710 research outputs found

    Got Sulfate? Luring Axons This Way and That

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    Glycosaminoglycans are sulfated in complex and changing patterns that affect neural development. These sugars mediate interactions between macromolecules, and their biological contributions are of high interest. In this issue of Chemistry & Biology, Shipp and Hsieh-Wilson [1] describe microarrays to probe these complex modifications

    From the 'cinematic' to the 'anime-ic': Issues of movement in anime

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below.This article explores the way that movement is formally depicted in anime. Drawing on Thomas Lamarre's concepts of the `cinematic' and the `anime-ic', the article interrogates further the differences in movement and action in anime from traditional filmic form. While often considered in terms of `flatness', anime offers spectacle, character development and, ironically, depth through the very form of movement put to use in such texts.The article questions whether the modes of address at work in anime are unique to this form of animation.Taking into account how the terms `cinematic' and `anime-ic' can be understood (and by extension the cinematic and animatic apparatus), the article also begins to explore how viewers might identify with such images

    Clergy work-related satisfactions in parochial ministry: the influence of personality and churchmanship

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    The aim of this study was to test several hypotheses that clergy work-related satisfaction could be better explained by a multidimensional rather than a unidimensional model. A sample of 1071 male stipendiary parochial clergy in the Church of England completed the Clergy Role Inventory, together with the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Factor analysis of the Clergy Role Inventory identified five separate clergy roles: Religious Instruction, Administration, Statutory Duties (conducting marriages and funerals), Pastoral Care, and Role Extension (including extra-parochial activities). Respondents also provided an indication of their predispositions on the catholic-evangelical and liberal-conservative dimensions. The significant associations of the satisfactions derived from each of the roles with the demographic, personality, and churchmanship variables were numerous, varied, and, with few exceptions, small in magnitude. Separate hierarchical regressions for each of the five roles indicated that the proportion of total variance explained by churchmanship was, in general, at least as great as that explained by personality, and was greater for three roles: Religious Instruction, Statutory Duties, and Role Extension. It was concluded that clergy satisfactions derived from different roles are not uniform and that churchmanship is at least as important as personality in accounting for clergy work satisfaction

    Supercell technique for total-energy calculations of finite charged and polar systems

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    We study the behavior of total-energy supercell calculations for dipolar molecules and charged clusters. Using a cutoff Coulomb interaction within the framework of a plane-wave basis set formalism, with all other aspects of the method (pseudopotentials, basis set, exchange-correlation functional) unchanged, we are able to assess directly the interaction effects present in the supercell technique. We find that the supercell method gives structures and energies in almost total agreement with the results of calculations for finite systems, even for molecules with large dipole moments. We also show that the performance of finite-grid calculations can be improved by allowing a degree of aliasing in the Hartree energy, and by using a reciprocal space definition of the cutoff Coulomb interaction

    Substance Use Disorders in Adolescent and Young Adult Relatives of Probands with Bipolar Disorder: What Drives the Increased Risk?

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    Background Adults with bipolar disorder (BD) have higher rates of substance use disorders (SUDs) compared to the general population. SUD rates in young offspring/relatives of BD probands, as well as factors which drive those rates, are not as well-characterized. Methods We aimed to examine SUD prevalence among adolescent/young adult offspring and relatives of probands with and without BD. Data were collected from five sites in the US and Australia during 2006–2011. Youth offspring/relatives (“Relatives of BD probands;” n = 267; mean age = 16.8 years; ± 2.9 S.D.), identified through a proband family member with DSM-IV BD (Type I or II), were compared to offspring/relatives of control probands (“relatives of control probands;” n = 149; mean age = 17.4 years; ± 2.9 S.D.). Logistic regression with generalized estimating equations was used to compare the groups across a range of substance use and SUD variables. Odds ratios were calculated for lifetime prevalence of substance outcomes. Results Bivariate analyses showed DSM-IV SUDs were more prevalent among relatives of BD probands than among relatives of control probands (29% vs. 18%; p = 0.01). Generalized estimating equation models showed BD mood and childhood-onset externalizing disorders in adolescent and young adult relatives to each significantly increase the odds (OR = 2.80–3.17; p < 0.02) for the development of several substance variables among all relatives, whereas the risk of SUDs in relatives was not increased when the relatives had no mood or externalizing disorders themselves. Conclusion Relatives of BD probands with lifetime mood and externalizing disorders report more substance use/SUDs than relatives of control probands. In contrast, SUD outcomes in relatives of BD probands without mood or externalizing disorders were no different from control relatives without psychopathology. Early recognition and treatment of psychiatric disorders may lead to less substance use in this highly vulnerable population

    A Monte Carlo simulation of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory proportional counters

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    The third phase of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) experiment added an array of 3He proportional counters to the detector. The purpose of this Neutral Current Detection (NCD) array was to observe neutrons resulting from neutral-current solar neutrino-deuteron interactions. We have developed a detailed simulation of the current pulses from the NCD array proportional counters, from the primary neutron capture on 3He through the NCD array signal-processing electronics. This NCD array Monte Carlo simulation was used to model the alpha-decay background in SNO's third-phase 8B solar-neutrino measurement.Comment: 38 pages; submitted to the New Journal of Physic
