41 research outputs found

    Elastic properties of silicate melts: Implications for low velocity zones at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary.

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    Low seismic velocity regions in the mantle and crust are commonly attributed to the presence of silicate melts. Determining melt volume and geometric distribution is fundamental to understanding planetary dynamics. We present a new model for seismic velocity reductions that accounts for the anomalous compressibility of silicate melt, rendering compressional wave velocities more sensitive to melt fraction and distribution than previous estimates. Forward modeling predicts comparable velocity reductions for compressional and shear waves for partially molten mantle, and for low velocity regions associated with the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB), melt present at <5% distributed in near-textural equilibrium. These findings reconcile seismic observations for the LAB regionally and locally and favor models of strong coupling across the LAB rather than melt channeling due to shear deformation

    Petrology of the Skaergaard Layered Series

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    The Skaergaard intrusion is a layered, ferrobasaltic intrusion emplaced during the Early Eocene into the rifting volcanic margin of East Greenland. The magma chamber crystallised in response to cooling from the roof and margins upwards and inward, forming upper, marginal and bottom series, the latter referred to as the Layered Series. The phase layering in the bottom series suggests an evolved, olivine-normative tholeiitic melt saturated in plagioclase and olivine, followed by augite, and then simultaneously by ilmenite and magnetite forming primocrysts. Pigeonite appears in the lower parts and continues until the centre of the series. Apatite appears in the upper part concurrently with liquid immiscibility. Cryptic variations of the individual primocrysts record a systematic upward increase in iron and decrease in magnesium for the mafic minerals and a systematic increase in sodium and decrease in calcium for plagioclase. The appearance of pigeonite is caused by reactions and crystallisation in the trapped melt and by subsolidus adjustments without this phase reaching liquidus saturation. The high mode of olivine at the base of the upper part with the appearance of apatite is interpreted to mark the onset of liquid immiscibility. This may have led to the separation of conjugate melts with granophyre migrating upward and the basic component largely staying stationary or sinking. Petrologic and geochemical observations indicate differentiation in the lower part of the intrusion, principally controlled by crystal fractionation with the efficiency of fractionation controlled by the evolution and escape of liquid from the solidifying mush. During the final stages of solidification, the onset of liquid immiscibility and termination of melt convection impeded differentiation. Modelling by perfect Rayleigh fractionation shows that major and included trace elements conform reasonably to observations, while excluded elements deviate from model predictions. This decoupling is caused by the mobility of a granophyre component formed in the trapped melt and in the main residual magma chamber. Consequently, the sampled gabbros may not be representative of the final solid-melt mush. By restoring the gabbros to their original mush compositions, it is possible to constrain granophyre migration pathways. We suggest that the granophyre formed in the trapped melt in the lower part of the intrusion mostly migrated laterally through pressure release pathways to form lenses and pockets with only limited upward migration into the main magma reservoir. Near the end stage of differentiation, the residual magma exsolved and formed complex mixtures of ferrobasaltic and granophyric melts. Estimates predict that a substantial amount of the granophyric melt penetrated as sills into the downward crystallising, upper part of the body as well as into the host rocks. The redistribution of granophyric melts within the solidifying crystal mush complicates predictions of trapped-melt content and mass-balance calculations but helps to explain apparent decoupling of included and excluded trace elements, especially towards the end stages of evolution. Final crystallisation was controlled mostly by in situ crystallisation leaving complex mixtures of ferrodiorite and granophyre components.

    Copper-based metalwork in Roman to early Islamic Jerash (Jordan): Insights into production and recycling through alloy compositions and lead isotopes

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    Metallographic, chemical and lead isotopic analyses of copper-based artefacts recovered from the Northwest Quarter in Jerash (ancient Gerasa) in Jordan provide new information on the civic life and material culture from a key urban site in the Roman Empire's eastern provinces. The samples span the city's occupation from its flourishing under Roman rule into the Byzantine and early Islamic periods. We examined 49 copper-based artefacts using reflected light microscopy and micro-X-ray fluorescence. A subset of these artefacts was analysed by electron microprobe spectroscopy for major and minor elements at higher spatial resolution, and by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for lead isotopes. Results imply that binary bronze dominated the Roman period, (leaded) brass characterised the Byzantine period, while tin-containing alloys were prevalent during the Islamic period. Lead isotopes suggest that during the Roman and Byzantine periods some of the metal in Jerash came from European and/or Mediterranean sources, while copper used during the Islamic period may have been sourced more locally from Timna. The changes in alloy types and lead isotopes suggest that recycling of metals took place in Jerash possibly as early as the Roman period and more frequent from the Byzantine period onwards

    A whole-rock data set for the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland

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    We report a compilation of new and published whole-rock major and trace element analyses for 646 samples of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. The samples were collected in 14 stratigraphic profiles either from accessible and well-exposed surface areas or from drill core, and they cover most regions of the intrusion. This includes the Layered Series, the Upper Border Series, the Marginal Border Series and the Sandwich Horizon. The geochemical data were obtained by a combination of X-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. This data set can, for example, be used to constrain processes of igneous differentiation and ore formation.

    Platinum-group mineralization at the margin of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland

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    Two occurrences of platinum-group elements (PGEs) along the northern margin of the Skaergaard intrusion include a sulfide-bearing gabbro with slightly less than 1 ppm PGE + Au and a clinopyroxene-actinolite-plagioclase-biotite-ilmenite schist with 16 vol% sulfide and 1.8 ppm PGE + Au. Both have assemblages of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and chalcopyrite typical for orthomagmatic sulfides. Matching platinum-group mineral assemblages with sperrylite (PtAs2), kotulskite (Pd(Bi,Te)1–2), froodite (PdBi2), michenerite (PdBiTe), and electrum (Au,Ag) suggest a common origin. Petrological and geochemical similarities suggest that the occurrences are related to the Skaergaard intrusion. The Marginal Border Series locally displays Ni depletion consistent with sulfide fractionation, and the PGE fractionation trends of the occurrences are systematically enriched by 10–50 times over the chilled margin. The PGE can be explained by sulfide-silicate immiscibility in the Skaergaard magma with R factors of 110–220. Nickel depletion in olivine suggests that the process occurred within the host cumulate, and the low R factors require little sulfide mobility. The sulfide assemblages are different to the chalcopyrite-bornite-digenite assemblage found in the Skaergaard Layered Series and Platinova Reef. These differences can be explained by the early formation of sulfide melt, while magmatic differentiation or sulfur loss caused the unusual sulfide assemblage within the Layered Series. The PGEs indicate that the sulfides formed from the Skaergaard magma. The sulfides and PGEs could not have formed from the nearby Watkins Fjord wehrlite intrusion, which is nearly barren in sulfide. We suggest that silicate-sulfide immiscibility led to PGE concentration where the Skaergaard magma became contaminated with material from the Archean basement