4 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Administrasi Penjualan Barang Pada PT Sinar Bangkit Jayalabel

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    Pelaksanaan Administrasi Penjualan Barang pada PT Sinar Bangkit Jayalabel, merupakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan catat, mencatat, menghimpun, mengelola, mengirim, dan menyimpan. Administrasi adalah suatu bagian yang terpenting dalam mengelola suatu usaha atau bisnis. Selain itu fungsi administrasi juga memberikan laporan kepada pemangku kepentingan data khususnya laporan strategi bagi manajemen untuk memantau perkembangan perusahaan untuk mengambil keputusan. PT Sinar Bangkit Jayalabel merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di Aksesoris Garment. PT Sinar Bangkit Jayalabel sebagian besar melakukan kegiatan penjualan produk, sehingga dalam pelaksanannya diperlukan kegiatan adminstrasi penjualan untuk menunjang kegiatan penjualannya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis Kualitatif. Hasil pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses alur pelaksanaan administrasi penjualan pada PT Sinar Bangkit Jayalabel dimulai dari customer service menerima orderan sampai dengan finance menerima laporan barang yang sudah dibayar. Dokumen yang dibutuhkan yaitu surat jalan, Surat Purchase Order, dan Invoice


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    For making, one of printing entreprises with a large and can competitive with other competitor that have similar field, that company must give attention for determining the quality of product, which can give to consumer, in that case can be impacted for determining of consumer loyality and For surviving of the entreprises in the future , The purpose of research for knowing the determining of Quality of Product as a determining for increasing the consumer loyality, in Pandawa Digital Printing Depok, This research use Quantitative Descriptive methode and for taking the sample uses random sampling, the information have been got by using a questionaire with fifteen questions, for the sample have been collected amount 70 of the employee from CV Pandawa Digital Printing Depok, with the testing that from Correlation Coeficient have been gotted 0.693 point, and this have been mean between product quality and Loyality of Consumer, in other hand from Determination Coefficient have been gotted a result amount 0,58%, and it has described between the Quality of Product have an impact toward Loyality of Customer with the level of average relationship and the residual of result have been 42 prosentage that it have been impacted by other factor which have been not knowing. From the result of research can be taken a conclusion the product of quality have a strong impact toward Customer loyality and Quality of product have average relationship toward customerr loyalityUntuk menjadi sebuah perusahaan jasa printing yang besar dari banyaknya pesaing yang mempunyai bidang yang sama, perusahaan perlu memperhatikan kualitas produk yang akan ditawarkan pada pelanggan. Hal ini bisa berdampak pada loyalitas pelanggan dan sebagai sumber keberlangsungan pada masa mendatang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui analisis faktor penentu kualitas produk terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada CV Pandawa Digital printing Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan sampel probability merupakan sampel random sampling dalam kemungkinan keseluruhan anggota populasi dapat terpilih sebagai sampel dalam penelitian. Pengambilan data dalam bentuk kuisioner menggunakan pernyataan sebanyak 15 butir soal. Sedangkan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 70 dari karyawan CV Pandawa Digital Printing Depok. dengan pengujian maka hasil koefisien korelasi dapat memperoleh nilai 0.693 dengan kesimpulan hubungan kuat antara kualitas produk dan loyalitas pelanggan. Sedangkan dari hasil uji koefisien determinasi diperoleh hasil sebesar 0.58% menunjukan akan adanya kualitas produk yang berpengaruh pada loyalitas pelanggan dengan tingkat hubungan sedang dan 42% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang belum diketahui penulis pada penelitian ini. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkn sebagai berikut yang pertama kualitas produk berpengaruh kuat terhadap loyalitas pelanggan; dan kedua kualitas produk memiliki tingkat hubungan sedang dengan loyalitas pelanggan


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    For attempting the Quality of Service as a one of marketing strategy, it is an obligation for fulfill all of Customer Expectation, The Company must have bargained service which can be received and felt by consumer, and it is good choices, that the service can be excess than the expectation of consumer, until it can be created the high of Service Quality performance. In other hand the purpose of this research know the factors from service quality which have been done and which is the others factor must be given more attention for increasing the consumer service. The methods from this research use quantitative, with data have been collected by Questionnaires, the amount of samples consist of 60 respondents, from the Customer of PT UNIBLESS INDO MUKTI, beside that use analysis Factor with the Processing data use Correlation factor, extraction factor and Rotation Factor    From the result of research, it can be decided the factor that have been done in this company is the knowledge of customer needs, and in other hands the factors which must have been more attention is how to the company create the high value and product performance, in advice from the result the company must think of the steps or strategies for creating the high value until the purpose of company for increasing customer satisfaction have achieve


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    Transportation system in Indonesia as a general and especially in Jakarta have been integrated and managed for fulfill and increasing demand for user in Public Transportation, the managing of Public Transportation is needed not only demand user but also make connection for user duties,  so that can reach efficiency and efficient and achieve satisfaction, one of ways for managing Public transportation with increasing performance management and service quality. The research have a purpose for knowing what extent the impact of Performance management and Service Quality toward increasing of Customer Satisfaction the user of Public Transportation. The Methods of research use Quantitative with ordinal scale, and the amount of samples consist of 400 user of public Transportation in Transjakarta. The Data is taken by Spread of Questionnaire, The Processing data have been used by Statistical Package For Social Sciences(SPSS) with Reliabilities, Validities, Normality of Residual, Multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, partial correlation between independent variable and evaluation of Regression. From the result can explain between Performance Management and Service Quality have significant relation toward customer satisfaction beside that it have been significant impact between variables, with determinant coefficient performance management and service quality can explain customer satisfaction with amount 54.5% leftovers can be described with another factors such as customer relationship management and Customer expectation, etc, and the advice in the future for consideration, it is need new strategies or program for increasing customer satisfaction