12 research outputs found

    Functional state of glutathione system in menopausal women of the Buryat ethnic group with insomnia

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    The aim of the study was to assess the functional state of glutathione system in menopausal women of the Buryat ethnic group with insomnia.   Methods. The study involved 94 women aged 45 to 60 years who were divided into perimenopause (n = 44) and postmenopause (n = 50) groups. In each period, a control group and an insomniac group were identified. The reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione levels in erythrocyte lysate, the glutathione-S-transferase π concentration and glutathione reductase activity in blood serum were determined.   Results. An increase of the GSH level (p < 0.05) and GSH/GSSG ratio (p < 0.05) both in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women with insomnia were found as compared to controls. There were no differences in the glutathione-depends enzymes parameters. Comparative analysis of the main groups showed an increase GSH/GSSG ratio (p < 0.05) in the postmenopausal period compared with perimenopause.   Conclusion. The study results demonstrate the glutathione link activation in Buryat menopausal women with insomnia. In this regard, the appointment of glutathione preparations for the correction of free radical homeostasis in these groups of women cannot be recommended

    The Effect of Stress on Menstrual Dysfunction in Female Students of Higher Educational Institutions in Moscow

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    Background: Gynecological morbidity in women of young reproductive age remains an urgent issue in modern medicine. Along with many adverse factors affecting the health of girls and young women, who should be considered as expectant mothers, stress takes one of the leading positions. Objective: To study the level of stress in female students with menstrual dysfunction. Materials and methods: 136 female students from 18 to 23 years old (average age 19.3 +/- 2.6 years). All of the participants completed a questionnaire compiled by the authors on the basis of standard questions in collecting general and gynecological anamnesis, criteria for diagnosing premenstrual syndrome, psychological stress scale PSM-25 (fully included, no changes), and Beck scale (fully included, no changes). The following features of the menstrual cycle were studied: cycle duration, menstruation duration, profusion, soreness, and regularity of menstruation as well as the presence of psychoemotional changes during the phase changes of the cycle. A systematic review was carried out of 25 studies (review articles, qualitative studies, questionnaires, retrospective and prospective studies) published in Russian and English from 2000 to 2019 (with a predominant including (88%) data for the last 10 years) using the PubMed, ScienceDirect, ProQuest and GoogleScholar databases. Results: 82.4% (n = 112) of the examined female students had various menstrual dysfunctions; the highest frequency was premenstrual syndrome (91.1%) and primary dysmenorrhea (85.7%). Students with high levels of stress and depression expressed significantly more often (p<0.05) with irregular rhythms of menstruation in comparison to the healthy group. Conclusions: It is recommended to physicians take into account the stress influence on gynecological pathology, while the awareness of young women about their health status should also be raised

    Multiplier effect of factors influencing the inflation processes in Ukraine in 2014-2018

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    Inflation is a complex economic phenomenon in terms of form, development and consequences. Inflation undermines the possibilities of the economic regulation mechanism, nullifies the efforts to carry out structural changes and restore destroyed proportions. The aim of the article is to construct a regression model of the factors influencing the inflation processes in Ukraine and determine the multiplier effect of each factor on the resulting indicator. The object of the research is the inflation processes in Ukraine in 2014-2018. Mathematical modelling methods have been used in the base of the analysis. A correlation-regression analysis of inflation factors in Ukraine was conducted in the article. As a result of research, the presence of inflation of propositions (charges) in Ukraine is well-proven, that was conditioned in a greater degree by the increase of cost of commodities and services of natural monopolies, devaluation of national currency and increase in average salary. The value of inflation multipliers of these parameters and their functional influence on the cost-of-living-index have been determined. The dependence of the increase of the average salary is set on the change of the level of the minimum one has been determined. The most optimal directions of stimulant fiscal and monetary politics for the increase of the efficiency of government regulation of inflationary processes in Ukraine have been offere


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    This article is devoted to the peculiarities of state regulation of housing and utility services in Ukraine. The problems of housing and utility services are analyzed. The methods of state regulation to improve housing and utility services for the population at the regional level are proposed. HUS (Housing and Utility Services) development forms the qualitative position of human life largely. This industry tests the impact of developing market relations and, on the other hand, is an important part of social protection. As noted, one of the main priorities of Ukraine's economy in HUS sector is its social orientation, which creates serious social and economic problems and contradictions in the system of market relations. Thus the analysis of the current methodology for determining the utility tariffs has significant practical implications for the quality of population’s life and its social protection.В статье         рассмотрены особенности государственного регулирования сферы жилищно–коммунального хозяйства в Украине. Проведен анализ проблем развития жилищно–коммунального комплекса. Предложены методы государственного регулирования для повышения эффективности жилищно–коммунального обслуживания населения на макроэкономическом уровне. Развитие ЖКХ в значительной мере формирует качественную жизнедеятельность человека. Данная отрасль  развивается в рыночных условиях  а так же является важнейшим элементом системы социальной защиты населения. Как уже отмечалось, одним из основних приоритетов экономики Украины в сфере ЖКХ выступает социальная ориентация, в святи с этим существуют серьезные социально–экономические проблемы и противоречия в системе рыночных отношений. Анализ действующей методики определения коммунальных тарифов имеет практическое значение для качества жизни населения и его социальной защиты.Стаття присвячена особливостям державного регулювання сфери житлово–комунального господарства в Україні. Проведено аналіз проблем розвитку житлово–комунального комплексу. Запропоновано методи державного регулювання для підвищення ефективності житлово–комунального обслуговування населення на макроекономічному рівні. Розвиток ЖКГ в значній мірі формує якісне становище життєдіяльності людини. Ця галузь, випробовує вплив ринкових відносин, що розвиваються, з іншого боку є важливою ланкою системи соціального захисту населення. Як вже наголошувалось, одним з головних пріоритетів економіки України у сфері ЖКГ є її соціальна орієнтація, яка породжує серйозні соціально–економічні проблеми і суперечності в системі ринкових відносин. От же, аналіз діючої методики визначення комунальних тарифів має значне практичне значення для якості життя населення та його соціальної захищеності.