervention and the variety of land uses pose a substantial challenge when attempting to estimate sediment fluxes which is the first requirement to protect fragile wetlands. To date, there have been few similar studies and those that have been carried out have not addressed such complex terrain. Geostatistical interpolation and GIS tools were used to derive the soil spatial redistribution from point 137Cs inventories, and to establish the sediment budget in a catchment located in the Southern Pyrenees. The soil redistribution was intense and soil erosion predominated over soil deposition. On the areas that maintained natural vegetation the median soil erosion and deposition rates were moderate, ranging from 2.6 to 6 Mg ha yr− 1 and 1.5 to 2.1 Mg ha yr− 1, respectively. However, in cultivated fields both erosion and deposition were significantly higher (ca. 20 Mg ha yr− 1), and the maximum rates were always associated with tillage practices. Farming activities in the last part of the 20th century intensified soil erosion, as evidenced by the 1963 137Cs peaks in the lake cores and estimates from the sediment budget indicated a net deposition of 671 Mg yr− 1. Results confirm a siltation risk for the lake and provide a foundation for designing management plans to preserve this threatened wetland. This comprehensive approach provides information useful for understanding processes that influence the patterns and rates of soil transfer and deposition within fragile Mediterranean mountain wetlands subjected to climate and anthropogenic stresses.We thank the CICYT project EROMED (CGL2011-25486) for the financial support.Peer reviewe

    Linking spatial patterns of soil redistribution traced with 137Cs and soil nutrients in a Mediterranean mountain agroecosystem (NE Spain)

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    1 Pag.This study aims to address soil movement and soil nutrient dynamics closely related to the status of soil degradation. A rain-fed cereal field (1.6 ha) representative of Mediterranean mountain agricultural landscapes (42 25’41”N 1 13’8”W) was selected to examine the effects of soil redistribution processes on the spatial variability of soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) and their relationships with soil properties and topographic characteristics.Peer reviewe

    Extrapolating soil redistribution rates estimated from 137Cs to catchment scale in a complex agroforestry landscape using GIS

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    1 .pdf copy (! Pag.) of the official extended abstract of the Poster presented by the authors.This study aims to assess soil redistribution in an agroforestry catchment characterized by abrupt topography and an intricate mosaic of land uses using 137Cs data and GIS. A new methodological approach using GIS is presented as an alternative of interpolation tools to extrapolating soil redistribution rates in complex landscapes.Peer reviewe

    Modelling tillage and water erosion by usingWATEM/SEDEM and 137Cs measurements at field scale

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    1 Pag.This study applies the WATEM/SEDEM model to estimate soil redistribution rates after calibration with 137Cs measurements. Furthermore, soil redistribution rates by tillage were estimated using the Mass Balance Model 3 (MBM3). A representative Mediterranean cultivated field located in the central part of the Ebro basin (NE Spain) was selected to conduct the study.Peer reviewe

    A não-fronteira entre a fala e o canto – em ação

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    A proposta é desta pesquisa é um laboratório com dois atores, onde escolheremos ou produziremos, juntos, uma cena em que haja trechos falados e trechos cantados. A investigação parte do conceito de cantar em ação, proposto por Grotowski, no texto A Voz, publicado em “Teatro Laboratório de Jerzy Grotowski (1959-1969)”. O autor diz que, ao criar uma cena, não devemos pensar sobre o nosso instrumento vocal. Devemos exercitar o cantar enquanto fazemos outras atividades além de brincar com os vários sons da voz. “Estender o seu ser através da voz, mas sem qualquer técnica premeditada” (Grotowski, p.160). Para isso, construiremos uma cena sem que as canções sejam trabalhadas anteriormente ou mesmo em separado dos textos falados, buscando assim, manter a organicidade (outro conceito de Grotowski) nesta passagem da fala ao canto e vice-versa, mesmo que para isso tenhamos que abrir mão, num primeiro momento, da execução precisa das canções. A pesquisa se concentra no ator como indivíduo: seu processo particular de investigação da própria voz. Meu objetivo é auxiliá-lo e guiá-lo naquele que acredito ser um processo coerente, porque orgânico, de desenvolvimento da expressividade da voz