372 research outputs found

    Clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in South Africa

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    Low- and middle-income countries are implementing COVID-19 vaccination strategies in light of varying vaccine efficacies and costs, supply shortages, and resource constraints. Here, we use a microsimulation model to evaluate clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccination program in South Africa. We varied vaccination coverage, pace, acceptance, effectiveness, and cost as well as epidemic dynamics. Providing vaccines to at least 40% of the population and prioritizing vaccine rollout prevented >9 million infections and >73,000 deaths and reduced costs due to fewer hospitalizations. Model results were most sensitive to assumptions about epidemic growth and prevalence of prior immunity to SARS-CoV-2, though the vaccination program still provided high value and decreased both deaths and health care costs across a wide range of assumptions. Vaccination program implementation factors, including prompt procurement, distribution, and rollout, are likely more influential than characteristics of the vaccine itself in maximizing public health benefits and economic efficiency

    Lack of Assortative Mating for Tail, Body Size, or Condition in the Elaborate Monomorphic Turquoise-Browed Motmot (\u3cem\u3eEumomota superciliosa\u3c/em\u3e)

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    Elaborate male and female plumage can be maintained by mutual sexual selection and function as a mate-choice or status signal in both sexes. Both male and female Turquoise-browed Motmot (Eumomota superciliosa) have long tails that terminate in widened blue-and-black rackets that appear to hang, unattached, below the body of the bird. I tested whether mutual sexual selection maintains the Turquoise-browed Motmotā€™s elaborate tail plumage by testing the prediction that mating occurs in an assortative manner for tail plumage. I also tested whether assortative mating occurs for body size, a potential measure of dominance, and for phenotypic condition, a measure of individual quality. Assortative mating was measured (1) within all pairs in the study population, (2) within newly formed pairs, and (3) within experimentally induced pairs that formed after removal of females from stable pairs. Assortative mating was not found for tail plumage, body size, or phenotypic condition in any of these samples. Therefore, there was no support for the ā€œmutual sexual selectionā€ hypothesis. I discuss the hypothesis that the tail is sexually selected in males only, and that natural selection accounts for the evolutionary maintenance of the elaborate female tail. La existencia de plumaje elaborado en los machos y las hembras puede ser mantenida por selecciĀ“on sexual mutua, y funcionar como una seĖœnal para la selecciĀ“on de parejas o del estatus de los individuos en ambos sexos. Tanto los machos como las hembras de la especie Eumomota superciliosa tienen colas largas que terminan en unas raquetas ensanchadas de color azul y negro, que parecen colgar debajo del cuerpo de las aves. En este estudio probĀ“e si el plumaje elaborado de la cola de esta especie es mantenido mediante selecciĀ“on sexual mutua, evaluando la predicciĀ“on de que el apareamiento es asociativo con respecto al plumaje de la cola. TambiĀ“en probĀ“e si existe apareamiento asociativo con respecto al tamaĖœno (una medida potencial de la dominancia) y con respecto a la condiciĀ“on fenotĀ“ıpica (una medida de la calidad de los individuos). El apareamiento asociativo fue medido para todas las parejas de la poblaciĀ“on de estudio, para parejas formadas recientemente y para parejas cuya formaciĀ“on fue inducida experimentalmente mediante la remociĀ“on de las hembras de parejas estables. No se encontrĀ“o apareamiento asociativo con respecto al plumaje de la cola, al tamaĖœno corporal, ni a la condiciĀ“on fenotĀ“ıpica en ninguna de estas muestras. Por lo tanto, no existiĀ“o respaldo para la hipĀ“otesis de selecciĀ“on sexual mutua. Discuto la hipĀ“otesis que plantea que la cola es objeto de selecciĀ“on sexual sĀ“olo en los machos, y que la selecciĀ“on natural permite explicar el mantenimiento evolutivo de la cola elaborada en las hembras

    Dynamics in numbers of group-roosting individuals in relation to pair-sleeping occurrence and onset of egg-laying in European Bee-eaters Merops apiaster

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    Sleeping in the nest at the beginning of the breeding season is common for birds nesting in cavities. Here, we report evidence that European Bee-eaters Merops apiaster sleep in pairs in the nesting burrow. In 3.2 % of the nest checks we found two individuals sleeping together. This behaviour ceased once hatching started. A decrease in the number of birds at a communal roost coincided with the incidences of pair-sleeping and initiation of egg-laying. Thus, checking the burrows of European Bee-eaters at beginning of the breeding season increases the chance of observing pair-sleeping

    Egg investment in response to helper presence in cooperatively breeding Tibetan ground tits

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    Life-history theory predicts a trade-off between current and future reproduction to maximize lifetime fitness. In cooperatively breeding species, where offspring care is shared between breeders and helpers, helper presence may influence the female breeders' egg investment, and consequently, survival and future reproductive success. For example, female breeders may reduce egg investment in response to helper presence if this reduction is compensated by helpers during provisioning. Alternatively, female breeders may increase egg investment in response to helper presence if helpers allow the breeders to raise more or higher quality offspring successfully. In the facultatively cooperative-breeding Tibetan ground tit Pseudopodoces humilis, previous studies found that helpers improve total nestling provisioning rates and fledgling recruitment, but have no apparent effects on the number and body mass of fledglings produced, while breeders with helpers show reduced provisioning rates and higher survival. Here, we investigated whether some of these effects may be explained by female breeders reducing their investment in eggs in response to helper presence. In addition, we investigated whether egg investment is associated with the female breeder's future fitness. Our results showed that helper presence had no effect on the female breeders' egg investment, and that egg investment was not associated with breeder survival and reproductive success. Our findings suggest that the responses of breeders to helping should be investigated throughout the breeding cycle, because the conclusions regarding the breeders' adjustment of reproductive investment in response to being helped may depend on which stage of the breeding cycle is considered

    Cost-effectiveness of public health strategies for COVID-19 epidemic control in South Africa

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    Background Healthcare resource constraints in low and middle-income countries necessitate selection of cost-effective public health interventions to address COVID-19. Methods We developed a dynamic COVID-19 microsimulation model to evaluate clinical and economic outcomes and cost-effectiveness of epidemic control strategies in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Interventions assessed were Healthcare Testing (HT), where diagnostic testing is performed only for those presenting to healthcare centres; Contact Tracing (CT) in households of cases; Isolation Centres (IC), for cases not requiring hospitalisation; community health worker-led Mass Symptom Screening and diagnostic testing for symptomatic individuals (MS); and Quarantine Centres (QC), for contacts who test negative. Given uncertainties about epidemic dynamics in South Africa, we evaluated two main epidemic scenarios over 360 days, with effective reproduction numbers (R e ) of 1.5 and 1.2. We compared HT, HT+CT, HT+CT+IC, HT+CT+IC+MS, HT+CT+IC+QC, and HT+CT+IC+MS+QC, considering strategies with incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) <US1,290/yearāˆ’ofāˆ’lifesaved(YLS)tobecostāˆ’effective.FindingsWithRe1.5,HTresultedinthemostCOVIDāˆ’19deathsandlowestcostsover360days.ComparedwithHT,HT+CT+IC+MSreducedmortalityby761,290/year-of-life saved (YLS) to be cost-effective. Findings With R e 1.5, HT resulted in the most COVID-19 deaths and lowest costs over 360 days. Compared with HT, HT+CT+IC+MS reduced mortality by 76%, increased costs by 16%, and was cost-effective (ICER 350/YLS). HT+CT+IC+MS+QC provided the greatest reduction in mortality, but increased costs by 95% compared with HT+CT+IC+MS and was not cost-effective (ICER 8,000/YLS).WithRe1.2,HT+CT+IC+MSwastheleastcostlystrategy,andHT+CT+IC+MS+QCwasnotcostāˆ’effective(ICER8,000/YLS). With R e 1.2, HT+CT+IC+MS was the least costly strategy, and HT+CT+IC+MS+QC was not cost-effective (ICER 294,320/YLS). Interpretation In South Africa, a strategy of household contact tracing, isolation, and mass symptom screening would substantially reduce COVID-19 mortality and be cost-effective. Adding quarantine centres for COVID-19 contacts is not cost-effective

    By hook or by crook? Morphometry, competition and cooperation in rodent sperm

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    Background Sperm design varies enormously across species and sperm competition is thought to be a major factor influencing this variation. However, the functional significance of many sperm traits is still poorly understood. The sperm of most murid rodents are characterised by an apical hook of the sperm head that varies markedly in extent across species. In the European woodmouse Apodemus sylvaticus (Muridae), the highly reflected apical hook of sperm is used to form sperm groups, or ā€œtrains,ā€ which exhibited increased swimming velocity and thrusting force compared to individual sperm. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we use a comparative study of murine rodent sperm and demonstrate that the apical hook and sperm cooperation are likely to be general adaptations to sperm competition in rodents. We found that species with relatively larger testes, and therefore more intense sperm competition, have a longer, more reflected apical sperm hook. In addition, we show that sperm groups also occur in rodents other than the European woodmouse. Conclusions Our results suggest that in rodents sperm cooperation is more widespread than assumed so far and highlight the importance of diploid versus haploid selection in the evolution of sperm design and function

    Cost-effectiveness of public health strategies for COVID-19 epidemic control in South Africa: a microsimulation modelling study

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    Background: Health-care resource constraints in low-income and middle-income countries necessitate the identification of cost-effective public health interventions to address COVID-19. We aimed to develop a dynamic COVID-19 microsimulation model to assess clinical and economic outcomes and cost-effectiveness of epidemic control strategies in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Methods: We compared different combinations of five public health interventions: health-care testing alone, where diagnostic testing is done only for individuals presenting to health-care centres; contact tracing in households of cases; isolation centres, for cases not requiring hospital admission; mass symptom screening and molecular testing for symptomatic individuals by community health-care workers; and quarantine centres, for household contacts who test negative. We calibrated infection transmission rates to match effective reproduction number (Re) estimates reported in South Africa. We assessed two main epidemic scenarios for a period of 360 days, with an Re of 1Ā·5 and 1Ā·2. Strategies with incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of less than US3250peryearoflifesavedwereconsideredcostāˆ’effective.Wealsodidsensitivityanalysesbyvaryingkeyparameters(Revalues,moleculartestingsensitivity,andefficaciesandcostsofinterventions)todeterminetheeffectonclinicalandcostprojections.Findings:WhenRewas1ā‹…5,healthāˆ’caretestingaloneresultedinthehighestnumberofCOVIDāˆ’19deathsduringthe360āˆ’dayperiod.Comparedwithhealthāˆ’caretestingalone,acombinationofhealthāˆ’caretesting,contacttracing,useofisolationcentres,masssymptomscreening,anduseofquarantinecentresreducedmortalityby943250 per year of life saved were considered cost-effective. We also did sensitivity analyses by varying key parameters (Re values, molecular testing sensitivity, and efficacies and costs of interventions) to determine the effect on clinical and cost projections. Findings: When Re was 1Ā·5, health-care testing alone resulted in the highest number of COVID-19 deaths during the 360-day period. Compared with health-care testing alone, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, mass symptom screening, and use of quarantine centres reduced mortality by 94%, increased health-care costs by 33%, and was cost-effective (ICER 340 per year of life saved). In settings where quarantine centres were not feasible, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, and mass symptom screening was cost-effective compared with health-care testing alone (ICER $590 per year of life saved). When Re was 1Ā·2, health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, and use of quarantine centres was the least costly strategy, and no other strategies were cost-effective. In sensitivity analyses, a combination of health-care testing, contact tracing, use of isolation centres, mass symptom screening, and use of quarantine centres was generally cost-effective, with the exception of scenarios in which Re was 2Ā·6 and when efficacies of isolation centres and quarantine centres for transmission reduction were reduced. Interpretation: In South Africa, strategies involving household contact tracing, isolation, mass symptom screening, and quarantining household contacts who test negative would substantially reduce COVID-19 mortality and would be cost-effective. The optimal combination of interventions depends on epidemic growth characteristics and practical implementation considerations

    Escape of SARS-CoV-2 501Y.V2 from neutralization by convalescent plasma

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    SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOC) have arisen independently at multiple locations [1, 2] and may reduce the efficacy of current vaccines targeting the spike glycoprotein [3]. Here, using a live virus neutralization assay (LVNA), we compared neutralization of a non-VOC variant versus the 501Y.V2 variant using plasma collected from adults hospitalized with COVID-19 from two South African infection waves, with the second wave dominated by 501Y.V2 infections. Sequencing demonstrated that infections in first wave plasma donors were with viruses harbouring none of the 501Y.V2-defining mutations, except for one with the E484K mutation in the receptor binding domain. 501Y.V2 virus was effectively neutralized by plasma from second wave infections and first wave virus was effectively neutralized by first wave plasma. In cross-neutralization, 501Y.V2 virus was poorly neutralized by first wave plasma, with a 15.1-fold drop relative to 501Y.V2 neutralization by second wave plasma across participants. In contrast, second wave plasma cross-neutralization of first wave virus was more effective, showing only a 2.3-fold decline relative to first wave plasma neutralization of first wave virus. While we only tested one plasma elicited by E484K alone, this potently neutralized both variants. The observed effective neutralization of first wave virus by 501Y.V2 infection elicited plasma provides preliminary evidence that vaccines based on VOC sequences could retain activity against other circulating SARS-CoV-2 lineages
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