1,055 research outputs found

    Revealing the origin of the vertical hysteresis loop shifts in an exchange biased Co/YMnO3_3 bilayer

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    We have investigated exchange bias effects in bilayers composed by the antiferromagnetic o-YMnO3_3 and ferromagnetic Co thin film by means of SQUID magnetometry, magnetoresistance, anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect. The magnetization and magnetotransport properties show pronounced asymmetries in the field and magnetization axes of the field hysteresis loops. Both exchange bias parameters, the exchange bias field HE(T)H_{E}(T) as well as the magnetization shift ME(T)M_E(T), vanish around the N\'eel temperature TN45T_N \simeq 45 K. We show that the magnetization shift ME(T)M_E(T) is also measured by a shift in the anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall resistance having those a similar temperature dependence as the one obtained from magnetization measurements. Because the o-YMnO3_3 film is highly insulating, our results demonstrate that the ME(T)M_E(T) shift originates at the interface within the ferromagnetic Co layer. To show that the main results obtained are general and not because of some special characteristics of the o-YMO3_3 layer, similar measurements were done in Co/CoO micro-wires. The transport and magnetization characterization of the micro-wires supports the main conclusion that these effects are related to the response of the ferromagnetic Co layer at the interface.Comment: 16 Figures, in press at J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 201

    Who knows who we are? Questioning DNA analysis in disaster victim identification

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    The use of DNA analysis as a mode of identification of disaster victims has become increasingly predominant to other, traditional, methods of identification in recent years. Scientific advances of the technological processes, high-profile use in identification efforts across the globe (such as after 9/11 or in the Asian Tsunami of 2004), and its inclusion in popular media, have led to its popular adoption as one of the primary modes of identification in disaster scenarios, and to the expectation of its use in all cases by the lay public and media. It is increasingly argued to be integral to post-disaster management. However, depending on the circumstances, location, and type of disaster, this technology may not be appropriate, and its use may instead conflict with socio-political and cultural norms and structures of power. Using examples primarily from Cambodia and Iraq this article will explore what these conflicts may be, and in doing so, question the expanding assumption that DNA analysis is a universally appropriate intervention in disaster victim identification. It will argue instead that its use may be a result of a desire for the political and social capital that this highly prestigious technological intervention offers rather than a solely humanitarian intervention on behalf of survivors and the dead

    Whose Side are Ethics Codes On? Power, Responsibility and the Social Good

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    The moral authority of ethics codes stems from an assumption that they serve a unified society, yet this ignores the political aspects of any shared resource. The sociologist Howard S. Becker challenged researchers to clarify their power and responsibility in the classic essay: Whose Side Are We On. Building on Becker's hierarchy of credibility, we report on a critical discourse analysis of data ethics codes and emerging conceptualizations of beneficence, or the "social good", of data technology. The analysis revealed that ethics codes from corporations and professional associations conflated consumers with society and were largely silent on agency. Interviews with community organizers about social change in the digital era supplement the analysis, surfacing the limits of technical solutions to concerns of marginalized communities. Given evidence that highlights the gulf between the documents and lived experiences, we argue that ethics codes that elevate consumers may simultaneously subordinate the needs of vulnerable populations. Understanding contested digital resources is central to the emerging field of public interest technology. We introduce the concept of digital differential vulnerability to explain disproportionate exposures to harm within data technology and suggest recommendations for future ethics codes.Comment: Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* '20), January 27-30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. Correcte

    Architectures of control in consumer product design

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    Copyright @ 2005 Social Services Research GroupThe idea of architectures of control is introduced through examples ranging from urban planning to digital rights management, and the intentions behind their use in consumer products are examined, with reference to case studies of printer cartridges and proposed 'optimum lifetime products.' The reactions of the technical community and consumers themselves are also explored, along with some wider implications for society

    Keeping ubiquitous computing to yourself: a practical model for user control of privacy

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    As with all the major advances in information and communication technology, ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) introduces new risks to individual privacy. Our analysis of privacy protection in ubicomp has identified four layers through which users must navigate: the regulatory regime they are currently in, the type of ubicomp service required, the type of data being disclosed, and their personal privacy policy. We illustrate and compare the protection afforded by regulation and by some major models for user control of privacy. We identify the shortcomings of each and propose a model which allows user control of privacy levels in a ubicomp environment. Our model balances the user's privacy preferences against the applicable privacy regulations and incorporates five types of user controlled 'noise' to protect location privacy by introducing ambiguities. We also incorporate an economics-based approach to assist users in balancing the trade-offs between giving up privacy and receiving ubicomp services. We conclude with a scenario and heuristic evaluation which suggests that regulation can have both positive and negative influences on privacy interfaces in ubicomp and that social translucence is an important heuristic for ubicomp privacy interface functionality

    Distilling Privacy Requirements for Mobile Applications

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    As mobile computing applications have become commonplace, it is increasingly important for them to address end-users’ privacy requirements. Privacy requirements depend on a number of contextual socio-cultural factors to which mobility adds another level of contextual variation. However, traditional requirements elicitation methods do not sufficiently account for contextual factors and therefore cannot be used effectively to represent and analyse the privacy requirements of mobile end users. On the other hand, methods that do investigate contextual factors tend to produce data that does not lend itself to the process of requirements extraction. To address this problem we have developed a Privacy Requirements Distillation approach that employs a problem analysis framework to extract and refine privacy requirements for mobile applications from raw data gathered through empirical studies involving end users. Our approach introduces privacy facets that capture patterns of privacy concerns which are matched against the raw data. We demonstrate and evaluate our approach using qualitative data from an empirical study of a mobile social networking application

    Community Education on MTM Services

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    Background: Medication nonadherence, defined as “the number of doses not taken or taken incorrectly that jeopardizes the patient’s therapeutic outcome,” is a major health problem with about 43% of the general population nonadherent to their medications. Medication nonadherence accounts for an estimated 125,000 deaths per year in the US, 33-69% of medication-related hospital readmissions, and an estimated 100to100 to 300 billion in direct and indirect medical costs. Medication therapy management (MTM), defined as “a distinct service or group of services that optimize therapeutic outcomes for individual patients,” has been found to reduce medication nonadherence. However, many individuals eligible for MTM services are not aware of the resource available to them and do not believe the service will be beneficial to them. Objectives: A pre post observational study design will be used to determine the effects of two types of educational interventions on MTM of patient’s perceptions of MTM and enrollment in MTM services. Methodology: Participants will be divided into two intervention groups. All participants will complete a pre survey to assess current perceptions of MTM services. One group will attend a community educational event on MTM, and the second group will receive an educational brochure in the mail. All participants will complete a post survey to reassess perceptions of MTM after the educational intervention. In addition, all participants will be tracked to determine future enrollment in an MTM service. Analysis: Descriptive tests and paired t-tests/Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests will be run on data acquired from pre and post surveys. Unpaired t-tests/Mann Whitney and chi-square tests will be run to compare data between intervention groups. Descriptive tests will be run on data acquired from tracking enrollment

    The architecture of a probation office: a reflection of policy and an impact on practice

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    This article illustrates how the physicality of a probation office can be considered both integral to, and representative of, several important changes in the probation service’s recent history through analysis of research conducted in a probation office. I suggest that the relationship between the ‘protected’ zone of the office and the ‘unprotected’ zone of the waiting area and interview rooms is similar to Goffman’s ‘frontstage’ and ‘backstage’ and expand on his theory of social action by describing how the architecture of probation represents and potentially perpetuates the rise of risk, punishment and managerialism in probation. The article then moves onto the exterior and location of the office to look at how these represent probation’s move away from the communities it serves as well as inadvertently increasing the amount of punishment certain offenders receive. This has significant consequences if the policy of probation moves towards modes of practice which no longer prioritise standardisation and punishment over professional judgment and the importance of the offender-officer relationship and the article concludes by looking to some examples of more inclusive forms of office design and architecture

    Teaching data ethics : "We're going to ethics the heck out of this"

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    This paper outlines a new Data Ethics & Privacy module that was introduced to computer science students in 2018. The module aims to raise student awareness of current debates in computer science such as bias in artificial intelligence, algorithmic accountability, filter bubbles and data protection, and practical mechanisms for addressing these issues. To do this, the module includes interdisciplinary content from ethics, law and computer science, and also adopts some teaching methods from the law. I describe the format of the module, challenges with module design and approval, some initial comments on the first year’s cohort, and plans for future improvements. I believe that the topic is currently important and this discussion might be of interest to other computer science departments considering the introduction of similar content.Postprin