7 research outputs found

    The Impact of Maternal Overweight on Hair Essential Trace Element and Mineral Content in Pregnant Women and Their Children

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate hair essential trace elements and mineral levels in 105 pregnant normal-weight (control) and 55 overweight and obese women in the third trimester of pregnancy, as well as in their children at the age of 9 months. The hair essential trace elements and mineral levels were assessed using inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry. Overweight pregnant women had significantly reduced Cr (- 24%; p = 0.047) and Zn (- 13%; p = 0.008) content, as well as elevated hair Na and K levels as compared to the controls. Children from overweight and obese mothers had lower hair Mo (- 18%; p = 0.017), Se (- 8%; p = 0.043), and V (- 24%; p = 0.028) levels, as well as elevated Sr content (19%; p = 0.025). Correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between maternal and child hair levels of Co (r = 0.170; p = 0.038), Cu (r = 0.513; p < 0.001), Mn (r = 0.240; p = 0.003), and Na (r = 0.181; p = 0.027) in the whole sample. Pre-pregnancy maternal body mass index (BMI) positively correlated with maternal hair K (r = 0.336; p < 0.001) and Na (r = 0.212; p = 0.008) and negatively correlated with V (r = - 0.204; p = 0.011) and Zn (r = - 0.162; p = 0.045) levels. The results indicate that impaired trace element and mineral metabolism may play a role in the link between maternal obesity, complications of pregnancy and child's postnatal development. Hypothetically, dietary improvement may be used as a tool to reduce these risks. However, further experimental and clinical studies are required to investigate the relationship between obesity and trace element metabolism in pregnancy

    A Study of Correlations between Newborn Children Outcomes and Emotional States and Attachment to a Fetus in Women Pregnant Using in-Vitro Fertilization.

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    Children's development in the early years is significantly linked to further well- being. Among many factors involved in early development are mother’s attachment to the fetus and her emotional state during pregnancy. The current study prospectively explores mothers’ characteristics during the third trimester of pregnancy and their newborn children outcomes. The sample included 300 women with natural conception (NC) and 127 women with in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and their newborn children. For mothers, the following instruments were used: the Maternal Fetal Attachment Scale, the Clinical Scale for Self-assessment of Irritability, Depression and Anxiety. For newborns, the following parameters of newborn children outcomes were assessed: gestational period; the length and weight; the Apgar score in the first and fifth minutes after birth. All components of maternal attachment to the fetus were in the normal range for most women in both groups. All aspects of maternal attachment to the fetus were significantly greater in the IVF group. In both groups, more than 35% of women experienced depression and 43% of women experienced moderate/severe levels of anxiety. In the NC group, greater scores on giving of self and enjoying of watching tummy jiggle as the baby kicks inside were associated with less irritation in mothers. In the IVF group, the indicators of women’s attach- ment to their fetus were not associated with emotional states. Neither mothers’ attachment to their fetus nor their emotional states during pregnancy predicted newborn children outcomes. Children born from IVF had a statistically lower gestational period than in the NC group

    Toxicological and nutritional status of trace elements in hair of women with in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy and their 9-month-old children

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    The objective of the present study was to assess toxic and nutritional trace element and mineral status in hair of women with IVF pregnancy and their children. Inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry was used to as-sess hair trace element levels of 50 women with IVF pregnancy and 158 controls with spontaneous pregnancy and their children. Women with IVF pregnancy were characterized by significantly elevated hair As, Hg, Li, K, Na, and reduced Fe, Si, and Zn contents. Children from IVF pregnancy had significantly lower values of hair Cr, Fe, Mg, Sr, and Al content when compared to the control values, whereas hair Hg and Mo levels were higher. Hair trace element levels were associated with pregnancy complications and infertility, but not newborn characteristics. The results suggest the need for preconceptional monitoring and correction of the levels of toxic and essential elements in women in order to improve the course pregnancy and child development

    Spouses’ Psychological States and Family Relations in Families with Natural and Induced Pregnancies

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    Background. Psychological tension in the family, along with stress and mental and physical illness,are linked tothe reproductive health of parents, as well as to the outcomes of infertility treatments and pregnancy overall. Objective. To compare stress and negative affect (depression, irritability, and anxiety) in families with induced pregnancies (in-vitro fertilization, IFV) vs. natural pregnancies. The relationship between negative affect and stress in pregnant women was explored in both groups. Finally, the study investigated links between negative affect and partner relationships. Design.The sample included 308 women and 278 men from couples with natural conception, and 131 women and 102 men from couples with an IVF pregnancy. Results. Relatively low levels of negative affective states and stress were found in families with both natural and induced pregnancies. Moderate correlations were found between women’s negative affect and their stress level in both groups. Significant correlations were found in both groups between negative psychological states of the spouses, as well as between negative psychological states and warmth/hostility in marital relations. Conclusion. The results suggest that psychological states, stress levels, and links between psychological states and quality of family relations are similar in families with IVF and those with natural pregnancies. Further longitudinal research is needed to explore the direction of causal links between the psychological states of the spouses, and between their psychological states and the quality of family relations

    Типологические варианты развития детей, рожденных с помощью вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий, и характеристики их семейной среды

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    Introduction. Due to the increased number of children born as a result of assisted reproductive technology (ART), there are contradictory data on their health and development. This underlines the need to identify the developmental trajectories of these children and the system of factors that contribute to them, specific for each developmental stage. Aim: To identify the variants of physical and psychological development of children born after ART, as well as the characteristics of their family environment during the early preschool age. Methods. The participants were 220 families (mothers, fathers and 4-year-old children): 80 families with induced conception (ART), 130 families with natural (spontaneous) conception (NC). Methods were based on the questionnaires used in TEDS and QLSCD, translated into Russian: Parent-Administered and Parent-Reported PARCA; short version of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory; assessment of preschool children’s behaviour BEH; «Your Child at Home»; «Your Child’s Health»; «Scale of Lack of Money for Essentials»; short version of the «Household Food Security Scale»; «Job Satisfaction»; assessment of stress and fatigue; assessment of anxiety; assessment of the relationship with the child»; short version of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale. Results. In ART and NC families 3 developmental variants were identified: «Balanced» (ART: 33%, NC: 41%), «Risk of imbalance» (ART: 42%, NC: 19%), «Risk of developmental and behavioural problems» (ART: 24%, NC: 40%). For ART group, these variants were different only in mothers’ relationship with the child, for the NC group – in all types of family characteristics. Discussion. In NC families most aspects of family functioning are related to children’s behaviour and development, in ART families – only maternal attitude to the child. The results underline the need for individual psychological support and correction.&nbsp;Введение. В связи с ростом числа детей, рожденных в результате вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий (ВРТ), появляются противоречивые данные об их здоровье и развитии, что подчеркивает необходимость выявления траекторий развития этих детей и системы обусловливающих их факторов, специфичных для каждого возрастного этапа. Цель: выявление специфики вариантов физического и психического развития детей, зачатых с помощью ВРТ, и характеристик их семейной среды в раннем дошкольном возрасте. Методы. Выборка: 220 семей (мать, отец и ребенок в возрасте 4-х лет), из них: 80 семей, зачавших ребенка посредством ВРТ, и 130 семей с естественным зачатием (ЕЗ). Методики основаны на инструментах, используемых в исследованиях TEDS и QLSCD, в переводе на русский язык: методика для оценки родителями способностей ребенка (PARCA); сокращенная версия Мак-Артуровского опросника речевого развития; методика оценки поведения дошкольника BEH; «Ваш ребенок дома»; «Здоровье Вашего ребенка»; «Недостаток денежных средств для оплаты необходимых расходов»; сокращенная версия «Household Food Security Scale»; «Удовлетворенность работой»; «Оценка уровня стресса и усталости»; «Ваше самочувствие»; «Ваши взаимоотношения с ребенком»; сокращенная версия Шкалы супружеской согласованности (Dyadic Adjustment Scale). Результаты. В семьях с ВРТ и ЕЗ было выделено по 3 варианта развития детей: «Сбалансированный» (ВРТ: 33%, ЕЗ: 41%), «Риск дисбаланса» (ВРТ: 42%, ЕЗ: 19%), «Риск нарушений развития и поведения» (ВРТ: 24%, ЕЗ: 40%). Варианты развития детей, зачатых посредством ВРТ, различались только особенностями отношения матери к ребенку; детей, зачатых посредством ЕЗ – всеми изученными группами показателей. Обсуждение и выводы. В семьях ЕЗ с поведением и развитием детей связано большинство аспектов семейной среды, в семьях ВРТ – поведение матери по отношению к ребенку. Результаты подчеркивают необходимость индивидуализации психологического сопровождения и психокоррекционных интервенций

    Динамика супружеских и родительских отношений в семьях, зачавших ребенка посредством экстракорпорального оплодотворения

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    Abstract: Introduction. The growing prevalence of assisted reproductive technology leads to an increase in the research interest in the psychological characteristics of families who have conceived a child through in vitro fertilization (IVF), as a significant factor contributing to child’s health and development. However, there are some deficits and contradictions in the available data. The study is aimed at identifying the specifics and dynamics of marital relations, parental attitudes and the mental well-being of the spouses who conceived the child through IVF, during the pregnancy and child’s infancy. Methods. Participants were 250 married couples: 160 couples with natural pregnancy (NC), and 90 couples with induced pregnancy (IVF). Marital relations, parental attitudes and mental well-being as the affective component of relations were assessed via a set of psychodiagnostic instruments during the pregnancy and at the child’s infancy. Results. Most characteristics of marital relations did not differ significantly across the NC and IVF groups at both research waves. Parental attitudes were significantly more positive in the IVF than in the NC families, indicating high value of parenthood. During the pregnancy, two types of families were identified in both groups: “Marital and parental well-being” (58 %) and “Marital discord and a high value of parenthood” (42 %) in the main group, “Marital and parental well-being” (67 %) and “Difficulties in marital relations and parental attitudes” (33 %) in control group. Characteristics of these types of families remained stable during the child’s infancy. Discussion. The results suggest that marital relations are not significantly associated with the method of conception, and the observed tendencies are mostly related to the critical periods in family life cycle. In contrast, parental attitudes in IVF families have special characteristics, e.g. the high value of parenthood that is relatively independent of other aspects of family functioning. The results can be used in the process of psychological support for families with induced pregnancy.Введение. Увеличение распространенности вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий повышает исследовательский интерес к психологическим особенностям семей, зачавших ребенка с помощью экстракорпорального оплодотворения (ЭКО), как значимому фактору, определяющему его здоровье и благополучие. Однако имеющиеся данные разрозненны и противоречивы. Исследование направлено на выявление специфики и динамики супружеских, родительских отношений и психологического благополучия супругов, зачавших ребенка посредством ЭКО, в период ожидания ребенка и в его младенчестве. Методы. Выборку составили 250 семейных пар: 160 семей с естественным зачатием и 90 семей с индуцированной беременностью. Использован комплекс методик, направленный на диагностику супружеских, родительских отношений и аффективного компонента отношений родителей в период беременности и в младенческом возрасте ребенка. Результаты. На обоих этапах исследования выраженные значимые различия супружеских отношений между типами семей отсутствовали, тогда как родительские отношения в семьях с ЭКО характеризовались значимо более выраженным благополучием и свидетельствовали о высокой ценности родительства. В период беременности в каждой из групп выявлено 2 типа семей: в основной группе – «благополучие супружеских и родительских отношений» (58&nbsp;%) и «супружеское неблагополучие при высокой ценности родительства» (42&nbsp;%), в контрольной группе – «благополучие супружеских и родительских отношений» (67&nbsp;%) и «супружеское и родительское неблагополучие» (33&nbsp;%). Специфика типов семей сохранялась на протяжении младенческого возраста ребенка. Обсуждение результатов. Результаты свидетельствуют об отсутствии выраженной связи супружеских отношений с типом зачатия ребенка, обусловленности их динамики прохождением кризисного этапа жизненного цикла семьи, а не методом достижения беременности. Напротив, родительские отношения в семьях с ЭКО обладают спецификой, проявляющейся в их ценности и относительной независимости от других аспектов семейного функционирования. Полученные новые данные могут быть использованы в процессе психологического сопровождения семей, воспользовавшихся ЭКО