56 research outputs found

    Projeto Retrosarias CentenĂĄrias da Baixa de Lisboa

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    O presente projeto inicia-se pelo levantamento das condiçÔes do negĂłcio tradicional das retrosarias da baixa lisboeta, pelo estudo do comĂ©rcio retalhista, pela anĂĄlise do conceito do retromarketing e pela sustentabilidade no consumo. Com o propĂłsito de apresentar propostas no Ăąmbito do marketing e do design, que ajudem a possibilitar a viabilidade do negĂłcio, procurou-se uma estratĂ©gia que pudesse revitalizar e retirar estes negĂłcios da obsolescĂȘncia e do quase anonimato. Entendida a importĂąncia da comunicação com o consumidor, atravĂ©s das entrevistas realizadas uma vez que foi adoptada a metodologia qualitativa, e alinhado esse entendimento por alguns desenvolvimentos teĂłricos, suporta-se assim a apresentação de um conjunto de propostas para a criação de uma nova identidade. Esta nova identidade foi definida para cada retrosaria, bem como para uma unidade de engloba todas as lojas presentes neste estudo. As propostas apresentadas procuram agregar uma redefinição dos valores, enquanto orientação e suporte da comunicação, tĂȘm como objetivo a atração de novos pĂșblicos-alvo, mas tambĂ©m consideram uma nova criação estĂ©tica e imagĂ©tica que nĂŁo deve ser desassociada destas marcas nem desatualizada. Com a estratĂ©gia criativa adoptada, espera-se conferir relevĂąncia, viabilidade econĂłmica e integração no contexto econĂłmico-cultural que dĂȘ uma nova vida Ă s retrosarias da Rua da Conceição e Ă s suas marcas.The present project was initialized by examining the initial state of the haberdasher traditional business in historical Lisbon (Baixa district), by studying the retailer market in this context and also a thorough analysis of the retromarketing concept. As a mean of saving and revitalizing this business from bankruptcy and heritage loss, marketing and design solutions were proposed to tackle this issue. Understanding the importance of communication by having targeted interviews and associating this practical knowledge with theorical developments, allowed the creation of strategies and several proposals, which were identified as key to give these historical shops a reinforced sense of identity. This new identity was outlined as characteristical to every single haberdasher, as well as an independent one binding them all together. The identified proposal strives for reformulated values aided by a strengthened communication to newly identified target audience, supported also by a new esthetic and imagery which can neither be outdated nor disassociated of these brands. Adopting this approach will hopefully empower, bring economic benefits and integration across cultural-economic context, allowing a rebirth of haberdashers in Rua da Conceição and these brands

    Gulf-funding of British universities and the focus on human development

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    We use quantitative content analysis to compare the academic publications and events of Gulf-funded Middle East research institutions in the uk to those that have not received such funding from a Middle Eastern donor. Our results provide some support for hypotheses about funding leading to a bias in the selection of research topics. We show that Gulf-funding of uk Middle East Studies research institutions is associated with less focus on democracy and human rights than non-funded comparable institutions. Moreover, we show that Gulf-funded institutions focus more on their donor countries than do non Gulf-funded institutions, but that they give more attention to issues of education and youth unemployment than issues of democracy, human rights, and gender equality when writing about their donor countries

    The more it’s centralized, the more it’s divided : a historical-institutionalist reading of Qatar’s foreign aid landscape

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    Published online on September 19, 2017Aid fragmentation is one of the recurrent features of development studies. In this contribution I try to understand why a small, cohesive state like Qatar, has produced so many different aid actors. Conventional views of Qatar’s donorship – the ‘branding’ and ‘emerging donors’ scholarship – examine Qatar’s behaviour in multilateral arenas and recipient countries before drawing conclusions as to the nature of Qatar as an international donor. Both accounts assume an autonomous, concerted and empowered leadership in the small autocratic peninsula. This contribution questions this assumption. It provides an alternative domestic explanation based on a dynamic historical-institutionalist reading of Qatar’s aid bureaucracy. It argues that the increasing concentration of power in Qatar in the hands of the ruling family has not precluded the fragmentation of the aid landscape and the proliferation of aid actors. As the Qatari rentier state has developed, it has become increasingly diffcult for the leadership to reengineer an increasingly heavier bureaucracy. Parallel initiatives and ‘turf wars’ for control over the aid portfolio lead to duplications, incomplete reforms and ultimately, to the enduring coexistence of different organizations and aid cultures within the petro-monarchy

    Treading diverging paths : donor proliferation and aid transparency in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates

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    Defence date: 7 December 2017Examining Board: Professor Olivier Roy, European University Institute (Supervisor), Professor Philippe Droz-Vincent, Sciences Po Grenoble (External Supervisor), Professor Jennifer Welsh, European University Institute, Professor Gerd Nonneman, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in QatarThis dissertation explains the diversity of multilateral paths followed by similar small rentier states in the international realm. Why do some states commit to multilateralism by signing legally binding treaties, participating in institutions and contributing financial resources? Amongst small state theorists, common wisdom has long held that small states are more likely to act multilaterally because of structural needs to bandwagon with bigger actors within existing frameworks. Liberal scholars reach a similar conclusion by arguing that states are progressively “socialized” within international organizations. On the other hand, political economists indicate that when a rentier state enjoys preferential trading terms thanks to its hydrocarbons exports, it has little incentive to engage multilaterally. “Branding” scholars in particular consider that small rentier states have a preference for costly and visible initiatives and little interest for the nitty-gritty aspects of international cooperation. The predictions outlined by these two research strands are completely antagonistic: while small state theory and liberalism predict more multilateral cooperation, rentier state theory predicts less of it. These opposite views fail however to explain the diversity of approaches to multilateral cooperation of small, resource-rich states like the Gulf emirates of Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – but also Norway, Venezuela or Brunei, for instance. Against this background, this dissertation endeavours to understand better this discrepancy with a case study approach of two similar oil and gas exporting small states, Qatar and the UAE. These follow significantly different multilateral approaches in the field of foreign aid, a key component of their foreign policy for which they are increasingly important globally. The two city states diverge on two major items of the international community’s aid agenda – donor proliferation and aid transparency. On the one hand, the UAE has in the past decade opened its doors to most Western international organizations of foreign assistance and become an active member of the OECD Development Assistance Committee on sensitive issues such as aid transparency; and made exceptional efforts in the region and among emerging donors at large, to streamline its aid landscape. On the other hand, Qatar has favoured bilateral frameworks and shut out the United Nations Development Program in Doha. Its attempt to streamline aid, despite reforms initiated fifteen years ago, has not as yet been fruitful.Chapter 3 'The more it’s centralized, the more it’s divided G The failure of reforms on donor proliferation and aid transparency in Qatar' of the PhD thesis draws upon an earlier version published as an article 'The more it's centralized, the more it's divided : a historical-institutionalist reading of Qatar's foreign aid landscape' in the journal 'Oxford Middle East review' (2017

    Étude du caractùre circadien des troubles du contîle des impulsions alimentaires chez les patients parkinsoniens avec ou sans syndrome des jambes sans repos

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    Contexte : Les troubles du contrĂŽle des impulsions (TCI) font partie des manifestations non motrices de la maladie de Parkinson (MPI). La prĂ©sence d’un syndrome des jambes sans repos (SJSR) chez les patients parkinsoniens a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment associĂ©e Ă  une plus grande frĂ©quence des TCI, en particulier d’alimentation compulsive. Compte tenu de la modulation circadienne du SJSR, nous faisons l’hypothĂšse que l’alimentation compulsive observĂ©e chez les patients parkinsoniens avec SJSR pourrait survenir de prĂ©fĂ©rence de façon vespĂ©rale.Objectif : Étudier l’effet de l’existence d’un SJSR, sur le comportement d’alimentation compulsive et sa rĂ©partition circadienne, chez les patients parkinsoniens.MĂ©thodes : Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude observationnelle prospective, cas/tĂ©moins, au CHU de Clermont-Ferrand. Nous avons comparĂ© la frĂ©quence des TCI, dont l’alimentation compulsive, grĂące Ă  l’ECMP et la QUIP-RS et la proportion journaliĂšre de prises alimentaires nocturnes entre les patients parkinsoniens avec et sans SJSR (PD-SJSR+ et PD-SJSR-) grĂące Ă  un agenda des comportements.RĂ©sultats : Trente- trois patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus (n=21 PD-SJSR+ et n=11 PD-SJSR-). Les PDSJSR+ prĂ©sentaient plus de comportements hyper dopaminergiques (7 +/- 6,08 vs 3,6 +/-2,7 ; p=0,04), mais nous n’avons pas mis en Ă©vidence de diffĂ©rence de frĂ©quence de TCI entre les PD-SJSR+ et PD-SJSR-. Toutefois, parmi les patients ayant dĂ©clarĂ© des troubles du comportement alimentaire, nous retrouvions une diffĂ©rence de rĂ©partition circadienne entre les PD-SJSR+ et les PD-SJSR- (p=0,087). En outre, nous avons retrouvĂ© une diffĂ©rence de rĂ©partition circadienne des prises alimentaires de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale chez les patients parkinsoniens en fonction de la prĂ©sence d’un SJSR (p = 0.0216), avec des grignotages nocturnes isolĂ©s observĂ©s uniquement dans le groupe PD-SJSR+.Conclusion : Il semble exister une diffĂ©rence de rĂ©partition circadienne des TCI alimentaires chez les patients avec SJSR par rapport Ă  ceux sans SJSR. Ces rĂ©sultats sont Ă  prendre avec prĂ©caution car issus d’une analyse intermĂ©diaire et devront ĂȘtre confirmĂ©s ultĂ©rieurement

    Chlor, Brom und Jod

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    Le dosage des chlorures dans les laits

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    Agreement and observer variability

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