335 research outputs found

    Development of Automated Testing Equipment for Very High Frequency Radio

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    Radio dua hala merupakan satu alat telekomunikasi yang terdapat di pasaran sejak dulu lagi dalam bidang telekomunikasi. Beroperasi secara dua hala, radio dua hala digunakan dalam pelbagai bidang seperti ketenteraan, radio amatur, bomba serta banyak lagi bidang komersial. Untuk melaksanakan analisis Radio Frekuensi (RF) terhadap radio dua hala, banyak industi menggunakan kaedah manual di mana manusia terpaksa melakukan pengujian RF dan kaedah ini memakan tenaga serta masa. Thesis ini membincangkan cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Objektif utama bagi Penghasilan Peralatan Pengujian Automatik(ATE) bagi Radio Frekuensi Tinggi adalah untuk menganalisa keupayaan radio dua hala, melaksanakan pengujian RF berlandaskan TIA603C dan menghasilkan program bagi Peralatan Pengujian Automatik (ATE) untuk melaksanakan analisis tersebut. Untuk menjayakan projek ini, beberapa kaedah telah diaplikasikan dari segi perisian dan perkakasan. NI LabVIEW adalah perisian yang diguna pakai sebagai program ATE. Satu program automasi telah direka menggunakan perisian NI LabVIEW untuk melakukan pengujian ATE bagi radio dua hala selepas melakukan analisis RF berlandaskan standard TIA603. Manakala buat aspek perkakasan, satu kotak kawalan laluan RF telah direka bentuk. Kotak kawalan ini dikawal menggunakan program automasi yang direka dengan NI LabVIEW. Data yang diperoleh telah disusun dalam bentuk jadual. Data yang digunakan bagi perbandingan adalah menggunakan data automasi dan data kaedah manual. Bila dibandingkan, data yang disusun agak sama; membuktikan bahawa proses pengautomasian dalam projek ini berjaya. Di samping itu, masa untuk melakukan analisis RF juga dipendekkan. Kesemua analisis ini telah dilaksanakan mengikut Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Walkie-talkie is an important telecommunication device that has been for quite a long time in the telecommunication field. Being a duplex mode communication transceiver, it is widely used around the world in variety of field such as military purpose, amateur radio, fire and rescue department along with many other commercial usages. To perform the Radio Frequency (RF) analysis on the radio, many industries still using the outdated manual testing method using man power, consequently spending a lot of effort and investments in the process. This paper discusses the method to overcome this problem. The main objectives of this Development of Automated Testing Equipment For Very High Frequency Radio project are to analyse the performance of a portable walkie-talkie radio, perform radio frequency analysis based on TIA603 standard and develop Automated Testing Equipment (ATE) program to perform the analysis. In order to complete this project, several approach was utelised in term of software and hardware basis. NI LabVIEW software was used as ATE testing development program software as the adoption of software-defined test systems. An automation sequence using NI LabVIEW was developed to perform the ATE testing after researching on the RF analysis aspect based on the mentioned TIA603 standard aspect. Wherelse the hardware mentioned was developing a RF path switching control box. This control box was controlled by the developed automation program using the NI LabVIEW software. The outcome obtained through this project was further compiled in table form. The data used for comparison purpose were the test outcome using the manual method with the automation method. These data when compared are almost similar; thus proves that the automating process of the manual method was a success. Besides that, the time to perform the RF analysis also was managed to shortened; resulting in a shorter testing duration. All this aspects was measured and analysed in accordance with the Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA) in this project

    Using computer games to improve secondary school students’ vocabulary acquisition in English

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    This exploratory study aims to investigate if computer games can expand learners’ vocabulary and improve their writing performance. In testing the research instruments and procedure of a larger project, this pilot study employed only ten Form Four students who had voluntarily taken part in this study, and they were exposed to two different methods of acquiring vocabulary over a period of fourteen weeks. The two methods of vocabulary acquisition were computer games and traditional vocabulary strategies. The first method involved the subjects playing computer vocabulary games from the Internet for seven weeks. In the second method they employed traditional vocabulary strategies such as using a dictionary, contextual clues and semantic mapping for the next seven weeks. The extent of the subjects’ vocabulary acquisition in the two methods was measured by using the pre and post vocabulary tests and two written essays. Results indicate a significant difference between the pre and post vocabulary tests. However, no significant difference was found between the two essays in terms of vocabulary richness. Such results might be attributable to the short duration of the treatment

    Exploring the influence of utilitarian, cognitive and affective factors on the use of e-books via handheld mobile devices: a review

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    Electronic books (e-books) can be read via dedicated e-book readers and multipurpose handheld mobile devices such as iPads and iPhones. Certain factors influence the use of academic e-books via these handheld mobile devices. The aim of this paper is to systematically review the factors which influence the use of e-books via handheld mobile devices for academic purposes in higher learning institutions. Two search strategies were used to identify the relevant literature of the studies reviewed. At the first stage, electronic databases and journals such as Emerald, Scopus, ProQuest, SpringLink, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Academic Search Premier, Communication and Mass Media Complete and Education Research Complete and ERIC were used to search for the relevant articles. Furthermore, journals pertaining to technology in education were searched individually to identify more relevant papers. The keywords used for the search were acceptance, adoption, use, electronic book, handheld mobile devices, e-reader, iPad, PDA and iPhone. At the second stage, snowballing method was used to identify the relevant articles by extracting them from the bibliography of key articles cited in this paper. An article was used for this review if it met three pre-determined criteria. The findings show that utilitarian, cognitive and affective factors influence the use of e-books via handheld mobile devices. However, not many articles explore the influence of affective factor on the use of academic e-books via handheld mobile devices. This systematic review is able to identify the main contributing factors that influence the use of e-books via handheld mobile devices. This review may guide e-book designers, publishers, aggregators and authors to develop e-books which are tailored to the consumers’ needs

    A comparative study: verbal versus printed guiding grid

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    Assessment is a crucial part of education as it provides information to be used as feedback to support the teaching and learning process. Oral assessment is conducted at both primary and secondary schools in Malaysia. Previous researches highlight that students are unable to score well in their oral assessment. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of sharing assessment criteria, the Guiding Grid (GG), with students to improve oral performance among them. This study was conducted with Form Four students from an urban school. The students' oral assessments were conducted three times and their scores were recorded. The first assessment was done without sharing the GG with the students. Before the second assessment the researchers shared the GG verbally. Finally, 12 students who scored below the satisfactory level were given the printed GG and were assessed for the third time. The findings show a marked improvement in students' oral performance after the sharing of GG, orally as well as in print form. There is a significant improvement on the 12 selected students' oral performance when the printed GG was shared with them. This study also explores students' opinions on sharing the GG with them

    Understanding the reasons that hinder mobile e-book use of university mathematics students

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    This study determined the issues related to usage of mathematics mobile e-book and how these issues affected the learning process of the participants. The study used qualitative case study design. Eight postgraduate Mathematics students from Abstract Algebra research group from a local public university in Malaysia were interviewed and observed. The data were analysed in terms of content analysis and descriptive analysis. The findings showed that, utilitarian, affective and cognitive reasons affected the learning activities of the participants negatively. It is concluded that, this study contributed in terms of expanding readers understanding on the reasons that demotivates the usage of mobile e-books and how it's dampen the learning process of the participants

    Molecular quantitation and characterization of Vibrio cholerae from different seafood obtained from wetmarket and supermarket

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    Vibrio cholerae still represents a significant threat to human health worldwide despite the advances in hygiene, consumer knowledge, food treatment and food processing. In Malaysia, statistics in year 2009 have shown that among the food and water borne diseases, food poisoning has the highest incidence rate of 36.17 per 100,000 populations and with a mortality rate of 0.01 per 100,000 populations. In this study, 22 seafood samples comprising of fish, squid, crustacean and mollusks purchased from wet market and supermarket were analyzed. The Most Probable Number (MPN) and real time PCR was used to enumerate the Vibrio cholerae in seafood sample. The results showed that MPN-real time PCR of the samples from wet market had a maximum of > 1100 MPN/g compare to 93 MPN/g enumerated from the MPN plate. The MPN-real time PCR in the samples from supermarket indicated 290 MPN/g as compared to 240 MPN/g enumerated from the MPN plate. The standard curves showed that there was a good linear correlation between the Ct values. The minimum level of detection of Vibrio cholerae standard DNA at targeted gene was 3 × 10 -5 ng/μl

    The Effects Of Deductive And Inductive Based Courseware On Learning Performance And Engagement Among Students With Different Levels Of Self-Regulated Learning

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    Pelajar perlu memiliki kebolehan untuk memindahkan pengetahuan matematik yang dipelajari kepada domain atau masalah lain. Kemahiran ini akan memudahkan mereka mengendalikan masalah kehidupan sebenarnya pada masa hadapan. Mathematical knowledge gained by the students must be successfully transferred to another domain or problem which will enable them to handle real life problems. Literature supports that designing and making one’s own conclusion of the learnt concepts can produce students who are thinkers and innovators which will lead to a better transfer of learning

    Problem Based Learning in Mathematics

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    Research shows that the introduction of problem based learning (PBL) could foster student-centered learning, enhances students' abilities in learning, change their perception towards the subject matter and creates active learners.Although this approach has been applied in other disciplines, there is still lack of research focusing on the adoption of PBL approach in the Mathematics curriculum in countries such as Malaysia. Thus, this paper examines and summarizes some of the research conducted in the area of PBL in teaching and learning Mathematics and its effectiveness from students' perspective. The review shows PBL adoption in Mathematics is gaining positive feedbacks from students even though there are no convincing evidence to prove that PBL does in fact increase students' performance

    Exploring And Understanding The Use Of Mobile E-Book Among Mathematics Postgraduate Students

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    This study aimed to explore and understand the mathematics postgraduate students‟ experience with mobile e-book. In particular this study presents appreciation of meaning and experience of mathematics postgraduate students in using the mobile e-book for their research activities.This study was guided by five research questions: (a) how do the mathematics postgraduate students use the mobile e-book?; (b) what are their main purposes of using the mobile e-book?; (c) what factors and how far these factors promote and hinder the use of the mobile e-book for learning activities; (d) how does the adoption of the mobile e-book affect the way the mathematics postgraduate students learn?; and (e) What are the information needed to develop guidelines to design future mobile e-book for the designers and academicians

    Persepsi Guru Terhadap Kepemimpinan Pengajaran Pengetua Dalam Mempengaruhi Prestasi Akademik Pelajar Di Sekolah Menengah Dalam Kawasan Bandaraya Ipoh

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher’s perceptions of their principal’s instructional leadership role on students’ performance in academic. The principal’s instructioanl leadership is one of the main task of a principal and it is key factor to school effectiveness. The study involved a total of 240 teachers, chosen from 10 secondary schools in Ipoh, Perak through stratified sampling. Each teacher responded to his or her principals instructional leadership survey that consists of 33 questions. All the data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, pearson correlation, bivariate and multiple regression. The findings indicate that principals were perceived to be performed instructional leadership role regularly in monitoring standard of teaching, promoting positive school climate and providing resource for the teaching and learning in schools. However, evaluating and providing feedback, observing teachers in the classroom, supervising classroom teaching are perceived to be performed to a lesser extent by the principal. The bivariate regression analysis shows that principal’s instructional leadership role significantly influences the students’ performance in academic. This finding shows that effective schools tend to depend largely on the strong and initiating leadership of principals