12 research outputs found
The efficiency of regional higher education systems and competition in Russia
This paper explores the correlation between the degree of competition between higher education institutions (HEIs) and the efficiency of regional higher education systems using evidence from the Russian Federation. The choice of the regional system of higher education as a unit of analysis is explained by the features of the Russian system of higher education, especially by "closeness" in the borders of regions. We propose a special approach for the evaluation of the regional higher education system efficiency from the public administration perspective. Using data envelopment analysis (DEA), we investigate the efficiency of higher education systems in the regions and compare the results with the extent of higher education competition within them. The results indicate that higher efficiency scores and higher competition between HEIs in Russian regions are positively correlated. Moreover, by introducing socio-economic context status as a grouping parameter, we are able to specify the conditions of this relationship. The study explores that correlation between efficiency and competition is stronger in developing and low-performing regions. At the same time, higher education systems in developed regions consist of different HEIs, which create a competitive environment, although their efficiency level varies considerably. Taking into account all limitations of the study, these results contain several important issues for policy-making and higher education research discussions. They challenge the universalistic assumptions for the direction of higher education development.Support from the Basic Research Program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics is gratefully acknowledged
Development Features of Informal Educational Campus Spaces
Исследование направлено на анализ роли кампуса и его неформальных образовательных пространств в обеспечении основных видов деятельности университета. Рассматриваются особенности неформальных образовательных пространств и подходы к управлению ими. Эмпирическая часть исследования базируется на интервью, проведенных с профильными управленцами и экспертами. Предложена типология неформальных образовательных пространств и примеры управленческих практик по их развитию.The research aims to analyze the role of the university campus and its informal educational spaces as one of the resources in ensuring the main university functions. The article discusses the features of informal educational spaces and approaches to their management. The empirical part of the study is based on interviews with university administrators and experts. A typology of informal educational spaces and examples of management practices in development are proposed.Статья подготовлена при поддержке Дирекции по развитию образовательных программ РАНХиГС.The article was supported by the Directorate for the Development of Educational Programs of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Methodology problems of physical education
The article discusses the aspects of the formation of physical education, due to the duality of human nature, because in the transition to a new stage of education to the study and analysis should be not only a pedagogical process, as a social beginning, but the student body as a biological beginning, in the various forms of educationВ статье рассматривается многоаспектность формирования физкультурного образования, обусловленной двойственностью природы человека, поскольку при переходе на новый этап образования изучению и анализу должен подвергаться не только сам по себе педагогический процесс, как социальное начало, но и организм учащегося, как биологическое начало, в условиях той или иной формы образования