359 research outputs found

    Sediment distribution and transport in the shallow coastal waters along the west coast of Denmark

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    Until recently, studies of the regional distribution of seabed sediments off the littoral zone of the Danish North Sea coast had been concentrated on the Jutland Bank area (Fig. 1; Leth 1996, 1998). Knowledge on the sedimentary conditions and processes along the entire west coast of Jutland has, however, significantly increased as a result of 2000 km of newly acquired high-resolution seismic and side-scan sonar data, supplemented by about 100 vibrocores. These data were collected by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) during joint projects with the Danish Coastal Authority between 1998 and 2001 (Leth et al. 1999; Larsen & Leth 2001). The coastal zone off west Jutland displays a highly dynamic environment, where sediment transport is governed by strong tidal and wave-induced currents. The net wave-generated current is south going, while the coastal current has a net direction towards the north (Knudsen et al. 2002). The direction of the net littoral drift is southward from the outlet of Limfjorden to Blåvands Huk, with net erosion north of Nymindegab and aggregation to the south; the offshore part of this depositional system has recently been studied (Larsen & Leth 2001)


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    Empiriske undersøgelser viser, at seksuelt misbrugte børn frembyder flere psykiske symptomer end ikke-misbrugte børn. Disse omfatter ængstelighed, posttraumatisk stress, adfærdsproblemer og seksualiseret adfærd, men der er ingen af symptomerne, der kendetegner et flertal af børnene. Cirka en tredjedel af de børn, der har været udsat for seksuelle overgreb, er tilsyneladende symptomfri. Den psykiske skadevirkning af overgrebene hænger blandt andet sammen med overgrebets art, varighed og hyppighed, graden af tvang og trusler, offerets relation til forbryderen og forældrenes støtte til barnet, efter at overgrebet er afdækket. Psykoterapi ser ud til at have en gavnlig effekt på børn, der har været udsat for seksuelt misbrug, men det er usikkert, hvorvidt effekten skyldes terapi eller spontane helbredelsesprocesser. De fleste dokumenterede behandlingsformer retter fokus på det seksuelle misbrug og dets virkninger og anbefaler, at man taler med barnet om de traumatiske begivenheder.Empirical studies show that sexually abused children have more symptoms than non-abused children. Fears, posttraumatic stress, behaviour problems and sexualized behaviours occur most frequently, but no one specific syndrome or symptom characterizes the majority of sexually abused children. Approximately one third of victims have no symptoms. Several factors seem to mediate the development of psychopathology following child sexual abuse: Penetration, the duration and frequency of the abuse, coercion, the relationship of the perpetrator to the victim and parental support all affect the degree of symptomatology. Therapy seems to facilitate recovery, but it is not established whether the therapeutic gains are due to the effects of therapy or due to spontaneous recovery processes. Most of the therapeutic interventions recommended for sexually abused children are trauma-focused and include some degreeof direct discussion of the abuse experience


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    Multi-scale approach to first-principles electron transport beyond 100 nm

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    Multi-scale computational approaches are important for studies of novel, low-dimensional electronic devices since they are able to capture the different length-scales involved in the device operation, and at the same time describe critical parts such as surfaces, defects, interfaces, gates, and applied bias, on a atomistic, quantum-chemical level. Here we present a multi-scale method which enables calculations of electronic currents in two-dimensional devices larger than 100 nm2^2, where multiple perturbed regions described by density functional theory (DFT) are embedded into an extended unperturbed region described by a DFT-parametrized tight-binding model. We explain the details of the method, provide examples, and point out the main challenges regarding its practical implementation. Finally we apply it to study current propagation in pristine, defected and nanoporous graphene devices, injected by chemically accurate contacts simulating scanning tunneling microscopy probes

    Beam induced heating in electron microscopy modeled with machine learning interatomic potentials

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    We develop a combined theoretical and experimental method for estimating the amount of heating that occurs in metallic nanoparticles that are being imaged in an electron microscope. We model the thermal transport between the nanoparticle and the supporting material using molecular dynamics and eqivariant neural network potentials. The potentials are trained to Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, and we show that an ensemble of potentials can be used as an estimate of the errors the neural network make in predicting energies and forces. This can be used both to improve the networks during the training phase, and to validate the performance when simulating systems too big to be described by DFT. The energy deposited into the nanoparticle by the electron beam is estimated by measuring the mean free path of the electrons and the average energy loss, both are done with Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) within the microscope. In combination, this allows us to predict the heating incurred by a nanoparticle as a function of its size, its shape, the support material, and the electron beam energy and intensity.Comment: 20 pages including supplementary online information (included in the PDF

    Quantifying Noise Limitations of Neural Network Segmentations in High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Motivated by the need for low electron dose transmission electron microscopy imaging, we report the optimal frame dose (i.e. e/A2e^-/A^{2}) range for object detection and segmentation tasks with neural networks. The MSD-net architecture shows promising abilities over the industry standard U-net architecture in generalising to frame doses below the range included in the training set, for both simulated and experimental images. It also presents a heightened ability to learn from lower dose images. The MSD-net displays mild visibility of a Au nanoparticle at 20-30 e/A2e^-/A^{2}, and converges at 200 e/A2e^-/A^{2} where a full segmentation of the nanoparticle is achieved. Between 30 and 200 e/A2e^-/A^{2} object detection applications are still possible. This work also highlights the importance of modelling the modulation transfer function when training with simulated images for applications on images acquired with scintillator based detectors such as the Gatan Oneview camera. A parametric form of the modulation transfer function is applied with varying ranges of parameters, and the effects on low electron dose segmentation is presented.Comment: Revised version: Numerous clarifications and improvement

    Hepatotoxicity during 6-thioguanine treatment in inflammatory bowel disease and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:A systematic review

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>The recently established association between higher levels of DNA-incorporated thioguanine nucleotides and lower relapse risk in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) calls for reassessment of prolonged 6-thioguanine (6TG) treatment, while avoiding the risk of hepatotoxicity.</p><p>Objectives</p><p>To assess the incidence of hepatotoxicity in patients treated with 6TG, and to explore if a safe dose of continuous 6TG can be established.</p><p>Data sources</p><p>Databases, conference proceedings, and reference lists of included studies were systematically searched for 6TG and synonyms from 1998–2018.</p><p>Methods</p><p>We included studies of patients with ALL or inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD) treated with 6TG, excluding studies with 6TG as part of an intensive chemotherapy regimen. We uploaded a protocol to PROSPERO (registration number CRD42018089424). Database and manual searches yielded 1823 unique records. Of these, 395 full-texts were screened for eligibility. Finally, 134 reports representing 42 studies were included.</p><p>Results and conclusions</p><p>We included data from 42 studies of ALL and IBD patients; four randomised controlled trials (RCTs) including 3,993 patients, 20 observational studies including 796 patients, and 18 case reports including 60 patients. Hepatotoxicity in the form of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) occurred in 9–25% of the ALL patients in two of the four included RCTs using 6TG doses of 40–60 mg/m<sup>2</sup>/day, and long-term hepatotoxicity in the form of nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) was reported in 2.5%. In IBD patients treated with 6TG doses of approximately 23 mg/m<sup>2</sup>/day, NRH occurred in 14% of patients. At a 6TG dose of approximately 12 mg/m<sup>2</sup>/day, NRH was reported in 6% of IBD patients, which is similar to the background incidence. According to this review, doses at or below 12 mg/m<sup>2</sup>/day are rarely associated with notable hepatotoxicity and can probably be considered safe.</p></div